When Altaïr arrived at the auditorium the next morning, he saw a huge notice posted outside the door.

It roughly means that new dangerous creatures have appeared in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and from now on, young wizards of any grade cannot enter the Forbidden Forest without permission, and if they are discovered, they will be severely punished by expulsion.

You know, if a young wizard who has not graduated is expelled from school, his wand will be broken, and the use of magic will be banned from now on.

Compared to the innocuous deduction of points, this penalty is enough to make all the little wizards discourage from the Forbidden Forest.

Even the Weasley twins lost the mind to steal into the Forbidden Forest after seeing the notice.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, they planned to go to Hagrid to find out the news, Hagrid, as the Forbidden Forest guard, must know something that others did not know.

Although Hermione was also curious, she didn't plan to explore with them, just thought that if Harry and they knew the reason, she would inquire and tell Altaïr about it.

After his morning lessons, Altaïr returned to his dormitory and exchanged an ancient piece of parchment from the system space.

This thing is a set of parchment from the last time the weather was recorded, both used by some elf to record weather data, and Altaïr took 10 plot points to replace it.

Altaïr then took out the automatic quill pen, covered it with mental power, and began to make up the story.

[Recorded in the third age of the Middle-earth, June 18, 3019.]

Today, we escorted "that thing" to the Chillis Pass and through it we will reach the territory of Mordor....

Perhaps it was about to arrive in Mordor, and my mood became more and more nervous.

Along the way, we have encountered many enemies, even demons, dragons, water watchers, etc., and many companions have left us permanently, but we have not given up....

What I didn't expect was that we met it/her again today.


She is the last descendant of the ancient evil spirit Uguriant, born in the First Age, and is an evil spirit in the shape of a spider...

She, like me, is an antique who has lived for three epochs....

Fortunately, when Frodo left Rivendell, the elves presented him with a short knife and a starlight crystal bottle....


We eventually defeated her, but she fled into the pothole, and for safety, we had to leave the pass and go to Mordor....

In order to pass through the patrol line of the Oaks, we chose to use animal potions, although "he" betrayed us, but it has to be said that his achievements in the field of alchemy are unmatched...].


Altaïr wrote for a long time, until the whole parchment was filled, and then he stopped.

He wrote in detail about Shilob's origins and experiences on parchment, and also revealed some things about Gandalf.

Of course, he also mentioned Saruman vaguely, but did not say his name, but described the effect of animal potions in detail.

He planned to find an opportunity for Snape to obtain the refining method of animal potion.

In this way, there is both evidence of the existence of corpses and animal potions, which is enough to prove the authenticity.

It can also lead to Saruman, an evil wizard who betrayed justice.


"How is this parchment going to get to Dumbledore, as soon as the corpse appeared, someone found the parchment that recorded him, which is too coincidental..."

Altaïr mused, thinking of Quirrell.

Maybe you can hide this thing in Quirrell's office, and when his affairs are revealed, Dumbledore will definitely search his office, and then he will naturally find this parchment.

And even if Dumbledore suspects the origin and greasy nature of these parchments, he can throw the pot on Voldemort.

"Hey, hey. "

Altaïr laughed maliciously, he was still too weak to hold on.

Returning the parchment to the system space, Altaïr intends to find a suitable time to hide the parchment in Quirrell's office.

"There is also the plot points, I changed things a few times, I only have 50 plot points now, but the main quest will have to wait until the end of this semester to give out the rewards..."

"And the side quest hasn't been triggered yet, I should try to see the conditions for the side quest to trigger, but it will always be related to the plot..."

Altaïr glanced at the calendar next to him, and today was the first of October.

Because of Altaïr's mess, the plot of Harry's entry into the Quidditch team is gone, and the last time Altaïr caused Harry and the three of them to deduct points, he didn't get plot points, so he guessed that wanting to get side plot points may be related to the plot of the Philosopher's Stone.

In that case, the most recent Halloween party should be October 31st.

"There's still a month to go, and I still need that troll..."

Altaïr pondered for a while, or decided to wait for Halloween to see if there were any additional side plots, if not, then he could only add more points and wait for the final unified settlement.

Speaking of which, two months into school, Altaïr has now received a plus of 105 points.

As he was thinking, the door to the bedroom was suddenly pushed open, and Altaïr looked up to see the three Malfoys walking in with a smile.

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