【Newt: My God! That thing was as powerful as ten Norwegian ridgebacks! I've never seen such a terrifying, evil creature, not even a Dementor!】

【Newt: He can even swallow something like this in one go. Anton’s previous life must have been incredibly skilled in defense!】

【Harry: Ron went to the bathroom just now, and that thing looked a bit like a spider and it scared him】

【Harry: I can't believe that Anton could easily deal with this monster! I should have asked him to talk about these things on the train.】

【Hermione: I'm shaking too. What kind of monster is that? And what spell did Anton use? It's so powerful!】

【Snape: I don't know. I have never seen such a powerful spell in my career. It can transform a giant beast into energy in an instant. Anyone who can create such a power can leave a mark in the history of magic.】

【Dumbledore: It's a very powerful force. Although I can't understand Anton's magic, I can feel his determination from his casting movements. He must have used this magic with a strong obsession.】

【Meg: Although I really don't want to ask questions, don't we have two masters of the Dark Arts here? I want to hear your opinions.】

【Mag: Is our student Anton considered excellent?】

【Snape: Minerva!】

【Mag: I believe our student Anton】

【Grindelwald: Honestly, if I were to fight that thing, I wouldn't use Avada Kedavra, I'd use the Imperius Curse.】

【Grindelwald: But Anton directly devoured its life. I appreciate this approach, but I don’t recommend it.】

【Grindelwald: Because only an extremely powerful dark wizard who is extremely confident in his magical attainments would devour such a large amount of powerful magical energy.】

【Grindelwald: Your student Anton has done something that I have not been able to do. If the full score is 10, I would give him 10.】

【Grindelwald: As for the other person who claims to be my successor, I would only give him four points.】

【Grindelwald: Oh, why is he silent?】....

On the outskirts of Akkabania, the Death Eaters looked at each other.

No one spoke in this battle.

There was nothing else.

There was only fear in their hearts.

These Death Eaters were confident that they were powerful dark wizards, and they were even more confident that their dark magic could overcome everything.

But just now, when they saw the monster on the screen, they were all scared.

That monster, whether from its size or from its terrifying power.

It was completely enough to destroy the world!

And these Death Eaters' attainments.

Even the most terrible unforgivable curse, Avada Kedavra, shot at that thing.

I'm afraid it wouldn't even have a nosebleed.

But that Anton, the powerful wizard in the video.

No doubt he ate the monster as a side dish, and the whole time didn't even exceed ten seconds!

What a powerful magical power! Even beyond their master!

Thinking of this, the Death Eaters looked at Voldemort.

And Voldemort, who was watching coldly just now, now said nothing, just staring at the screen in a daze.

His heart was completely engulfed by shock.

With the size of the monster on the screen, even if he summoned his army of corpses, they would not be able to resist!

It was an absolute world-destroying monster!

And he was not sure that his spell would have any effect on the monster.

But Anton, Anton.

When he fought with the monster.

It was a one-sided slaughter!

He didn't even see Anton chant a spell.

Just with an ordinary magic circle, he devoured the world-destroying monster!

The difference between the two in magic attainments can be said to be a world of difference!

Just in this point, he, the Dark Lord, is far inferior to Anton!

"That is magic that directly takes away life energy."

Voldemort muttered.

The thing he was talking about was a forbidden spell that he had never dared to think of.

No spells, no wands, just absorbing life directly.

If this thing could really be realized, then he would immediately gain true immortality without Horcruxes.

And now his dream was being easily realized by another wizard.

The shock this brought to Voldemort was far greater than anything else in the world.

Voldemort did not speak again. He just watched the news on the screen in silence.

He wanted to see how far this supreme dark wizard could go.

Is it really as Grindelwald said.

Is he not even one ten-thousandth as good as him in the most basic magic?

【Hermione: Teachers, I have another question. What on earth is Anton going to do by absorbing so much powerful magic?】

【Dumbledore: We don't know the answer to this question. We can only wait and see if there is an answer.

The screen glowed again.

This time, the scene had changed.

It seemed like it was a few days later.

On the screen, Strange stood in the middle of the Milky Way.

Opposite him stood a strange machine inlaid with many gems.

But Voldemort could feel that this machine contained an extremely powerful force.

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