Hogwarts: Start with A Divorce and Marry Hermione Backhanded

Chapter 82 The Belated Transfiguration Lesson

Thinking about his behavior of making demands like this can't help but be a little ashamed.

"Well, I promised! Don't worry, I'll tell my friends these things. By the way, these potions..."

Filch looked embarrassed.

"You just have to go to Foley in Diagon Alley and buy it. By the way, I have two more bottles here that you can use first. ""

"Thank you so much!"

Filch carefully put the potion Braun handed over into his pocket.

"It's okay, I love to be helpful.

By the way, Mr. Filch.

For my forbidden things I really..."

"Forbidden? Mr. Foley, I only see a young wizard who is eager to learn and can't wait to find the door to truth!

Oh, really, I'm going now. Clean the attic!

Goodbye and have a nice day!"

After that, Filch left with his cat, Lady Loris, with pleasant steps.

"It seems that I will tell my father about this as soon as possible. Let him get ready. ”

Mumbling to himself, Braun seemed to think of the Ministry of Magic scrambling to deal with the Squib parade.


"Eat! Eat! You a toad doesn't know what it's like to catch bugs and eat human food all day?


Jerry continued to stare at his dead fish's eyes.

Braun muttered:

"Sooner or later I'm going to poison you.

But despite his words, his body walked towards the auditorium.

The auditorium is located on the right hand floor of the second floor and is a transfiguration classroom.

Because the auditorium is still relatively empty at the moment.

In addition to the faculty seat there are several professors eating.

Slytherin was alone at the long table.

Meal times for students are different for teachers.

So Braun sat down at the table again and waited for a while.

Bored teasing his purple-skinned toad.

The clock hand accompanying the auditorium points to the moment of seven.

A variety of breakfasts instantly appeared on the originally empty table.

Pies, pumpkin porridge, apple pie sandwiches and more.

After half a year of baptism, Braun has become accustomed to these English breakfasts.

Grab a cup of warm milk and a few meaty, golden-faced pies.

Braun ate to himself.

I have to say that my own house-elf is right.

The house-elves at Hogwarts are indeed very good.

"It's early, Braun."

A girl with some gentleness sounded at Braun's side.

"Get used to waking up early every day to learn potions when you're at home.

Coming to Hogwarts will not change for a while.

You, Daphne?"

"Me? I've been sleeping very lightly.

I was a little unaccustomed to staying with my roommates last night, they were always yelling, and Pansy..."

He said and looked at Braun.

"About me?"

Braun said with some surprise.

For that absurd marriage, Mr. Foley had already been angry with the head of Parkinson's house.

He thought the matter was over.

Daphne hesitated:

"Some very unpleasant things were said.

"Oh, this way. 99

After agreeing, Braun concentrated on the pie in front of him.

This look made Daphne a little strange.

The two were silent for a while, and finally Daphne still couldn't help it:

"Aren't you angry?

If I knew someone was saying bad things about me behind my back, I would..."


Braun had finished his pie and wiped the corners of his mouth and his oil-stained fingers with a casual napkin.

"Daphne, since I was officially exposed to magic.

And I understood a truth.

For wizards, truth or power is what wizards really pursue.

It doesn't matter if the others are good.

Blood? Glory? Bad reputation?

These are all add-ons to the search for truth.

Just as humans never care about ants screaming at their feet, nor do they apologize to them for stepping on them to death.

I don't care about the comments behind it.

It doesn't affect me or hinder my strength.

Okay, I'll see Daphne later.

I think Professor Snape has something to look for me.

Looking at Braun about to leave:

"Braun, what if they affect you?"

Braun paused:

"Ants, since it is affected, then... Crushed to death.... 39

"What's wrong? Professor Snape?"

Braun followed Snape to his somewhat dark office.

I don't understand what I called myself for.

Snape didn't sell.

"Your father found me and asked me to urge you not to be lazy because you came to school."

"Of course, I don't! Or fifty bottles a day?

Braun looked with interest at the various formalin-soaked biological specimens in Snape's office.

While replying nonchalantly.

"Twenty bottles. 35

Then he explained:

"It's to give you enough time to study.

And every night after dinner I will continue to teach you new potions knowledge in my office. 35

"Okay, no problem. By the way, I found something very interesting!

Braun picked up an embryo of a young dragon that had been placed in a glass bottle and looked at it carefully.


Snape frowned at Braun's behavior.

But in the end, nothing was said.

"I've found that the Alienated Seed can increase the magic of a Squib and even use magic!


Snape had a bit of a gaffe, and it was common knowledge in the wizarding world that squibs couldn't use magic.

Wizards have been exploring this question for thousands of years without success.

"You did the experiment?"

"I gave Filch an alienated seed.

And it was discovered that alienated species grew a new plant.

The gray-black color appears somewhat malnourished.

It seems that this is not too specific.

Just let go of that memory and let Snape probe it.

After reading that memory, Snape took a deep breath.

Suppress the shock in your heart.

"! Do you know the consequences of that?"

"Of course, it's just that the Ministry of Magic is paying more and more attention to this power..... 39

"Since you know..."

Professor Snape. There is a saying in the East that water can carry a boat and can also overturn a boat.

There are many squibs in the wizarding world. If only they could be mobilized to march to the Ministry of Magic. ""

Snape is clearly not as optimistic as Braun:

"You have to know that since these squibs can be used for you, then the Ministry of Magic can also persecute you again in this way.

"But that's already the next minister's business, isn't it?

And as long as I can always innovate new potions then I will never be targeted by anyone!

The power of a wizard is always its own strength!

Looking at the impetuous child in front of him.

Snape couldn't help but think of who she used to be, so proud and so obsessed with great power.

"Let's hope he doesn't follow his old path." 99

Snape sighed in her heart.

"So what are you telling me this for?"

"I want you to help tell my father about this.

As a teacher at school I think you should have a way to be able to reach him faster than an owl.

I'm going to let the fishing boat start first!

Snape pondered for a moment.

"Okay, I'll tell him exactly how to go see him."

"Okay. If nothing happens, I'll go to class first. ”

Snape nodded.

After a delay in the Snape classroom, Braun had to speed up and run to the Transfiguration classroom as quickly as possible.

"Damn! The stairs actually started moving!

Braun's face looked cloudy.

He almost stepped on the stairs just now.

But if you continue to change roads, it will definitely delay a lot of time.

"Yugadim Leviosa! Hold on to Jerry! We're going up!


Braun cast a levitation spell on himself.

Then take a leap on the stairs and the closest to the second floor.

With the help of the Floating Charm, Braun easily jumped to the second floor with 3.1.

After taking a look at his pocket watch, he ran towards the transfiguration classroom without delay.

The classroom was noisy, and a United States shorthair was standing on his desk staring at the group of happy little wizards.

"Professor McGonagall!

Braun bowed respectfully to Professor McGonagall's Animagus and then sat down next to Hermione, who was constantly waving to him.

"Why are you here so late?"

"Professor Snape asked me for something.

By the way, how was yesterday?

Are you okay with your new friends?"

Braun asked, unfolding the book.

"It's fine, but I always feel like they don't like me very much.

Hermione's tone was a little lost.

"Oh? Is it? How do you chat with them?

Did you show them off what you saw in the book again?"

Hermione couldn't help but feel a little blushing:

"I thought that way I would have some topic with them.

But they don't seem to be very interested. ”

"Of course, except for a small number of children from wizarding families who follow their parents to learn some family heirlooms, most young wizards from wizarding families are actually no different from Muggle children."

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