Hogwarts: Please Graduate Soon

Chapter 62: Silent Fear, Teaching Peeves A Lesson, Biting Cabbage

[Silent Fear: Scarecrow Federico's signature skill releases a psychic shock wave, which can make the enemy see the most terrifying scene in their hearts. 】

Isn't this the Scarecrow's Q?

Magic that directly affects the mind or even the soul is relatively rare in the wizarding world.

And most of them are black magic. For example, the three unforgivable curses have a certain relationship with the soul.

If classified according to classification, silent fear should also be classified into the ranks of black magic.

The most important thing is that this magic is invisible and instantaneous, and will not be blocked by the Iron Armor Curse.

This is enough to make Wayne happy.

However, it is not without its shortcomings. The power of the fear spell is not controlled by the caster, but is judged based on the firmness of the enemy's will.

If the enemy is really fearless, then this magic will have no effect.

At most, it can only harass and make the enemy upset.

But if you meet some cowards, or people who are not mentally strong enough, it will be an absolute miracle.

A magic spell can make it lose its resistance and let others slaughter it.


Having gained a lot, Wayne tucked himself into bed happily.

Soon he fell asleep.

Eleven or twelve years old is the age when the body grows. Although his body has been optimized by the system, he is not very sleep-deprived.

The next morning, Wayne didn't get up until half past eight.

The two roommates were even more outrageous. If he hadn't called them up, they would have slept until noon.

He came to the cafeteria and handed the quills he had promised last night to the twins, and told them to speed up their learning so that they could make their own magic quills as soon as possible.

Wayne ate a hurried breakfast and walked towards the direction of Greenhouse No. 2.

After passing through the atrium garden and arriving at the greenhouse on the east side of the castle, Wayne found that the little wizards were all blocking the door, no one went in, and there were clanking sounds coming from the greenhouse.

"what happened?"

Wayne asked Susan Bones in front of him.

"Wayne, here you are, Peeves is wreaking havoc in the greenhouse, throwing all the shovels and buckets all over the floor.

Susan said with some worry: "Everyone is afraid of being hit, so we can only solve D3 by coming on behalf of the dean."

Pushing through a passage, Wayne arrived at the door.

Sure enough, I saw Peeves holding a shovel in one hand and beating the iron bucket around like a Quaffle. The harsh clanking sound made many little wizards cover their ears.

Unlike ordinary ghosts, Peeves is an extremely special existence.

It can even be said that he is not a real ghost.

All ghosts were formed by the wizards before their death due to their nostalgia for the world and various mysterious reasons. At least they were once human beings.

As for Peeves, he has existed since the beginning of the school and was born together with Hogwarts Castle. There is no prototype character in his lifetime.

Another point is that he can touch entities, which other ghosts cannot do.

It is not so much a ghost as it is a special spirit formed by the naughty thoughts of the little wizard living in this castle.

Peeves, who was having fun, suddenly shivered, and a chill suddenly rose out of thin air.

It was as if he was being targeted by Bloody Barro.

Peeves was so frightened that he quickly looked around for Bloody Balor.

Unexpectedly, he did not see Bloody Barro, but only saw a young wizard looking at him with interest.

Peeves was furious.

Usually he looks at other young wizards like this, but today he turned against Tiangang?

"Hey! That kid, what are you looking at!"

Peeves put his hands on his hips and the hat on his head shook, which was very funny.

"My name is not Hey, my name is Chu..." Wayne answered subconsciously, then realized something was wrong and changed the subject.

"Peeves, if you continue to be naughty, do you believe I will bring Bloody Baloo here?"

Hearing Bloody Baron's name, Peeves was really scared, but after taking a look at Wayne's school uniform, he immediately regained his composure:

"You little Hufflepuff wizard, and Man Barrow has no business with you."

"If you dare to scare Uncle Peeves, see how I deal with you!"

With that said, Peeves flew up with the iron bucket filled with fertilizer, preparing to fall down next to Wayne to scare him.

He also knows some sense of propriety. If he really pours fertilizer on the little wizard, Dumbledore will come to him.

Seeing what this guy was thinking, Wayne also took out his wand, ready to teach Peeves a lesson.

He suddenly remembered the magic spell he had drawn last night, and his heart moved.

The silent fear is instantaneous, without even the light of the magic spell.

Peeves, who originally had a smirk on his face, froze, sweating all over his body, and then screamed loudly.

I don't know what scene I saw that could frighten Peeves, who is usually fearless, to such an extent.

By the time the effect dissipated, Peeves' look at Wayne had completely changed.

"Is it your fault?"

"Yeah." Wayne admitted, "Do you still want to try again?"

As he spoke, he pretended to wave the wand again.

This frightened Peeves so much that he immediately dropped what he was holding and ran away through the ceiling.

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff's little wizards all cheered, and Padma Patil's eyes gleamed as she looked at Wayne without blinking.

With such a good-looking and powerful little wizard, she wanted to drink Ganges water with Wayne.

After drinking, it becomes a family.

Just when everyone was happy, Professor Sprout also came. After understanding what happened, he patted Wayne on the shoulder happily.

Also added ten points to Hufflepuff.

However, the greenhouse has been made a mess by Peeves. Originally, this lesson was to let the little wizards fertilize the evening primrose and prune the leaves.

Now I have to change my plan.

Sprout thought for a moment and then led everyone to the No. 3 greenhouse next door.

At the door, she reminded somewhat seriously:

"The plants here were originally prepared for third-year students, so they are somewhat dangerous."

"Everyone, please remember that after entering the greenhouse, you cannot touch anything without my permission.

Upon hearing such a serious warning, the little wizards nodded obediently.

Sprout feels a lot more relieved.

Fortunately, there was no Gryffindor in this class, otherwise she would not have dared to bring those ADHD little lions to Greenhouse No. 3.

Everyone followed Sprout obediently into the greenhouse.

Then there was a burst of exclamation.

"What's this?!"

"It looks so scary!"

In the cultivation field closest to the gate, there was a row of strange light yellow plants. After the students came in, their mouths opened and closed, full of sharp teeth.

"Biting cabbage, stay away from them, children." Sprout reminded: "Their teeth are so sharp that they can even pierce the skin of a fire dragon."

Some little wizards have been so frightened that their faces have turned pale. This is exactly the effect Sprout wants.

There are too many dangerous plants in the magical world, and it can become very dangerous if you are full of curiosity about everything.

She led everyone to the innermost row of vegetable plots and held up a jar of plants.

"Does anyone know what this is?"

In his dean's class, Wayne was more active than other classes and immediately raised his hand after Sprout asked a question.

"Lawrence, tell me." Sprout called him up cooperatively.

"Sneezeweed is a poisonous plant that can easily cause encephalitis and make people reckless and impatient. It is the main material for making potions and sneezing powder."

"Very good, very comprehensive." Sprout added another two points for Hufflepuff.

"I hope everyone will remember what Mr. Lawrence said. This grass is poisonous. Don't add it to food randomly because it looks like coriander..."

Hannah calmly retracted her hand from the sneezeweed, pretending as if nothing happened.

Sprout obviously knows the virtues of his little wizard, and his first reaction when seeing the plant is to put it in his mouth.

Generally there is no risk, she just turns a blind eye and closes one eye.

Just go with it and let the little badger have a taste.

After all, she is also from this grade.

But sneezeweed is different. It is more dangerous and can easily damage your brain.

Sprout didn't want to see a bunch of giggling little badgers.

In order to ensure safety, Sprout was very detailed and even repeated the precautions.

Then the students were asked to take out tools to loosen the soil of the sneezeweed, apply fertilizer, and apply liquid to accelerate growth.

After these materials are grown, some of them will be given to Snape to be used as teaching materials for Potions class.

The other part is used to sell to the shops in Diagon Alley in exchange for some funds for the school.

Sprout specially assigned Wayne to Hannah, so that they could form a team and let him keep an eye on the biggest foodie in the college.

Wayne's face twitched as he looked at the tears overflowing from the corner of the girl's mouth.

Wake up, girl.

This is really inedible.

Wayne was very energetic during this class. It was not until Professor Sprout asked everyone to put the tools back in their places before the get out of class ended that he took his eyes away from Hannah.

After everyone left, Wayne was left alone again.

"What's the problem, Lawrence?"

"Professor, can you give me some biting cabbage seeds?" Wayne looked at his dean expectantly: "I want to refine a batch of steel potions."

The seeds of biting cabbage are also a medicinal herb.

The steel potion can make the wizard's body become as hard as steel within a certain period of time.

Biting cabbage is one of the main ingredients.

"Really?" Sprout was a little confused: "You can brew steel potion? You don't want to grow your own biting cabbage, right?"

This kind of thing is not without a history.

Hufflepuff's students are all little badgers with a talent for farming, and they often create strange potted plants in their dormitories.

When she was in school, someone had a piranha plant in her dormitory. Her roommate would sleep inside the plant every day, and every morning she would worry about whether she would come out alive.

"Professor, how can you think so?" Wayne shook his head like a rattle, "What I brewed last night was a potion of hatred, and the steel potion is not difficult at all."

"Even if I want to grow biting cabbage, there's not enough sunlight in my dormitory."

Sprout nodded in agreement. What biting cabbage needs most is sunlight and sufficient humidity. Hufflepuff's dormitory does not have such conditions.

After Wayne promised not to grow his own biting cabbage, Sprout gave him a bag of seeds.

She trusted Hufflepuff's honesty.

After leaving the greenhouse, Wayne immediately divided the seeds of the biting cabbage into two parts.

One part is used to refine steel potions, and the other part... of course is used for planting.

But he is an honest Hufflepuff, and since he promised the professor, he will never break his promise.

So Wayne is going to find Hagrid.

The biting cabbage grown by Hagrid has nothing to do with me Lawrence.

Inside the cabin.

After hearing Wayne's request, Hagrid waved his hands repeatedly.

"No, this thing is too dangerous

Yes, why did you plant it?

"You planted it." Wayne corrected: "I just gave you the seeds, and you gave me the ripe, chewy cabbage.

The hybrid giant looked at him blankly: "What's the difference?"

"Of course." Wayne explained earnestly: "I didn't participate in the planting process, so I didn't violate school rules.

Hagrid was already confused, but still insisted not to agree.

Wayne could only use his ultimate move: "Hagrid, you don't want to not be able to see Phoenix King in the future, right?"

"Out of sight, out of sight." Hagrid hesitated for a moment, then maintained his position.

His favorite is the powerful magical animal like the fire dragon, the phoenix... it's not enough to defeat 227.

If Wayne could really pull out a fire dragon, he would be able to plant a whomping willow, not to mention biting cabbage.

Wayne thought for a while and then made a decisive move: "Hagrid, you don't want me to beat up Lu Wei every day from now on, do you?"

The hybrid giant was shocked: "How do you know Lu Wei?"

"Isn't it just in the corridor on the fourth floor? I communicated with him twice and we got along very well."

Wayne blinked: "If you don't help, don't rely on me if the dog is kidnapped one day."

Now Hagrid was finally scared.

He knew that Wayne had a fatal affinity for animals. Every time his hound Yaya saw Wayne, he forgot about him as his owner and would just follow him and wag his tail.

When he thought of Wayne stroking his dog, Lu Wei had an expression of enjoyment on his face and ignored him.

Hagrid whimpered.


In the end, he agreed to Wayne's request and planted biting cabbage on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

If it is planted in a vegetable field, when the biting cabbage grows up, it is estimated that other vegetables in the field will be cleaned, and those steel-like teeth are not meant for use.

Fortunately, Hagrid also has a piece of cultivated land in the Forbidden Forest. The area is not large. It is enough to plant a dozen biting cabbage seeds.

After burying the seed, Hagrid wiped the sweat from his head.

"I still don't know why you grow this stuff. It tastes terrible."

Wayne looked at the fertile land that had been turned over and nodded with satisfaction.

The season is not right now, but it doesn't matter. The world of teachers does not talk about science but magic.

With the magic potion, this batch of biting cabbage will mature in two or three months next year.

He can also gain a group of thugs.

Hearing Hagrid's doubts, Wayne said without looking back:

"I'm a Hufflepuff. Is there anything wrong with liking farming?"

In the next few days, Wayne prepared many potions to speed up growth and went to the edge of the Forbidden Forest to water the fields in the afternoons when he was free.

Hagrid also turned a blind eye to Wayne's intrusion into the Forbidden Forest.

The two of them are now in cahoots.

Wayne also asked Hagrid if he could get a batch of moon-crazy beast excrement to use as fertilizer, and Hagrid agreed.

There is indeed a tribe of moon-crazy beasts in the Forbidden Forest. It's just some feces, so it's not a difficult task for him.

It's Friday again in a blink of an eye.

Quirrell stepped on the bell and walked into the classroom.

There was no student in the first three rows of the classroom because no one could stand the smell of garlic on Quirrell's body.

Quirrell didn't care about this either, silently opened the book and said in a stammering voice:

"Today... today... we are going to learn the classification of... magic spells.

"Charms are divided into...curses, curses, jinxes, and spells.

Thank you [REEN] for your 1,000-point reward, and thank you boss for your support. .

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