Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 106 The battle with the werewolf

Lien immediately discovered something was wrong with the other party, and quickly distanced himself, opening the magic shield at the same time.

"Why? Why can't you let me die slowly here alone? Why do people always come to disturb my life? I have obviously tried so hard to avoid crowds."

The middle-aged man choked as he spoke, but the gray hair on his head was spreading crazily on his body. After a while, his body was covered with fluffy gray hair.

His originally thin body became extremely strong at this time, and his sharp claws shone with a cold light. His eyes were already red, filled with violence and murderous intent.

"Wait, I just want to ask where this is." Rean shouted, he was not that kind of fighting maniac.

However, all he received in response was a roar.

"Damn it."

Lien felt extremely bad. He saw the scene he least wanted to see in the Lost Stone Forest two days ago, and today he was forced to start another battle.

And in a place with complex terrain like a forest, humans are definitely at a disadvantage compared to beasts.

And if Lean doesn't want the Ministry of Magic to know what's going on here, he can't use some spells that are accompanied by abnormal conditions.

In addition, fire spells cannot be used, and forest fires are no joke.

"Tangled with vines"

Several thorny vines broke out of the ground and wrapped around the werewolf's left foot. However, the werewolf simply raised his foot, and the vine was torn off, and the thorns on the vine did not even pierce the werewolf's skin.

At most, he pulled out a few wolf hairs.

Lien was a little surprised. This werewolf's defense was a bit high.

"Avada Kedavra"

A green light bloomed from Lien's hand, but the werewolf dodged it easily.

Beasts are always alert to danger.

The werewolf looked at Lien, suddenly turned around, jumped twice and got into the woods, disappearing.

But Lien didn't feel happy at all, because his vigilance told him that the werewolf was still watching him nearby. As soon as he reveals a flaw, his body will be torn apart by sharp claws.

"Magical Sense"

However, the werewolf would never have imagined that Lean possessed a spell from another world.

Got you.

In the magic field of vision, Lien saw a large group of magic power on his right side huddled behind a stone.

Lean couldn't help but glance over there.

And just at this glance, the werewolf instantly changed his position and hid. It was extremely fast, and if it wasn't for Lien's magical vision, he would not be able to see its movements clearly. And no sound was revealed.

Um? interesting.

Rean felt the werewolf hiding behind a big tree again, and thought with some surprise.

Normal werewolves don't have this kind of reason, they just kill and wreak crazily. But the one in front of me is different. It can sense Li En's sight, hide, and know to wait for Li En to reveal his flaws, and then kill him with one blow.

Everything shows that this is no ordinary werewolf.

"Tree Binding Strangulation"

The branches of the tree where the werewolf was hiding suddenly seemed to come alive, and they wrapped around the werewolf silently and extremely quickly.

But the werewolf was very alert and hid again.

But this time it seemed to know that Lean had a way to know where it was hiding, so it did not continue to move. Instead, it stood up openly and looked at Lean.


A violent voice came from the werewolf's mouth, and a fishy smell filled Lien's entire nasal cavity.

"It's so disgusting."

Li En reacted quickly and quickly isolated the breath.

"Things that don't know whether to live or die, a beast is just a beast after all." Rean said looking at the werewolf in front of him.

The werewolf noticed the meaning in Lien's eyes, which was exactly the same as the way others looked at him after they knew he was a werewolf, which greatly irritated the werewolf.

"You... we... are all... the same." The werewolf looked at Lien and said intermittently, mixed with some beastly roars.

"Phantom Light Body"

Lean quickly hid his traces, which was Lean's usual practice.

However, this time Lean made a mistake. Because of the werewolf's well-developed sense of smell, he easily identified the Lean in front of him as a fake. By the way, he also found the location of Lean's real body.

"Haha, idiot." Rean looked at the werewolf rushing toward him and smiled disdainfully.

The temperature in the air suddenly dropped, and blue threads lit up, forming a huge prison that enveloped the werewolf.

After the silk thread wrapped the werewolf, it quickly shrank, and finally tied the werewolf into a rice dumpling.

Seeing that the werewolf lost the ability to move, Lien turned into a cloud of smoke and descended into his true form.

The tied werewolf kept struggling, but once he struggled, the blue silk thread on his body lit up once, and then shrank tighter. But even so, it still couldn't break the werewolf's skin.

Lean became more and more curious. The intelligence was beyond the ordinary werewolf, and the defense power was far beyond the ordinary werewolf. All of this represented the extraordinaryness of this werewolf.

He looked at the werewolf, but found nothing unusual. It seemed to be an ordinary werewolf.

The strength of the werewolf's struggle began to weaken, and he finally lay on the ground, motionless. If it weren't for the rise and fall of his chest, Lien would have thought the werewolf was dead.

"That's wrong." Lean murmured.

He didn't use any powerful spell, and the thread was just a control spell. There was no reason that a werewolf with such a strong defense could be so weak.

"V...Vilia." The werewolf looked up at the sky, and a human voice suddenly came out of the wolf's mouth, which was exactly the same as the middle-aged man's voice that Lien heard at the beginning.

"Dead?" Rean was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that the werewolf was really dead.

However, Lien was cautious and did not take any more actions, but was preparing to put the werewolf's stone head into the space bag.

The space bag cannot store living objects, so any items with life characteristics cannot be stored in it.


The werewolf's body just disappeared in front of Li En's eyes.

"Really dead?"

But Lien didn't feel much strange. After all, according to the werewolf's behavior at that time, he came with the intention of killing himself.

Rean looked at the silent forest around him, feeling a little helpless. He just wanted to ask for directions and explore the weirdness of this forest.

Now it seems that the source of the strangeness has been found, but who should I ask along the way?

And Rean glanced at his space bag strangely. So far, he already had two corpses in his bag.

This made him a little afraid to carry the bag.

"No matter, I hope there is a map in this house."

Looking at the crooked house in front of him, Lean opened the door and walked in.

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