Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 160 A pile of cockroaches

"Let's go, I'll write you a letter of introduction and go through the suspension of study procedures for you."

Dumbledore walked ahead, heading to the principal's office.

Lean followed without saying a word.

"Are you wondering why I'm so nice to you all of a sudden?" Dumbledore said suddenly.

Lean was stunned for a moment and nodded. This is also what he is thinking about. Dumbledore not only gave him guidance, but also introduced him to Nico Flamel, and finally even applied for suspension of school himself. This was not what a principal should do.

There is no free lunch in the world, and there is no pie in the sky, so Lean is very wary of Dumbledore's actions.

"Don't worry, Li En. Actually, I don't have any requirements."

Rean couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard Dumbledore's words. If you really want nothing, then this letter of introduction will be too hot to hold in your hand.

"More than fifty years ago, a student as talented as you was admitted to the school. He was as full of magic as you..."

"Tom Marvolo Riddle?"

"It seems you know it, so you also know his other identity?"


"Lean, it's good. There are too many people in the magic world today who are still afraid of the darkness he brought. They don't even dare to call his name, but you don't. That's good."

The two of them were talking and walking. The portraits around the corridor were gone. They didn't know where they went. The entire eighth floor was empty.


After a while, Dumbledore took Rean to the door of the principal's office. He waved his hand, and the stone statue guarding the door automatically moved out of the way.

"Ah, being a principal is always a bit of a privilege, isn't it?"

Dumbledore winked at Rean and walked inside.

"Dumbledore, I have been looking for you for a long time. I knew you would definitely come here. But I have to tell you with regret that you have been dismissed. Because we have not elected a new principal for the time being, we will let Mai Vice President Ge will temporarily act as principal."

Lucius was waiting in the principal's room. As soon as he saw Dumbledore coming, he immediately came up and started talking. Letting Professor McGonagall act as the principal temporarily is completely driving a wedge between them.

"Okay, I understand, Lucius. You are quite busy, so you must not want to spend more time with me, an old man, right?"

After saying that, Dumbledore stared at Lucius with blue eyes.

"Of course, so I'll leave first."

Lucius was so frightened by Dumbledore's stare that he placed the dismissal notice on the table with a snap, straightened his clothes and walked out. Before leaving, he smiled at Rean.

"Lean, I think what you said is right, we are wizards."

Dumbledore laughed twice, sat down on the chair behind the desk in the principal's room with peace of mind, then picked up a quill and started writing on a piece of purple-patterned letter paper. After a while, he inserted the quill into the inkwell and left a magical mark of his own on the letter paper to prove that the letter was indeed from his hand.

"Here, here is your application for suspension of study."

Rean took a letter and piece of paper from Dumbledore.

"So what is your request?"

Lien held the letter and paper in his hand, rubbed them twice, and asked.

Dumbledore was silent for a while and then said hesitantly: "There is something I want to ask you. You should have guessed that the changes in the castle this year were caused by Voldemort. I suspect that he has been resurrected. But the strange thing is, He didn’t summon his subordinates, and I doubt he was planning something.”

"So I would like to ask you to help me pay attention to this information when you are traveling abroad. In addition..."

Dumbledore tapped his fingers on the table, making a clicking sound. Rean sat on his chair and looked at Dumbledore, waiting for his next words.

"If you can in the future, please help Harry when necessary."

Dumbledore spoke anyway.

"I don't understand, Professor." Lean said, "I don't understand why you are so convinced that the person in the prophecy must be Mr. Potter?"

"Mr. Longbottom should also be in line with the prophecy."

Lean looked at Dumbledore. He didn't want to say this originally, he wanted to be confused for once, but Dumbledore asked him to help Harry, which was already acknowledging that Rean knew his plan.

"Yeah, I wasn't sure at first, so I took a gamble. Fortunately, I seemed to be right."

Dumbledore took out a clear glass tube from under the table. It was full of black cockroaches crawling around wildly. Dumbledore opened the jar, took one out, and threw it into his mouth.

Dumbledore bit it, and a trace of yellow liquid accidentally emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, sorry, do you want some? Cockroach pile, this is my favorite sweet."

Dumbledore seemed to notice Rean staring at the jar, asked with a smile, and then grabbed another cockroach.

"Look, with just one bite, the honey inside bursts out in your mouth. It's really wonderful."

In order to demonstrate, Dumbledore brought the cockroach to his mouth, then took a bite, completely engulfing the lower body of the cockroach. Ryan could clearly see the honey pouring out from the disconnected part of the cockroach's body and the tentacles still shaking on its head.

"Ah, no, I can't accept it."

Rean quickly refused. Even if he didn't see Dumbledore give a demonstration, he didn't want to eat it. What's more, Dumbledore gave such a shocking demonstration.

"It's such a pity. This is a rare delicacy. If I hadn't told the boss of Candy Duke to leave a can for me each time, I wouldn't be able to snatch it away from those young people."

"Harry Potter is the savior, he defeated the Dark Lord, isn't he?"

After eating two piles of cockroaches, Dumbledore answered Rean's question.

"What's more, Mr. Longbottom's appearance..."

"People change. Mr. Longbottom has changed now."

"I will pay more attention. After all, this is not like you." Dumbledore glanced at Lean suspiciously. He knew very well that Lean was the kind of person who could not afford to be early without benefit.

The sudden mention of Longbottom at this time must have something to do with it.

"Please take more care of Hermione in the future."

"But what does this have to do with Mr. Longbottom?"

"In the second half of next year, the Ministry of Magic will propose the resumption of the Triwizard Tournament."

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay."

If the Triwizard Tournament is really restarted next year, it means that Rean has the gift of prophecy, and Longbottom really needs to pay attention to it. Dumbledore thought.

And Lean didn't lose anything at all. In the original book, Neville did kill Voldemort's last Horcrux.

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