Instead of answering, Professor McGonagall looked at Altaïr.

"They were my uncle, this is Jimmy, this is Michael, my mother died, my father for some reason... Locked up, they are now my guardians. "

Altaïr shrugged his shoulders.

He hadn't lied to McGonagall, Muggle matters were minor issues in the eyes of wizards, and Hogwarts dared to take even the children of Death Eaters, let alone a Muggle world gang member.

"Oh, poor child."

McGonagall reached out and touched Altaïr's head, then looked at Jimmy and replied

"I am the Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the Professor of Transfiguration."


Jimmy's expression became a little dull for a moment, and he frowned and turned around.

"Sorry, I didn't hear clearly, what you said was..."

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Mr. Jimmy, I am the vice-headmaster of this school and a professor of Transfiguration."

Professor McGonagall obviously knew that it was impossible to convince a Muggle with just a few words, so she stopped talking nonsense and simply became her own animagus.

Watching a big living person turn into a cute tabby cat, Jimmy and Michael can imagine the shock in their hearts.

"Oh! Shett! "

Jimmy burst into foul language, and Michael slammed on the brakes.

"Altaïr, this..."

"Obviously, what Professor McGonagall said is true, she is a witch, and I received an admission letter from Hogwarts some time ago, I am a little wizard."

Altaïr explained to his two uncles.

"Haven't you always been curious about how I survived that assassination? Here's why. "

After all, Michael and Jimmy are the core members of the Shelby family, and after the initial shock, they gradually come to their senses, and Michael continues to drive, but his eyes fall on Professor McGonagall from time to time through the rearview mirror.

Professor McGonagall changed back to human form and said to the two

"The purpose of my coming here today is to convince you of the existence of wizards, and Altaïr needs to go to Hogwarts to learn how to be a wizard, he has magic in his body, and if he is not controlled, he will die in the future."

Michael and Jimmy naturally don't want Altaïr to die, not to mention that Altaïr is now a wizard.

This is the first wizard ever created by the Shelby family!

There is a wizard from their family!

Michael and Jimmy looked at each other and laughed excitedly.

"If Altaïr were a wizard..."

The two men chatted excitedly.

Professor McGonagall's face gradually became serious, as the words of the two men in front of her became more and more outrageous.

What brought down Birmingham, occupied London, took control of England, radiated Europe, etc....

"I'm sorry, gentlemen."

McGonagall interrupted Michael and Jimmy's discussion and said solemnly

"The wizarding world has strict rules, and any wizard who tries to break the rules and do evil will not end well."

Professor McGonagall meant both to warn Michael and Jimmy, and to knock Altaïr.

Even if she didn't know much about Muggles, she could now see that Altaïr seemed to come from a less friendly family.

The family's existence in the Muggle world was likely to be similar to the dark wizard family or the Death Eater family in the wizarding world, and she had to teach Altaïr as well as possible while he hadn't grown up.

"Oh, of course, of course."

Michael chuckled and glared at Jimmy.

"Uncle Michael, the fact that I became a little wizard and went to Hogwarts will be a family secret and cannot be known to anyone other than you and Uncle Jimmy, as well as my father."

Altaïr instructed, and Professor McGonagall looked at him with satisfaction and nodded slightly.

"Only Altaïr's guardian has the right to know some things about the wizarding world, so I also hope that the two gentlemen will not spread the word, if they are known by others, they will be cursed."

To scare the two guys, Professor McGonagall told a little lie.

Michael and Jimmy shivered, hearing the word curse, only to realize how evil and terrible the legendary witch was, so he quickly answered.

Finally, the car stopped on the lawn in front of the central castle.

Everyone got out of the car, and Michael respectfully showed Professor McGonagall the way, while Jimmy stopped the others behind.

The four entered the reception room and sat down separately, and the maid brought up the dessert and drink, then left respectfully, and gently closed the door.

"Professor McGonagall, I don't know what you like to eat, so I just prepared some dessert and black tea, oh Jimmy, I remember you also treasured a bottle of a hundred-year-old brandy..."

"No thanks, Mr. Michael."

McGonagall interrupted Michael,


"Black tea is good."

"Okay, okay."

Michael nodded, took a sip from the teacup, and then asked

"I don't know what your tuition fee is? When does school start? What do we all need to prepare? "

"That's exactly what I'm here for."

Professor McGonagall looked at Altaïr beside her and spoke

"Hogwarts will start on the first of September, and young wizards will need to take their tickets to platform nine and three-quarters of King's Cross Station and take the Hogwarts Express to the school."

Professor McGonagall took out a ticket and handed it to Altaïr.

"There is magic there, only those who have magic can pass through this platform, and they will not be noticed by Muggles, well, Muggles mean people who cannot magic."

Professor McGonagall glanced at Michael and Jimmy and continued

"As for the tuition fee, don't worry, Hogwarts is free, no additional tuition is required, but the little wizard needs to prepare the required textbooks, books and various prop supplies."

"These things can be bought in Diagon Alley, the currency of the wizarding world is Gold Gallon, Silver Cico, and Copper Nat, but as a Muggle wizard at Hogwarts, you can exchange £100 for 100 gold gallons at Gringotts Bank every year, which costs five hundred pounds."

Professor McGonagall's words shocked Michael and Jimmy.

Is it so cheap to raise a little wizard?

To be honest, Michael was even prepared to pay tens of thousands of pounds or even hundreds of gold bars, but in the end it only cost five hundred pounds.

"The entrance to Diagon Alley is Charing Cross Street in London, where there is a Leaky Cauldron, which is also enchanted and cannot be seen by Muggles, but a little wizard without a wand cannot pass there alone to Diagon Alley, and needs to be led by a wizard."

Professor McGonagall paused and looked at Altaïr.

"Tomorrow I'll take you and another wizard to Diagon Alley to buy the items you need, she's from a Muggle family like you, maybe you can take care of each other at school in the future."

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