Samael's changes were naturally seen by the Morgans.

This kind of perverse change must be abnormal even in the wizarding world.

Although they were worried, seeing that Branson and Samael both had calm expressions, they knew that he was not a big deal, so it was up to them to lie.

Someone who claims to be a liar is simply full of loopholes in the eyes of his parents.

"Dear Father, Mother, Branson and I will not be back for dinner today."

Samael thought of Percy's ceremony and said frankly.

"Is there something going on?"

The two were very calm, Samael was mature and decisive, but whenever he opened his mouth, there must be something.

"Nothing, it's just that one of my seniors has received the highest medal in the wizarding world, and today is his award ceremony, and Branson and I have been invited."

"Your classmates? Received the highest medal in the wizarding world? You have to learn from others!

Daniel was surprised that a student could receive such a high honor.

Although he did not know the gold content of this medal, Merlin still knew, and in his opinion, it was similar to the Nobel Prize in the Muggle world.

Samael pulled Branson away.

Flying with bubbles was too tiring and time-consuming, thanks to the fact that he had placed a mirror in a secret place in Diagon Alley, which could be teleported through the mirror.

For the first time, Branson felt that he had entered the mirror in this way, only to feel cold and cold, and he had reached his destination in the blink of an eye.

He envied Samael's peculiar ability. But it's not something he can learn if he wants to.

As a green flame flashed, a figure pounced on Percy.

"Dear Percy, I want to kill you."

Branson hugged Percy tightly, and Percy stiffened, responding not not not responding and not responding.

The Weasleys on the side looked at the hugging duo with strange expressions.

"Honey, is this really our Percy?"

Mrs. Weasley looked awkwardly at her husband.

"It should be."

Mr. Weasley replied a little stiffly, uncertainly.

In his impression, Percy was the kind of person who was extremely decent and did not smile, and even the pure-blood etiquette of eating ashes in the family was learned by him.

"Good evening, Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley."

Samael, who followed him, did not take care of Branson, who was the first to say hello to the Weasleys.

He had long been familiar with this situation at school.

Branson didn't like Percy's serious look, and often teased him in this way, and Percy was so busy that even his legitimate girlfriend Penelope was doubting the relationship between the two.

"Hello Samael, nice to meet you, Percy mentions you often."

Mrs. Weasley gave him a warm hug.

Samael was stunned, he was very resistant to this intimate contact, but he did not resist this hug. He could feel the gratitude that the embrace contained.

In contrast, Mr. Weasley was undoubtedly much calmer, and very restrained shook Samael's hand, quietly stopping Ginny from approaching.

Samael pretended not to see it, he knew his reputation. Although there is no evidence, the patriarch of the pureblood family now knows that he was responsible for the nearly extinction of the Travers family.

Several people exchanged pleasantries for a moment and walked inside together.

After tearing apart the two who were still "selfless hugs", Samael was caught left and right by the Weasley twins.

"Wow puppet~ Percy's real boyfriend and gossip boyfriend actually appeared at the same time."

The two huddled around him in an exaggerated, comical way, and the red suit dress with the characteristic Weasley family red hair made them look like they were on fire.

Samael rolled her eyes, not wanting to deal with them.

Since Samael supported the two of them for five hundred gallons in Percy's name, the two once thought that he and Percy had some hidden secret.

And Percy and Branson's untimely embrace reminded them of their brother, and Ron intervened in Harry and Malfoy's love story.

"If your mind is still thinking about something rude, I will definitely make Percy stop supporting you."

Looking at the two living treasures in contemplation, Samael couldn't help but threaten.

Fred smiled and shook his head in denial.

With that funding, their research made a big breakthrough, and Percy kept encouraging them to create in order to prevent losses, and said many kind things to his mother, which made their little life extremely comfortable.

"What? The award ceremony is over?

Just as several people were advancing, Branson's surprised voice was heard not far away, and even Samael expressed surprise and looked at everyone in surprise.

"In fact, it did end, and the entire process of the award ceremony took less than ten minutes except for Minister Fudge's endless self-recognition."

Percy said awkwardly.

"Could it be...?"

Samael thought about the Weasleys' situation in the pureblood and guessed.

"Not for that reason, in fact, since 1868, the ceremony of awarding the Merlin Medal has become a formality, and the real highlight is the dinner party afterwards, the exchange between various dignitaries, mutual friendship, and close relations."

Percy said helplessly.

"Has the British Ministry of Magic been overrun by power to this extent? Even awards of this magnitude have become sour.

Branson said in shock and dissatisfaction.

Mr. Weasley behind him was embarrassed, he was supposed to maintain the dignity of the Ministry as an official of the Ministry of Magic, but he could not say anything to refute it, and he himself was extremely dissatisfied with this form, which was simply a stain on scholarship.

The banquet begins.

Mr. Weasley and his friend chatted with each other, with a smug look on their faces that was undisguised.

Mrs. Weasley took her children to taste the food of the Ministry of Magic, and always supervised the Weasley twins who wanted to steal alcohol.

The vicinity of Samael and Branson was like a spell had been cast, and no one wanted to come close.

They also enjoyed the good wine of the Ministry of Magic, and by the way, enjoyed the jealous fire-breathing gaze of the Weasley twins.

"Samael, you're here."

With the sound of a voice, Draco, Theodore, Beverly, Derek and others came together.

This small group instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The heir of the Malfoy family, the eldest miss of the Crouch family, the son of the Knott family, and the grandson of the Newt family, the second generation of the wizarding world gathered around this "bad breed" of the Gaunt family.

Everyone fell into deep thought, such a scene was too familiar, and there were also noble followers around that person.

Samael ignored the thoughts of the others and raised his glass to greet Lucius and the others, no matter what plans these old foxes had, it was worthy of respect without hindering his interaction with Draco and the others.

Several people talked to each other, rarely did not drink much, until the end of the banquet everyone did not drink a drink, the last time has become their psychological shadow.


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