The light hit the magic shield released by Lien, making a constant "thunder" sound.

Prism Reflection The summoned prism reflected one or two beams of light back from time to time, but they were all easily blocked by Crowe.

Endless light continued to emanate from Crowe's hands, as if Crowe's magic power was endless.

This feeling of being passively beaten made Lean a little annoyed. The current situation reminded him of the feeling of powerlessness he felt on Clear Street.

All this time, Rean has been trying his best to hide the fact that he can use spells from other systems to avoid being noticed by other wizards.

But now Li En doesn't care so much. Li En still understands that if you defend for a long time, you will lose.

"earth wall"

An earthen wall about twenty centimeters thick and three meters long rose from the ground, blocking Crowe and Lien, and blocking Crowe's attack.

Lien took this opportunity to drink a potion that restored magic power.

Just after drinking a bottle of potion, the earth wall turned into clods of earth flying in all directions under Crow's violent attack.

"Grease Technique"

This is Lien's improved spell. The previous greasy spell only had a lubricating effect, but now the summoned oil also has the property of burning.

"Fire is raging"

A flame flew from the tip of Lien's wand and landed on the grease on the ground.

With a "boom", the grass instantly burst into flames.

But this attack did not work. The casting time of the two spells gave Crowe enough time to react. At the same time, Crowe's phantom spell was also broken.

"Howling wind"

As the spell fell, Lien's cloak was blown up, and the already huge flames became even more uncontrollable under the influence of the wind.

"Adhering to the ancient contract, I will summon the flame spirit here."

From the beginning, Lien's plan was not to rely on these spells to attack Crowe, but to summon the flame elf.

The flames that reached the sky began to shrink, and finally turned into a fiery red egg that was only twenty centimeters tall. There seemed to be molten fluid flowing on the eggshell.

This process is very short, about thirty seconds.

But in just thirty seconds, the crystal on the right side of Lien's cloak cracked.

Fortunately, when the crystal was completely shattered, Lien felt the call from the fire egg, which proved that the spell was successful.

As if understanding what Lien was thinking, the egg shrank and turned into a ball of flame floating in the air.

Rean pointed his finger at Crowe and shouted: "Go."

The flames immediately flew towards Crowe, leaving a red trail in the air.

There are many ways for the flame elves to attack, either by splitting fire spells to attack, or by turning themselves into various weapons, or by using the heat emitted by themselves to evaporate nearby water vapor...

Crowe had never seen such a weird creature before, and he was a little confused for a while. But it also understands that this thing was summoned by Li En, and it only needs to kill Li En, and the spell will be unlocked.


The high-pitched voice coupled with the sharp horn made Li En feel like his eardrums were about to burst.

Crowe saw four Lien standing in a row.

However, Crowe did not hesitate. He pointed with his slender finger, and four beams of light instantly shot through the bodies of the four Lien.

Like the ripples caused by a stone thrown into the water, Li En's body only shook a few times before returning to calm.

Crowe was stunned and didn't react for a moment.

However, the flame elf doesn't care whether you are stunned or not, it instantly turns into a fire whip and slaps Crowe hard on the face.

"Ah!" Crowe screamed.

Because it was a fire whip, the blood that flowed out was evaporated and the wound was sealed the moment it caused the wound, so there was no trace of blood on Crowe's face.

At this time, Lien was using the invisibility spell to hide a hundred meters to Crowe's right, and the four "Lien" were transformed by Lien using magic to refract light.

The pain on his face made Crowe's originally intensive defense instantly become more advantageous.

"Trap placement."

Rean cast five or six random traps around Crowe in succession.

These traps will be randomly released from effects such as sting, fire, freeze, slow, chaos, etc.

After receiving Lien's instructions, the flame elf immediately increased its output, trying to drive Crowe towards the trap.

Because Lien was relatively far away and the spell was highly concealed, Crowe did not notice that there were five or six more magic traps on the ground.

The first trap was triggered quickly, and its effect was a ground thorn.

A thin and long soil thorn instantly rose from the ground and pierced Crowe's right foot.

"Wind Blade" "Grass Tangle"

The grass under Crowe's feet instantly wrapped around Crowe's left foot under Lien's control, and Crowe's right foot was stabbed again and could not move at all at this time.

Seeing the cyan wind blade coming, Crowe had no choice but to turn away as much as he could, but still lost an arm.

Scarlet blood sprayed on the grass, making bursts of "squeaking" sounds.

"It's really unusual," Lean murmured.

In the entire magical world, there are only a few creatures whose blood is corrosive. Lean was certain that house elf blood was not corrosive.

Then there is only one explanation for the situation at hand - this house elf inspired some kind of secret method.

"Space prison." The elf shouted in an extremely ugly voice.

Lien felt a sudden thought. During the whole battle, he didn't hear Crow shout a single spell, but now he suddenly shouted it. It was unclear whether he had turned it on too high.

Without hesitation, Lien immediately took the initiative to shatter the last crystal and activated the teleportation magic.

At this point, all three magic crystals that Li En had just obtained had been consumed.

This magic teleported Lean to a position about one thousand meters away from Crowe. When Lean looked at Crowe, a light curtain appeared in Lean's sight.

This light curtain was stuck on the ground like an upside-down bowl. If Lien had hesitated for just one second, he would have been trapped inside.

The next second, the inside of the light curtain suddenly turned blood red.


A huge explosion sounded, and the light curtain couldn't bear it and shattered.

"Hold the grass!" Lien, who had just stood firm, was affected by the shock wave of the explosion and flew backwards again.

Finally he fell heavily to the ground.

"What the hell are you playing, Zell!" The cold voice sounded like the sound of nature to Lien.

Snape used his wand to hold up a slightly blue shield to resist the shock wave.

"I don't know, Professor, a house elf attacked me." Rean felt that his internal organs were hurting and simply lay on the ground and replied.

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