As soon as the spaceship landed, Stark couldn't wait to discuss the plan with several people.

This man who claims to be the smartest man on the blue planet is obviously confident in his planning ability.

After flying together, several people also became familiar with each other and knew each other's abilities.

At the beginning, Stark showed his professional attitude

"This planet is a small satellite of Jupiter, with a diameter that is roughly large enough to stop Thanos's Sanctuary One."

"I have observed before coming here that there is a small satellite in outer space"

"We can do something with this."

Stark poked Drax's chest muscle.

"Big guy, you come and fight Thanos head on."

Drax bared his teeth and made a fierce expression.

He nodded at himself and Star-Lord.

"The two of us will suppress him with firepower and try not to let him use the power of the glove."

Star-Lord loaded his gun with a click.

"I'm going to kill him."

Finally, Stark said to Spider-Man and Mantis:

"Peter, you and Sister Mantis are responsible for controlling Thanos"

"You two are our hope. Whether we can take off the gloves depends on your performance.

Spider-Man put his feet together and saluted:

"Yes! Mr. Stark."

At this time, Star-Lord scratched his head and suddenly had a lot of doubts.

"Wait, if we all have a mission, what do wizards do?"

Several people looked at Strange who was sitting next to them.

At this time, Strange's body was glowing green and his body was constantly changing.

It was as if countless Stranges in time and space were superimposed on each other.

Mantis was about to touch him, but was pulled back by Stark.

"Be careful, Dr. Strange is foreseeing the future for us."

Stark said solemnly:

Mantis's face stern, backing away

【In chat group】

【Trelawney: Oh wow, what a convenient magic, no crystal ball, no tea stains. You can see the time with your own eyes, Anton, you have the talent I envy the most】

【Trelawney: I look forward to having you in my Divination class.】

【Snape: The plan is detailed and the purpose is clear】

【Snape: These Muggle organizations of the Quiet Ones are more reliable than those of the Ministry of Magic】

【Snape: Except for the guy called Star-Lord, everyone else is pretty good】

【Snape: The one called Star-Lord is obviously a Hufflepuff graduate】

【Meg: Although this may be offensive to Pomona, it is true.】

【Newt: Hey! I'm a Hufflepuff graduate too! We wizards are true friends!】

【Pomona: Severus, from now on I will charge you double the galleons for your herbs!】

【Pomona: The students of our school are the backbone of the wizarding world. No matter who you are, Hufflepuff can teach you to be a loyal, resolute wizard who is useful to the wizarding world.】

【Mag: That's true, so we don't worry that Star-Lord will become a bad guy.

On the screen, Strange stopped observing the future and slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing that Strange woke up, Stark immediately squatted down and asked with concern:

"How are you, Doctor? Are you okay?"

Strange said in a serious tone.

"I fast-forwarded through time and saw all the different futures"

"I checked all the results of this battle."

Star-Lord asked:

"How many futures have you seen, Doctor?"

"Fourteen million, six hundred and five."

When these words came out, everyone present changed their expressions.

You know, although they didn't think they could win every battle, they still had confidence. But so many results also meant so many failures.

Stark asked in a deep voice:

"There are several possible outcomes for us to win."

Strange slowly extended a finger.


In the live broadcast room, the wizards were awed.

Although wizards were not sensitive to probability, a probability of 1 in 14,060,500 was simply a fantasy.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the chat group began to become tense.

【Hermione: This probability is amazing.】

【Ron: Probability, what does that mean?】

【Hermione: I took probability theory when I was in Muggle school, and this probability is only slightly better than zero.】

【Hermione: Anton and the others are very dangerous】

【Harry: Is Thanos a more terrifying monster than Dormammu? Why is he so powerful?】

【Voldemort: The person who makes me willing to follow him must have something extraordinary.】

【Voldemort: Wait and see, children.】

【Voldemort: Behold the True Power of the Titan of Destruction】

【Grindelwald: Even if he has power, he is still a madman, crazier than Dormammu】

【Grindelwald: Riddle, you followed such a guy in your previous life. Obviously, you don't know how to judge people.】

【Flitwick: Although I don't know the strength of my opponent, I can do nothing wrong if I act according to a thorough plan.】

【Flitwick: Children, I believe in Mr. Stark's plan.】

【Newt: I believe it too. Mainly because I called him"sir" in my past life. I always felt that he must be quite smart.】

【Flitwick: He is eloquent and full of curiosity. He must be a student of our Ravenclaw.】

【Flitwick: Like our Lockhart, both are excellent adventurers. 】

On the screen, Stark and Strange exchanged a knowing look.

Star-Lord quickly asked:

"That wizard, what did we do that time when we won?"

Strange shook his head and didn't answer.

Star-Lord was a little anxious, but was stopped by Stark.

"Don't be impulsive, alien boy"

"If I told you, I would be interfering with the past and a different timeline would be created."

"That victorious future will disappear"

"So all prophecies are vague."

"All prophet are masters of riddles."

Hearing this, Professor Trelawney, who teaches the prophecy class, almost burst into tears.

She almost rushed into the screen and gave Mr. Stark a hug.

【Trelawney: Finally, finally someone understands our prophet.】

【Trelawney: This Mr. Stark is definitely the smartest and most reasonable person in the world.】

【Trelawney: And very handsome.】

【McGonagall: Professor Trelawney, please be more restrained. We are not just reading about Anton's past life, but also watching the future of a world.】

【Trelawney: Sorry, I got a little excited.]

Star-Lord probably understood something, and sat down on a big rock in a sullen manner.

Meanwhile, the world outside was in a commotion.

From the outside of the clouds, there were constant noises.

It was as if some spaceship was eager to approach the planet.

Strange said calmly:

"You guys hide first."

Hearing this, the team members were a little confused.

Star-Lord said nervously:

"But, Doctor, aren't we supposed to fight the enemy together?"

"His target is the gem in my hand, so he just hides it."

After hearing this, Stark and Strange looked at each other. They immediately understood what he meant.

He wanted to fight Thanos alone! To consume his physical strength!

For a moment, this playboy, who was known for his cynicism, restrained his pride.

He said to Strange respectfully:

"Good luck, Dr. Strange."

As he said that, he took everyone to hide.

With a sharp explosion from the sky, the huge Thanos battleship Temple II tore through the clouds of the asteroid.

A tall and strong purple man walked out of the battleship.

He was wearing heavy gold armor and had a stern expression. He was about three meters tall, and the aura he carried made him look powerful without anger. The golden glove on his right hand was inlaid with several gems.

It seemed to represent his supreme authority.

And the evil spirit emanating from between his eyebrows was coming out through the screen.

Even the wizards who had never seen this person knew his identity immediately.

He must be the Titan of Destruction that Dormammu and Ancient One had mentioned, Thanos.

Before, they only heard his name but never saw him.

And now, they finally saw the real person.

Just looking across the screen, this evil spirit that was no less than Dormammu came out through the screen.

Even many young wizards staggered in fear.

【Chat group】

【Luna: What a scary person, I don't even dare to approach him to harass him】

【Hermione: Horrible, is this the Tyrant of the Universe? It gives me the feeling that those Dementors】

【Ron: This purple-skinned monster is scarier than the spider boy in Newt's previous life.】

【Ron: Just looking at him, I feel like he's going to kill me at any moment!】

【Harry: I feel like he is more like the Dark Lord than Voldemort. No wonder Voldemort would submit to him.】

【Grindelwald: He is indeed terrible, but he doesn't seem to have any magic at all.】

【Grindelwald: I'm curious about how he became the tyrant of the universe】

【Voldemort: You will know when the fight starts.】

【Ron: What a terrifying aura! I really admire Anton for daring to stand in front of him alone. 】

Thanos glanced at Anton in silence.

"Mage, are you the only one?"

Anton stood up, his scarlet cloak fluttering behind him.

The power of magic was concentrated in his hands, and the Ring of Raggador was ready.

"I am enough."

Thanos raised his bare fist and clenched it.

A series of explosions exploded in his fist.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the wizards in the live broadcast room immediately rose to their throats.

A fierce battle was about to break out.

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