Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 207 Dismantling the Time Turner

Then, Nico stood on a stand nearby.

"This is a machine I made to dismantle fine alchemy items." Nico also introduced it to Lien thoughtfully.

Rean looked at it from the side and felt that this machine was a bit from the robot surgery machine in the previous life.

A clear sound rang in Lien's ears, and the machine claws around the table immediately began to move, constantly moving on the time turner.

As parts were disassembled one after another, a little sweat began to appear on Nico's forehead.

After another ten minutes, Nico finally heaved a sigh of relief and walked off the stage.

"It went quite smoothly. It didn't touch the core of the time turner, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Nico picked up a wet towel next to him and wiped his face.


Lien asked. He really didn't understand much about the composition of the time turner, and he believed that not many people even in the Ministry of Magic of China knew about it, even if they had been studying this thing.

"Yes, core, I call it the Sand of Time. At first I wanted to call it the Heart of Time, but unfortunately it is too small, more like sand than a stone."

Nico said, reaching out from the machine and pulling out a plate containing time turner parts and an unknown transparent liquid.

"This is a magic potion I prepared. As long as you soak something in it, you can suppress its magic. It's a very useful thing."

Nico walked to another instrument with the plate in hand, and showed off the liquid to Rienko by the way, or in other words, to show off.

Li En glanced at it curiously. To be honest, he didn't expect Nico to be so powerful and worthy of such a thing.

The different world where Liszt's hut was built used a small magic circle and a mechanical arm controlled by the wizard's mind to complete the assembly and suppress its magic power.

However, no matter how powerful the magic circle is, it is not as convenient as a potion.

"Okay, let's take a look."

Nico started an instrument next to him, and suddenly a light and shadow was projected into the air.

"This is the sand of time I told you, a very small piece, but it is indeed the key to the time turner's ability to pry time."

A small, irregular, white particle was projected by Nico, and he also enlarged it.

"No one knows the output of the Sands of Time yet. You can only collect a few grains by luck. But I believe there are still many Sands of Time in the world, but they are too difficult to discover."

Nico shook his head and said with some pity. As an alchemist, I feel a little helpless when I see precious materials being lost in the world.

"It's really hard to notice, but don't they cause time fluctuations?"

"Hahaha, if there is no magic power to activate them, they are very stable, just like ordinary sand. But if you use magic power to activate them, then the power of time and space will be generated, and you will be sucked in."

Nico paused and continued: "This was discovered by the Ministry of Magic of the Republic of China. They have been studying time converters a long time ago."

Lien immediately understood that since it could be detected that it would be sucked in, then naturally a few unlucky people must have been sucked in.

"This small patch is used to absorb magic power, and a rune is engraved on it to activate the surrounding magic power."

Nico didn't notice Lien's contemplation. He changed the projection with a wave of his hand and continued to explain to him.

"First activate the magic power, and then slowly inject it into the sand of time. And it is connected to the pointer on the dial of the time converter. Every time the pointer turns around, it injects magic power that can go back one hour."

Nico waved his hand again and changed the projection.

"This is a magic power stabilizing device that stabilizes the magic power inside the Sands of Time. The specific principle is not clear, and I don't have the ability to make it for the time being. But fortunately, the magic power stabilizing device of this time converter is well preserved."

"Otherwise, I will definitely not practice it again."

After saying that, Nico glanced at Lien.

But Lien was secretly talking to his brain at the moment.

"Is there such a thing in this world?"

"No, it doesn't exist in the Sands of Time world. However, we don't rule out the possibility that Zhi Nao's level is too low and he doesn't have access to high-level materials."

Zhinao's answer did not surprise Lien. He had not seen any material with similar functions to the Sand of Time in Lister's cabin. The inquiry this time was just a casual remark. If there is a date or not, let’s take a stab at it first.

"Mr. Nico, besides this, are there any other key parts?"

Rean also noticed Nico's gaze and asked.

"Of course, there are also parts that release magic power to maintain the time channel, parts that protect the user, etc."

Nico shook his head.

The time converter is very esoteric, and current research has basically come to a standstill. There have been no new discoveries for more than ten years.

"I really don't know how those ancient wizards made them."

Nico sighed with emotion, then smiled and said to Lien: "Let's go, it's time for lunch."

Only then did Li En realize that so much time had passed.

"When I was doing experiments before, I always forgot the time, which made Perenelle very angry. After that time, I never dared to forget the time again."

Nico seemed to recall the scene when Madame Flamel got angry, and couldn't help but tremble, which caught Lean's attention.

Lean looked at the frightened Mr. Nico and could not imagine that the gentle and elegant Mrs. Flamel could bring such great fear to this world-famous legendary alchemist.

After lunch, Nico took Lean to the laboratory.

"Look at this piece. It's completely broken and needs to be remade. And this magic guide has completely lost its ability to guide magic and needs to be remade."

Nico kept talking, occasionally writing and drawing in the notebook next to him.

"Overall, it's pretty good. There are two damaged parts that cannot be made, but fortunately I have spare parts that can be replaced."

As he said that, Nico smiled mysteriously at Rean.

Lien was wondering why Nico had accessories for the parts that couldn't be made. Suddenly he saw Nico's smile and suddenly understood.

Although the number of time turners in existence is rare, there are more than a dozen. But the old man in front of him has mastered the production of the elixir. He can exchange a bottle of the elixir for a time turner to study.

After all, the time turner can only go back to the past, and there are many limitations, but the elixir of life does provide real life.

This also explains why Nico is so proficient in taking apart the time turner, because he has played it before.

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