Harry's mind raced, and he immediately remembered something.

But what he remembered was not his childhood experience, but an experience he had at Aunt Petunia's house. It was

Dudley's birthday at that time, and he got a lemon popsicle.

The lemon popsicle tasted quite good.

It was sour, sweet, and refreshing.

And he did some unusual things that day, such as talking to the snake in the zoo, and removing the glass cover of the snake.

And that was the first time he discovered that he was a wizard.


The glass cover was gone.

Harry slapped his head!

"Ron, what kind of transportation do you wizards have?"

Ron rolled his eyes at Harry.

"It's us wizards!"

"There are floo powder, portkeys, and if you are a little older, you can apparate or ride some magical instruments."

"Most of the wizards in the East ride on flying carpets"

"Like Anton"

"I heard that Anton and his fellow Dragon Country wizards ride flying swords, which is quite cool.

Harry smiled.

"Then Anton can take that thing away.

Ron was stunned.

"Take it away? What do you mean?"

Harry made a circle with his hands, making a portal gesture.

"Even if we get rid of it, the monster has not yet completely devoured the world."

"Just send him away with a big portal and that's it."

"Then build a defensive barrier."

Thinking of the efforts made by the dark wizards to summon Dormammu, Ron suddenly had some ideas.

"That's right, Harry."

The brothers wrote the answer on the screen without saying anything.

"Anton sent him away through a portal.

After writing, the two smiled at each other.

Harry suddenly remembered something.

"Ron, the tyrant that Anton is against, could it be Voldemort?"

Thinking of Anton's gesture of controlling time on the screen, and then thinking of Voldemort's current appearance,

Ron felt like laughing.

"That's so interesting."....

In the corridor, Hermione hurriedly walked past the stairs. Her face finally got rid of the redness. If her roommates saw her, it would be a joke.

She turned around and saw a beautiful blonde girl and a beautiful girl in Slytherin uniform.

Both girls looked familiar.

But Hermione didn't want to get involved at this time. She just nodded hurriedly and wanted to bypass them and go back to answer the question.

But she accidentally heard the conversation between the two.

"Senior, what do you think Anton will do?"

The word Anton caught Hermione's attention.

She stopped and turned around to ask:

"Are you Luna and Cassandra?"

They both looked up at the same time and took a closer look at the people in front of them.

They said in unison:

"Christine! Hermione!"

Luna pulled Hermione over enthusiastically.

"Hermione, since we have nothing to do, let's talk about that problem together.

Although Hermione was a little helpless, she still took a quick look at their thoughts.

Luna wrote

"Anton will definitely defeat Dormammu because he is less harassing than Dormammu."

Even this reason seems to be far-fetched.

But Cassandra has some basis.

"Use the sealing instruments and magic circles, and seal it back the way the Supreme Sorcerer did before."

You don't know until you see it. Hermione felt that although Luna's answer was a bit outrageous, Cassandra's answer was quite appropriate.

When she looked up, she happened to meet Luna's passionate gaze.

By the way, why is she so enthusiastic?

"Luna? You, don't get too close."

"I'm a little scared"

"Sorry, you have a big harassment next to your head, it seems rare"

"Here is this for you."

Luna pulled out a strange earring that looked like a small carrot from her pocket.

Hermione accepted it politely and put it in her pocket.

""Hermione, can I hear your opinion? I think your opinion is very important."

Hearing the Ravenclaw students praising her opinion, Hermione also proudly puffed out her chest.

"Thank you, but why?"

"Was it because of my performance in History of Magic?"

"No, no, no."

Luna shook her finger.

"That's because you and Anton are lovers, Christine"


Hermione's face suddenly turned red.

Cassandra gently pulled Luna away.

"Sorry, Hermione, Luna loves to joke around."

"We really want to hear your opinion, after all, you have known Anton the longest."

Hermione blushed, recalling her first encounter with Anton.

It was a clear day, and the Piercarli Street in England was crowded with people.

Anton just fell from the sky and landed at her home.

Speaking of which, during that summer vacation,

Anton seemed to mention a word often.

What was it called?



Hermione clapped her hands.


"Whatever the answer to this question is, it must be related to Thanos.

The two looked at each other blankly.

"What is Thanos?"

Hermione said:

"Anton would occasionally mention this name when he fell into my house."

"I thought it was Dragon Country writing at first, but later I found out it wasn’t."

After hearing this story, the two of them immediately wrote the same answer on the screen.

"Borrow the power of Thanos.

After writing, Luna patted Hermione on the shoulder in a friendly manner.

"I envy you, Kristen."

"I can know Anton for a long time."

Hermione's face suddenly turned red and she sighed.


Who made her lucky?.......

In the hall, Dumbledore frowned, thinking about the answer to the question.

But there was one thing that worried him more.

What would Grindelwald do if he came out?

Once, he thought he knew Grindelwald better than anyone else.

But now so many years have passed, he is no longer sure about his understanding of him.

After all, time can change everything.

If he really answered the question correctly and got the wish.

What would he do?

"Headmaster, you seem to be in trouble."

Dumbledore raised his eyes and met Anton's.

He subconsciously covered his eyes and said:

"It's just that this question is a bit too difficult"

"I am a little overwhelmed."

Snape said:

"Gellert is right. Since he is a god, he has his limitations."

"Maybe this monster has his own unique weakness."

"Found by Anton, then defeated"

"Is that so?"

Dumbledore raised his head and looked at the screen.

Dormammu on the screen had expanded his body to its maximum.

It seemed that he had merged with the world.

How can you defeat a world?

At this moment, an absurd idea came to Dumbledore's mind.

He wanted to ask Grindelwald in person.

But the next second, he stopped thinking about it.

He saw Anton smile.

"Mr. Principal, I have found the answer.

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