Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 172 Dealing with groceries

Rean first used a floating spell on Khafre's waist pocket, but unfortunately, it failed.

Bending down, he took the pocket in his hand and inspected it carefully. Lien was a little doubtful about life and exclaimed: "Forbidden Magic Array? How did he carve a storage array inside the Forbidden Magic Array? This is not magic! "

But this was obviously not a good place to get to the bottom of it, so Lien could only put aside his curiosity and put the bag away.

Then, Rean used the levitation spell to levitate himself and raised the laser-releasing device on the ceiling.

It is rare to see such a magic instrument with such dense runes that it can be seen as a whole in the magic vision. At least this is the first time Lien has seen it.

After completing the search in the main hall, Lien began to search the side hall next to it.

In the end, he obtained ten metal plates with written words on them, but Lien did not look into the specific contents; seven magic props that could still be used, but the specific functions were not tested; and finally there were some metal materials.

As for the potions, herbs, etc. in stock, they were all reduced to ashes under the action of time.

Rean collected all these things and then put Khafre's body into the coffin he had prepared. After all, after taking so many things from him, it was appropriate for him to leave with dignity.

This was what Lean discovered in Khafre's pocket. This great monarch had long been prepared to be killed after his resurrection.

Place the coffin in the room where Khafre was originally resurrected, then close the door and click the mechanism on the door.

In an instant, a huge amount of magic energy emitted, and Lien could feel that everything in the room had been teleported away.

"Damn it, with such a powerful magic power, even the Egyptian Ministry of Magic can see it as long as they are not blind. Let's go!"

Lean waved his hand, then stood awkwardly, looking at the power button in front of him.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have given you any dignity!" Lien stamped his feet, but he didn't expect that he would actually show off to others in the end.

The entire pyramid has fallen into a state of space blockade. Rean just tried to apparate away, but failed.


Lean tried again, failed.

"Space Teleportation"


At this time, Lien suddenly noticed that someone had entered the pyramid. Without thinking too much, it must be someone from the Ministry of Magic.

"Phase Teleportation"

Fortunately, although the phase transmission was seriously interfered with, it could still be used. What's more, Lien doesn't need to teleport very far, he only needs to teleport to Cairo.

As for the Ministry of Magic, Lean believed that the cursed treasures at the beginning would be enough to delay them for a while.

In a small alley in Cairo City, Lean's figure suddenly appeared. Several homeless people sitting on the ground next to them stared at the incredible scene in front of them with their eyes wide open and their mouths open.

"Ah, sorry."

Lien raised his hand, modified the memories of these homeless people, then threw a few small pieces of gold in front of the homeless people, and left the alley.

He believed that even if a few homeless people found something wrong with what happened today, they would not dare to spread the word.

After all, it was gold. As long as a little bit of news leaked out, who knows how many people would target them. In the large city of Cairo, if a few homeless people were missing from a dark corner, no one would notice at all.

Lean came to a small alley full of garbage. This was the entrance to the largest magic street in Egypt.

"Damn it, do all wizards have such unique tastes? The Leaky Cauldron is dirty and messy, why is it even more disgusting here!"

Rean cast an air-freshening spell on himself to filter out the stench that had been fermenting for an unknown length of time, and then walked forward along a path among the garbage.

At the end of the alley is a patterned wall.

Rean took out the black wizard robe and covered himself so that outsiders could not see his identity. Then he took out his wand and tapped on the center of the pattern.

A blue light door instantly appeared on the wall. Rean looked behind him and walked in directly after seeing no one.

Li En only felt a trance, and the scenery in front of him completely changed.

The first thing you see are stalls one after another, followed by the shops on both sides. The most eye-catching one is Gringotts at the top of the street.

Many of the wizards coming and going on the street wore black robes like Lien. Most of these wizards came to deal with some inconvenient things.

Although there are no magic schools in Egypt, they do have specialized training institutions that can provide professional training for personnel gaps.

For example, if there is a shortage of Aurors, then young wizards will be recruited for training. Once they are qualified, they can take up their posts.

The benefit is the graduation package distribution.

The disadvantage is that training institutions will only teach relevant knowledge and will not give you a comprehensive range of popular magic knowledge like Hogwarts.

This also means that an Auror will always be an Auror and will never become the Minister of Magic one day, because he does not have knowledge about management.

Lean looked at everything in front of him with interest. Rather than visiting stores, Lean preferred visiting small street stalls.

Lean first went to the street management office nearby and bought a magic blanket from there for five cents. This magic blanket is proof that you can set up a street stall, and the validity period is one day.

After a day, the magic wears off and you need to buy another blanket.

But don’t worry, if you have too many blankets at home, you won’t be able to use them all. Don't worry, the street management office also provides blanket recycling services, and one blanket is enough.

In fact, after all, the stall collects tax of four cents per day.

He spread the blanket in an empty space, took out all the useless stuff from Khafre's pocket, placed it on the stall, and put up a sign next to it: only for exchange, not for sale.

Then Li En sat aside and closed his eyes to relax.

After all, Rean is not short of gold galleons, what he wants now are those weird gadgets.

Maybe it was because Lien's price was a little low, or maybe these things were really good enough. In short, in two or three hours, all Lien's things were replaced.

The harvested items were also all kinds of, including strange black magic items, a few wands confiscated from dark wizards, and even black magic books.

When Li En got the exchange, he glanced at the person who exchanged it in surprise. Most of these people were wearing black robes, but Lien guessed that they should be Aurors from the Ministry of Magic, and perhaps a few real dark wizards.

Immediately after Lean's last item was sold, several young men came out from the side.

"Friend, you've sold out all your stuff. Do you still need this blanket? If not, sell it to me. By the way, I'll pay two cents."

"I'll give you two kilos and ten kats."


Finally, the price stopped at "three siqs and twenty kats". After taking the money, Lean also gave the blanket to a man in gorgeous clothes.

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