Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 181 Pais fights for favor

Seeing that the little fox agreed, Lien put it down, took out a small plate from his pocket, then tore the barbecue into strips and placed it on the plate.


The little fox took two bites of meat and barked twice at Lien's tea cup.

"Do you want some water, little one?"

Li En was a little dumbfounded. This little fox really didn't regard him as an outsider.

After pouring another small dish of water for the little fox, the little fox barked twice gratefully, and then continued to eat the barbecue.

Seeing the little fox eating so much, Lien suddenly felt that it made sense for such cute creatures to exist in the world. The little fox took two bites, then raised his head to look at Lien. After calling twice, he lowered his head and continued to eat the barbecue.

A large piece of barbecue was quickly eaten by the little fox. After drinking all the water in the dish, the little fox lay on his back on the stall with a comfortable face, exposing his belly with white hair.

The fur on the ice blue fox's belly is white, the fur on its back is light blue, and its ears are beautiful azure.


The little fox stretched and made a comfortable sound, then huddled up into a ball, with its little head hanging on its tail and squinting its eyes, as if it was about to fall asleep.

"It's really cute. No wonder those witches are so popular."

Rean touched his chin and murmured to himself, then stood up and prepared to close the tent door. The temperature inside the tent has dropped, and after such a long time, the ventilation is almost there.

"Um, Pais?"

Standing at the door, Li En noticed a small black spot in the distance getting closer and closer. Through induction, Li En knew that this was Pais who had just returned from the country.


Pais stood obediently on Lean's shoulder and rubbed Lean's face with his little head.

In order to allow Pais to stand, Lien specially sewed two pieces of dragon skin on the shoulders of his clothes.

Lean walked into the tent with Pais on his shoulders. Pais also flew to the table, took out a few letters from his anklet and threw them on the table. Lean also brought some owl nuts to Pais and asked Pais to eat them by himself while he checked the letters on the table.

The first letter was from Hogwarts, which contained books to be used in the next semester. However, Rean was already on leave from school, so this letter could be ignored.

The second letter was sent by Pudding, which stated that the alchemy equipment Lien sent back was extremely useful. Well, this paragraph only takes up one-fifth of the letter, and the remaining four-fifths are all words of praise.

Li En glanced casually, and he couldn't help but blush a little because he was so shy. However, Lean still picked up a pen and wrote back a letter, which was regarded as encouragement to Pudding.

The third letter was sent by Hermione, complaining that she couldn't use magic at home, which made it impossible for her to make some potions and earn some Galleons.

The refining of magic medicine also requires the assistance of magic spells, not just the combination of medicinal materials. If it were a simple combination of medicinal materials, Lien could go to a Muggle machinery factory to find someone to customize the machinery, place it in quantitative quantities, and stir it regularly, so that the backward wizards could see the power of the industrial revolution.

Unfortunately, the refining of magic potion requires the assistance of magic spells.

In his reply, Lean asked Hermione to go to his forest cabin to get two books on wandless spellcasting techniques. Since you can't use a wand at home anyway, you can take this opportunity to practice wandless spellcasting.

The fourth letter was sent by the three brothers. It described the recent movements of the major families in the magic world. Among them, the Corey family was the most dynamic and frequently went to war with nearby small families.

The Corey family, which had used forbidden magic to increase its strength, was overwhelmingly powerful, and several smaller families had no power to fight back. In the end, it was the Ministry of Magic's mediation that prevented the destruction of several small families.

The fifth letter was sent by Kes and Beaver. Their small organization took advantage of the Corey family to attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic and took over a magic mine in a remote place.

This magic mine produces magic copper, which is nothing special. It just has a little more magic power than ordinary copper mines, and this magic mine is close to exhaustion. But in the letter, Beaver and Kes were very excited. This was their first step.

The last one is the Daily Prophet, whose headlines are still listing Lockhart's deeds. In fact, Lockhart's incident has been in the past for a long time, and it is still reported in newspapers, which shows that there has not been much trouble in the wizarding world recently.

The second page reported on the deeds of the Corey family, which boasted that the Corey family was the 29th Holy Family. Well, I wonder how much money the Corey family stuffed.

Eventually, Lean found reports about them based on the location that Kerth wrote in the letter.

"...A few days ago, a magic copper mine owned by the Xinlan family that is about to be depleted was occupied by a group of unknown people. According to the reporter, the Xinlan family seems to have no intention of recovering the magic copper mine..."

Lien looked at the newspaper and suddenly felt something extra in his arms. I looked down and saw that it was the little fox that had come to my door.

"Gu Gu Gu... Gu Gu Gu Gu!"

When Pais saw the little fox hiding in Lien's arms, he jumped up in anger. That was its owner, and now a wild fox who came from nowhere actually wanted to steal the owner from it.

Suddenly, a word he heard by chance flashed through Pais's little head: "vixen"

In an instant, Pais understood. It turned out that "vixen" meant this. I learned it. I learned it.

No, now is not the time to think about this. Pais came back to his senses instantly, and the little fox was still in Lean's arms.

The little fox seemed to want to retaliate against Pais for scaring it just now, so it deliberately crawled into Lean's arms, and then shouted proudly at Pais twice.



Pais was so anxious that he jumped left and right, which made Lien look amused.

"Hey, dear, this is Hermione's pet. Please run over and send it over later."

After laughing, Li En still explained.

The little fox seemed to have noticed that Li En had the idea of ​​sending it away, and it quickly called out "嘤嘤嘤".

"Little one, it's not safe to follow me. I'll send you to a lovely person. She will take good care of you. You can eat better food than before."

Rean nodded the little fox's head and said with a smile.

The little fox's dark eyes rolled, and his pink tongue licked his lips, seeming to recall the smell of the barbecue just now.


The little fox nodded quickly, something even more delicious than before would be so delicious.

"Snack food."

Rean said with a smile, and then planted a pet spell on the little fox. This is a magic spell used in the wizarding world to bind pets. Otherwise, according to this greedy character, it is estimated that the little fox will run away with others in less than two days.


Pais also heard Lien's words and puffed out his chest, indicating that he had rested and could send the little fox over now.

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