In the live broadcast room, the wizards held their breath and watched Anton soar into the sky.

As Anton entered Dormammu's body, the wizards finally saw the whole picture of the monster.

The interior of Dormammu was not a void, but countless weird purple planets.

These planets were full of holes, and it was obvious that no one lived there.

Even life no longer existed.

In this vast purple area, there were millions of these wandering planets.

There were even tens of millions of them.

These planets that were conquered by Dormammu and then absorbed energy were placed here, leaving the people in the live broadcast room with a shock.

【Harry: Monster, how could it have eaten so many planets?!】

【Ron: I find it hard to imagine, how could this monster not feel sick?】

【Ron: If Bluestar fails, it will probably turn out like this.】

【Ron: That's terrible.】

【Ron: Anton must not lose】

【Ron: I can't bear the thought of my home being turned into this.】

【Mag: The thing on the screen is really scary. I think no one would like that kind of world except Dementors. 】

On the screen, Strange stood on an asteroid and activated the Eye of Agamotto on his chest.

The spell came out and the magic started immediately. The symbolic green light surrounded him.

Several wizards in the live broadcast room looked at his wonderful move and were a little confused.

In this world without past, future and complete silence, what's the use of being able to control time?

Even the time dimension has been unified.

But Anton on the screen seemed to have full security and continued to move forward.

Anton kept moving forward until Dormammu noticed his tiny existence.

A huge black hole with deep purple flames rose from behind him.

As the picture kept zooming in, the wizards noticed that the black hole-like thing was just Dormammu's pupil.

The head of this world-destroying demon king is as big as a planet.

Before, I only caught a glimpse of his shadow, but now I see the real demon king.

The wizards in the live broadcast room couldn't help but sigh out loud

【Ron: This thing is bigger than the last one I saw! Oh my god!】

【Harry: I can’t imagine that such a creature would appear in the world before Anton!】

【Harry: No wonder it eats so many planets. This creature has a terrifying appetite.】

【Hermione: Whoa, whoa, that's horrible, I'm shaking now】

【McGonagall: It's okay, Miss Granger. Even a powerful wizard would tremble in fear when facing such an opponent.】

【Mag: That monster is a formidable opponent.】

【Luna: It's really scary, just like the things I dreamed about.】

【Grindelwald: This is what God is like. He is not a glorified existence at all.】

【Grindelwald: They are wizards who have gained great power and have been twisted into monsters】

【Grindelwald: I even suspect that this Dormammu was once a wizard】

【ALBUS: You're being unusually talkative.】

【Grindelwald: That's because I'm about to get the reward I deserve. 】

On the screen, facing Dormammu, who is as huge as a planet, Strange showed no fear.

He shouted a sentence

"Dormammu! I'm here to negotiate terms!"

The huge face in front of him completely ignored the words.

"You are here to die"

"Your world is mine, just like all worlds."

After saying that, hundreds of energy blades shot out from Dormammu's body.

Each of these blades was powerful enough to penetrate Strange.

Strange used his Seraphim Shield to barely block most of the impact.

And he dodged Dormammu's flying blades with his agile movements.

Although Strange's strength was obviously different from Dormammu's.

But Strange's resistance still brought hope to the wizards in the live broadcast room.

They cheered for Strange loudly.

And Dormammu on the screen saw that his flying blades didn't work.

He opened his huge mouth and burst out a wave that could completely pierce Strange. The energy surge covered the entire dimension.

The energy surge shot at Strange, who initially wanted to use two Seraphim Shields to resist.

But the huge energy of the surge undoubtedly announced his annihilation.

After holding on for less than a second, the energy instantly shattered the Seraphim Shield in his hand, completely destroying Strange.

For a moment, the entire dimension returned to calm.

In the live broadcast room, the wizards were about to cry.

They had never thought that Anton would actually be killed by that thing!

Although the incident happened on the screen, the real touch had been transmitted to every wizard.

They all empathized.

【Harry: Impossible! Wasn't Anton still in that robot war? How could this happen?】

【Ron: How is that possible? This is fake!】

【Voldemort: It is true. The current from that monster is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of killing curses. The boy named Anton can only hold on for a while, which is his limit.】

【Grindelwald: No, no! I thought I got it right!】

【Grindelwald: I could have!】

【Mag: How did it become like this?】

【ALBUS: Just be patient, everyone.】

【Albus: We have to trust Anton, even at this time】

【Hermione: That Thanos might be the way to save Anton and the world.】

【Hermione: Unfortunately, I'm too dumb to know what this means】

【Hermione: I, I am so useless. 】

Many eyes were focused on the screen. Although there was no trace of Anton in the entire space and time, the wizards were still waiting for a miracle.

Dormammu looked at the place where Strange had stood, admiring his work.

The Sorcerer Supreme was killed, and the barrier had been destroyed long ago.

Obviously, he was the winner without a doubt.

Blue Star was just a toy in his hands.

But he was still worried about something in his mind.

It was said that in the distant time and space, there was a fallen Titan named Thanos who was collecting gems.

This had nothing to do with him, but after killing the Sorcerer Supreme, the gems should be in his hands.

He searched the stone with his eyes, but did not see the Time Gem.


Where is the gem?

The power of the Time Gem is beyond magic, and it is impossible to be shattered by its rush.


Dormammu's heart suddenly trembled, and he seemed to feel something.

It was a premonition, an extremely ominous premonition.

It was like putting on shoes and going to work, but halfway through, you felt that the door was unlocked.

At this moment, Dormammu also felt that he had forgotten something.

He leaned down and looked at his feet.

An identical Strange was standing where he had just been killed.

He said the same sentence.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!"

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