Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 177 News about the ruins

Rean and Andra just sat in the former gangster's facade and finished their delicious lunch.

“Cleaned up like new”

Andra took out her wand and cast a cleaning spell on the pots and pans.

"Sometimes, magic comes in handy."

Then he put the pots and pans into his pocket again, patted his belly, and began to read the "Daily Prophet" that Lien brought over.

Lien was speechless as he looked at Andra, who was sitting on a small couch with her legs crossed and reading a newspaper, looking like a retired old man.

However, he did not continue to disturb Andra, but patted his butt and walked to the lock box.

"Password Discovery"

Although the unlocking spell cannot open the lockbox, Lean can use the spell to know the password of the lockbox.

This is also a spell from the Book of All Laws. It is simple and practical, because all the ones that are not practical have been abandoned by Lien.

"Perhaps I can publish a magic book in the future, which will definitely bring me great fame."

Rean murmured as he went downstairs to call Andra.

After all, this is Andra's territory, and according to the law, everything found here belongs to its owner, Andra.

"Ah, Zell, you're here. I knew that idiot Lockhart was going to fall for me. I have to say, it's really great. You don't know, after I saved him before, he held me and talked about it for a long time. Dealing with vampires..."

"I think I know the password."


"The password to the safe upstairs."

"Good job man, you got half of it."


Hearing that Lean already knew the password, Andra didn't even want to read the newspaper, and quickly pulled Lean to the safe on the third floor.

For such a long time, he was also very curious about what was inside. After all, anything worth keeping in a safe must be extremely precious.

Lean stood in front of the safe, inputting the password he had discovered using magic on the keyboard with both hands.


Electronic sounds and the sound of the secret door opening sounded successively.

"Quick, open it and take a look, it must be something good." Andela said impatiently.

Rian pulled the door open out of curiosity.

The cabinet is divided into three levels. The top level contains several medical bags and a stack of documents.

The middle layer was filled with dozens of gold bars, and Andra swallowed a gulp of saliva. As a Muggle-born, he had never seen so much money.

But when the two of them saw the things placed on the bottom floor, they couldn't help but take a breath. There were five automatic rifles placed there, the specific models of which Lien couldn't tell.

"Rifle? Why does this little gang have this thing?" Andela couldn't help but take out a gun and play with it in his hand.

Of course, no magazine was loaded.

"Looking at the style, it should be modified. Look at this bullet, my God, it's a full-power bullet."

Andra pulled the paper bag wrapped with bullets a few times, revealing the yellow-orange bullets inside.

"Zel, let's talk about it. I can ask for less guns, but can you give me more gold? I can give up the medical kit."

Of course Lean wanted it. For things like gold, which he had a lot of, things like guns, which were extremely difficult to buy, were the things he wanted most.

"All the gold is yours and all the guns are mine, how about that?"

"Well...can you leave a pistol for me? I keep it for self-defense."

"Sorry, self-defense is no longer a legal reason to own a gun."

While joking, Lean handed a pistol to Andra, along with two magazines and a box of bullets.

"Thank you. By the way, you can also take one of the gold bars. After all, when traveling alone, you have to carry some money with you."

"Then I'll accept it."

The two men stood in front of the safe and divided up everything inside.

Andra, who had won a lot of gold bars, looked very excited and said that she would take Lean to try local barbecue tonight.

“Although their barbecue is not as good as mine, it tastes like an exotic food, so overall it’s pretty good.”

Andra stopped reading the newspaper and took Lien to talk.

Speaking of what he was happy about, he also took Lien to see the information he had collected over the years.

"Well, let me tell you there is a secret here. Look at the buildings painted on this mural, which are completely different from the ancient Egyptian buildings known today."

Andra showed Lean a photo of the mural she took, and kept pointing with her fingers when she talked about the happy places.

"Here, each room in the mural has a square floor with a garden inside, and the doors of each room are also cylinders. This is very strange..."

Andra, who was immersed in her own world, completely ignored the shock in Lien's eyes at this time.

Rean couldn't believe what he saw.

The mural in the photo clearly depicts the huge city in the ruins he explored before.

"Damn it, how can it be here?"

"What did you say?"

Andra asked doubtfully. He seemed to have heard Rean murmuring something just now.

"I'm telling you, you're really awesome."

"Of course, but I thought about these murals for a long time and couldn't figure it out. But this is just a scene on my way to find ancient Egyptian culture. The next thing is really amazing."

"When I was exploring a ruins in Greece, I accidentally discovered a military diary. Based on that diary, I found this place."

As he spoke, Andra's face turned red, and she stood up excitedly, dancing and saying, "There must be something buried here, definitely."

"By the way, Lean, please stay and help me search. The two of us will definitely make a big discovery."

"Sorry, I already have plans for this trip." Ryan said, pretending to be casual and picking up the photo of the mural.

"By the way, where was this photo taken? The buildings above looked strange to me. I would also like to take a look on the way."

"It was probably in a cave in Iceland. I can't remember the details clearly. I discovered it by accident when I went there to visit a scholar who studies ancient Egypt. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'm just asking casually. And it's not convenient, so I won't go."

Lean said with a smile, but he was already preparing to go to Iceland as the next stop.

"Hmm, but if you want to go to that damn place, you'd better wear more clothes. And the place is not peaceful. I heard that snow tigers are overflowing in Iceland again this year."

The snow tiger is a magical animal unique to Iceland. It is so powerful that it takes three adult wizards to defeat it under normal circumstances. Its strength will be increased in a snowstorm. Its skin, fur, meat, bones, and blood are all extremely powerful. Medicinal value.

However, there are only about two to three hundred wizards in Iceland, and they cannot do anything to deal with the increasingly large snow tiger race. Instead, the snow tigers continue to compress the living space.

If the International Wizarding Conference hadn't sent wizards to clean out some of the snow tigers every year, it's still unknown whether the Icelandic wizards would have survived.

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