Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 67 Ambition

"How dare you two do such a thing in Hogwarts? It's really eye-opening." Snape said coldly, looking at the two young wizards with low eyebrows in front of him.

"Never...never have any little wizards been so brave as you to dare to use explosive bombs in school! If you feel that the existence of Hogwarts is an eyesore to you, then I suggest that you'd better put your own The eyeballs were removed."

Kes and Beaver said nothing, lowered their heads, seeming to realize their mistake.

But Snape knew that they had no regrets at all, and maybe they were still planning the next time.

"I will inform your family about this incident. I hope you can remember your identity. Although you are not the first heir of the family, you should at least take into account the face of your respective families."

Snape said with a sigh.

Beaver was actually just the result of an accident, while Kess had three older brothers, and there was no hope of inheriting the family.

But they also have their own ambitions. Although they were punished for the ambush of Peeves, the two of them actually gained the favor of many people among the young wizards.

And they clearly realized that if they wanted to realize their ambitions and not be supported by a family, the only power they could rely on was Muggle-born wizards, whom purebloods always looked down upon.

Coincidentally, the status of Muggle wizards in the wizarding world is actually not good, and they urgently need to change their status. At this time, cooperation with one or two pure-blood families has become the first choice.

Rean is the representative of Kes and Beaver who express their kindness to Muggle wizards. Moreover, Lean's powerful magic also made the two of them realize that Lean will definitely have a place in the magic world in the future, regardless of black or white.

"Okay, you go back. You can't hide such a big news this time. None of you will be deducted five points and one month of confinement. Filch will enforce it."

When talking about Filch, Snape frowned inadvertently.

Chris and Beaver slowly walked out of Snape's office, and then changed their dull expressions.

"Haha, this time I really breathed a sigh of relief." Bifur punched the air and said excitedly.

"Shh!" Chris pulled Beaver, and then carefully glanced at the door panel of Snape's office.

Seeing that Snape had no intention of coming out, he breathed a sigh of relief, then pulled Beaver away.

After walking about ten meters away, Kes said fiercely to Beaver: "You don't want your life. You dare to say what you said at the dean's door. Be careful he asks you to handle a few more buckets of horned slugs."

Beaver also covered his mouth in fear, then he also turned his head, glanced quietly at Snape's door, and then exhaled.

Chris and Beaver really made things big this time. Peeves dug out almost all the garbage in the teaching aids disposal room, and Chris and Beaver were not to be outdone. They used indelible ink, dung bombs and other items The whole corridor was in a mess.

The final explosion caused a devastating blow to the entire corridor.

"Hehehe, I know your props were stolen from me, but I had no evidence before. But the good news is that you also fell into my hands."

At night, Filch held the shiny bracelets and shackles in his hands and stared blankly at Beaver and Kes who had their heads lowered in front of them and said.

Mrs. Norris at his feet also called out, seeming to echo Filch's words.

Kes saw Mrs. Norris's slightly mocking eyes, and raised her foot angrily, wanting to kick it.

"Damn it, if you dare to kick me once, I'll kick you ten times!" Filch noticed Kes' little move and shouted instantly.

"Damn it, I have to let you taste the pain, you uneducated brats. You fell into my hands, I must let you taste the power..."

After Filch finished yelling, he did not stop speaking, but continued to read in a low voice. Beaver and Kes also pretended not to hear and kept their heads down.

Filch felt a little bored when he saw them like this.

"Just restore the mess you made to the corridor to its original state. Remember, it's to restore it to its original state." Filch laughed as he spoke.

Restoring a corridor that had been bombed beyond recognition was impossible at Kess and Beaver's level unless they could recruit senior students.

But then again, you need to owe someone a favor when asking for help, especially if it is such a thankless task.

"You must clean up that corridor within one day tomorrow. I will see that corridor restored to its original state the day after tomorrow." As he said, Filch walked up to Chris and Beaver, "If I find something If there's anything wrong like that, I'll tell you two to get out of the castle."

"I keep my word." Filch added as if he was afraid that the two of them wouldn't believe it.


"So you came to me?" Rean sat on the sofa in the Slytherin common room. He took the hand-ground coffee brought by Kes with his right hand and flipped through an ancient book that Beaver took out with his left hand.

"Okay." Li En thought for a while and finally agreed.

"Thank you so much, Ryan." Kes said with a smile.

"But it's time to practice your repair spell."

"There's no need. Isn't that what house elves do? You can't just let the master do it if anything in the house is broken, right? Then why do house elves do it?" Kes said nonchalantly.

Then he looked at Lean, patted Lean on the shoulder and said: "Lean, I know you come from the Muggle world and accept those ideas of equality. But this is the magical world, we are wizards, Lean. Wizards should have privileges, and wizards should not share this land with lower creatures."

"Ha, we can't let a dark creature like the Boggart that only hides in the closet breathe freely, right?" Beaver echoed from the side.

Rean shrugged and said nothing.

He didn't want to argue. That was the education that Chris and Beaver had received since they were young. There was nothing to argue about.

And only this kind of thinking is the most beneficial to Lean, because Lean is also a wizard.

It was impossible for him as a wizard to resist the benefits brought to him by the entire wizarding community.

"Okay, I will clean the corridor for you tomorrow. Good night, Kes, Beaver." Rean looked at the time, stood up, and entered the dormitory with the ancient book given by Beaver.

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