The system's voice came again

【Please complete the wish within ten minutes, otherwise it will be considered as giving up the wish. 】

In the chat group, Grindelwald did not make a wish immediately.

Instead, he was extremely happy and showed off his victory to everyone in the live broadcast room.

【Grindelwald: Helena Ravenclaw once said that wisdom is the greatest wealth. When I was studying at Durmstrang, I didn't think there was anything wrong with this statement.】

【Grindelwald: Now that feels so right!】

【Albus: Gellert, I advise you not to lose control. You need to think clearly about your wishes. Also, we still have the magic to defeat you.】

【Newt: Gellert, I advise you to listen to Professor Dumbledore.】

【Grindelwald: Don't worry, Albus, and your student】

【Grindelwald: My wish is very, very simple, and it will not hurt anyone.】

【ALBUS: I don’t think so.】

【ALBUS: You never thought of it that way.】

【Grindelwald: What a quarrel, Albus, we once trusted each other so much】

【Grindelwald: I am going to make a wish. 】

Hearing that Grindelwald was going to make a wish, all the wizards in the room grabbed their wands.

Snape's face was even tighter, and everyone was sitting and preparing for the Third Wizarding War.

Albus looked solemn and said to Anton;

"Anton, if the war begins"

"Remember to hide and protect yourself"

"Your strength will be the goal of all wizards."

Anton nodded.

The magic on his body suddenly appeared.

Although he only got back part of his memory, he now has absolute power.

He doesn't care about those dark wizards who can only use the killing curse.

【Please state your wish, Mr. Grindelwald】

【Grindelwald: I want to resurrect two people, complete, with bodies, independent minds, and souls that are not controlled by demons.】

【One wish can only revive one】

【Newt: What are you up to, Grindelwald? Professor Dumbledore and I have already defeated you once!】

【Grindelwald: Shut up, kid.】

【Grindelwald: I have done many wrong things in my life】

【Grindelwald: stole wands, killed people, failed my followers, betrayed my friends】

【Grindelwald: But I never regret any of this. It was all for the greater good!】

【Grindelwald: Only one person, only one person】

【Grindelwald: I'm sorry.】

【The wishing time is almost over. If you don't make a wish within the time, the opportunity will be automatically invalidated.】

【Grindelwald: Okay, just one at a time.】

【Grindelwald: I want to resurrect a lovely little girl, Ariana Dumbledore】

【Grindelwald: I want her to be resurrected to the state she was in before she met those Muggles】

【Grindelwald: Can you do that?】

【Wish has come true]

In the meeting hall of Hogwarts.

Albus Dumbledore stared at the screen with astonishment in his eyes.

Two tears flowed from behind his thick glasses.

Why did he make such a wish?

Did he really repent?

Dumbledore lowered his head and saw a petite blonde girl standing timidly in front of him. She looked at his gorgeous headmaster robes and his old face.

Ten-year-old Ariana was looking at him.


"Brother Dumbledore? You've become so old."

"How long have I slept?"

"Where's Brother Aberforth?"

"Where is that handsome boy you always played with?"

Dumbledore hugged Ariana tightly, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Ally, Ally"

"I'm sorry, brother."

"My brother is a bastard who has let down his family."

Ariana gently patted Dumbledore on the back.

"Bro, it's okay."

"Dad said you are the class leader, you are excellent"

"You will definitely become the greatest wizard."

Dumbledore's tears gradually dried.

He proudly picked up Ariana and introduced her to everyone present.

Seeing this touching scene of flesh and blood meeting, the wizards were about to cry, and no one could utter a complete sentence.

"She's my sister! She's my sister Ariana!"

"Look, this is Professor Snape, who doesn't like washing his hair, but his potion skills are extraordinary."

"Look, this is Professor McGonagall, brave and selfless, the greatest witch I have ever met"

"This is Flitwick, the duelling champion."

"This is Pomona the witch, the master of herbology."

Finally, he held Ariana in his arms and pointed to Anton.

"This is Anton. I owe a lot to him for bringing me to see you."

Ariana stood on tiptoe and kissed Anton gently on the side of his cheek.

"Thank you, Mr. Anton, the black-haired one."

At this moment, Dumbledore's face was already filled with a smile that could not be concealed.

He raised his wand and fired it into the sky.

The entire Hogsmeade village was as bright as day.

"This good news should be told to everyone!"

"We should have a grand party to celebrate Ariana's return."

After that, Dumbledore waved his wand again, and countless owls flew out of Hogwarts and flew all over the world.

Ariana looked at everything in front of her curiously.

"Brother Dumbledore, are you now the headmaster of Hogwarts?"

"Yes, yes."

Dumbledore smiled and nodded.

Ariana said seriously:

"That's awesome, brother."

"Congratulations, you finally realized your dream."

She bowed to the wizards.

"Thank you for taking care of my brother."

She then asked Dumbledore:

"Brother Albus, what about brother Aberforth? I remember that he never liked reading very much."

"I like herding sheep very much. Is he still alive?"

"Is he an old man too?"

Dumbledore replied:

"He now owns a bar in Hogsmeade Village and is doing very well."

"And the stew he makes is very delicious. He is a great wizard."

Ariana blinked her eyes.

"Well, I want to go see him first."

Thinking of Aberforth's irritable look, if he really knew that Ariana was resurrected, he would be so happy that he would be taken away to St. Mungo's Hospital.

Dumbledore said:

"Wait a minute, Ali, Aberforth is no longer what you remember him to be."

"You stay in the Hogwarts dormitory for a while, and we will go find him later."

Ariana nodded.

"Okay, Brother Albus."

"By the way, how is that handsome boy who often comes to play with you?"

"Has he become a grandfather too?"

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