【Congratulations to Anton for receiving the award】

【[Memory fragments from the Sorcerer Supreme Strange] As the mechanical voice fell, Anton felt countless images enter his mind.

It was as if the whole world was overturned in an instant.

The next second, he heard a burst of surprised shouts around him.

Looking up, his hands had already shown the red Raggadoer Ring without his consciousness.

And all the spells that he had forgotten before also appeared in his mind.

Seeing that Anton looked wrong, Dumbledore quickly stepped forward and helped him up from the ground.

""How's it going? Kid?"

Anton shook his head, and infinite magic power flowed through his body. In this land far away from the dimensional demon, his magic power was even stronger.

"It's okay."

Dumbledore's eyes lingered on Anton's hands for a moment, and he was obviously interested in the pair of Raggalor Rings in his hands.

"Well, this is the oriental spell on the screen, it looks very beautiful."

Dumbledore leaned down and wanted to get closer. As soon as his long white beard touched the magic ring, it was instantly crushed into gray powder.

Dumbledore stepped back immediately, his expression a little surprised.

Even in Hogwarts, he still had a layer of protective spell on his body just in case.

But the magic ring seemed to completely ignore his spell and directly crushed his beard.

What a domineering spell.

It seemed that it was not running on the same trajectory as their magic.

Seeing Dumbledore's beard being burned, several teachers rushed over immediately.

McGonagall held Dumbledore.


Dumbledore raised his hand and smiled, indicating that he was fine.

"No problem. I just wanted to go for a shorter look."

"Anton's spell has amazing power, and can penetrate most of our protective spells."

When these words were spoken, all the wizards were shocked.

In their opinion, armor protection is the most useful of all the defense against the dark arts.

It has extremely high protection against most evil curses and unforgivable curses.

As long as the magic power is at the same level as the opponent.

But now, even Dumbledore's protective spell can be penetrated.

There are only two possibilities.

One is that the power of the spell does not abide by the magical rules of this magical world.

It is a spell that transcends external objects.

Another possibility is that Anton's magic has surpassed Dumbledore.

The wizards looked at Anton in surprise. No matter which situation it was, this situation was enough to surprise them.

Snape carefully examined the edge of the magic ring and firmly concluded.

"The edge of this thing is sharper than the Spell of the Divine Edge"

"It is a very powerful magic."

Hearing this, the wizards were even more surprised.

Dumbledore raised his arm

"Okay, Professor Snape, could you please get some hair growth potion?"

"As for the other teachers, stop staring at Anton, he is our student"

"Research and other research must also be approved by Anton."

The surprised wizards dispersed.

Such a rare magic will become the focus wherever it is placed.

After scolding everyone, Dumbledore approached Anton.

He took out a phoenix feather from his pocket and handed it to Anton.

The fiery red feather was covered with residual flames, as if it had just been plucked from Fawkes.

"I usually give good students candies or something like that."

"But you are more mature than them, so I give you this"

"This is what Fox changed this morning."

"Most people would use it to make a wand. I guess, you don't seem to have your own wand yet?"

Anton nodded.

In fact, it's not Hermione's parents' fault for not buying him a wand. He went to Ollivander's to take a look.

As a result, all the wands in the store exploded into fireworks.

Half of the store almost burned down.

Hermione, Hermione's parents and the old man took a long time to clean up the store.

The old man was excited and sad, and said that he could only customize a wand for him in half a month.

After Dumbledore handed the wand to Anton, he sat back in his seat.

Anton also calmed down the extremely turbulent magical turbulence in his heart.

But the strange thing is that he always feels a little uncomfortable.

Although the wizard's robe fits him well, he always wants a cloak.

Anton glanced at the chat group, and the message has almost ninety-nine plus

【Ron: This teacher is too much! Treating students like this is similar to that guy.】

【Harry: That's right.】

【Snape: Mr. Weasley, you can name that person, this is a chat group】

【Snape: Anyone can speak freely.】

【Ron: Who said Professor Filch?】

【Snape: That's it.】

【Cassandra: Mr. Dean, can Anton come back from that snowy mountain? It's really cold there.】

【Hermione: Yes! The teaching method of this Ancient Mage is so fierce, will Anton be unable to bear it?】

【Grindelwald: Hahahaha, this is exactly what I want a school to be like. Take the best from the best and make fun of the dregs.】

【Grindelwald: If Anton really can't come back, then he won't be the magic master with talent comparable to Merlin.】

【Albus: Believe in Anton, and believe in magic】

【Albus: Magic will not abandon any wizard. 】

Several people looked at the screen, their hearts full of worry for Anton.

After all, Anton is still on the snow-capped Mount Everest, and may become an icicle at any time.

The screen jumped again, but this time, it was not on the snowy mountain.

It was still in a quiet room.

In the quiet room, Mordo asked with concern:

"Master, where is Master Strange?"

Ancient One did not answer, but pointed outside.

"He may come back at any time."

After hearing this ambiguous answer, Master Mordo immediately understood what was going on.

He was very surprised and asked Ancient One

"But Master Ancient One, Strange is not ready at all!"

Ancient One did not speak, but looked into the distance.

One minute passed.

There was no sound in the whole Kamar-Taj, as quiet as a church after evening prayer.

Two minutes passed.

There was still no movement in Kamar-Taj.

Master Mordo was already getting anxious.

"Master Ancient One, maybe I should go there myself."

The Ancient One raised an arm to stop Mordo.

At the same time, on the top of the snowy mountain.

Strange waited for two full minutes, but never saw the Ancient One.

His arms were stiff and his legs were shaking.

Seeing this, many people in the live broadcast room felt worried for Anton.

Because he didn't have much time, and he wasted two minutes waiting.

After all, this Ancient One was no joke, and he made people experience the frozen world with one move.

【Chat group】

【Ron: This Ancient One is so cruel that he actually lets a wizard who has just learned magic train alone. Isn't this equivalent to letting a newly enrolled wizard deal with Dementors directly?】

【Kassandra: How much time does Anton have left? He's running out of oxygen.】

【Hermione: Less than twenty seconds】

【Kassandra: Twenty seconds? He just learned the portal spell.】

【Cassandra: Just give him twenty seconds to learn it?】

【Cassandra: Even Merlin can't learn this.】

【Albus: This ancient master's teaching method does have some problems. We need to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.】

【ALBUS: That's the beauty of the Sorting Hat.】

【Harry: But Professor, can Anton really learn this spell in twenty seconds?】

【Albus: Although I really want to say that he will, I want to say that only a miracle can save Anton now. 】

After the chat, the attention of several people returned to the snowy mountains again.

After being sure that the Ancient One would not come, Strange began to imitate those wizards and draw circles with his hands.

Because of the snow, his movements were not fast.

But just one second later, scattered sparks began to appear in front of him.

An exclamation broke out in the live broadcast room.

You know, one second ago, this Strange wizard was still a squib who only knew theory.

Although these sparks do not constitute any magic.

But the wizards are quite clear that this represents the connection of the magic channel and the awakening of the magic power.

It means that this person has stepped into the ranks of magicians.

For a moment, everyone held their breath.

All eyes were focused on the screen, watching Strange draw circles with one hand.

He took a deep breath, and then tried his best to stop his arms from shaking.

Finally, he used one arm to draw circles again.

This time, the magic was no longer scattered, but formed a regular pattern.

A circular portal appeared in front of him, and the destination was Kamar-Taj.

The exhausted Strange stepped into the portal.

Like a winner.

Seeing this, the whole live broadcast room exploded.

【Harry: Anton! Good job! He can really do it! He can really do it!】

【Cassandra: Merlin, for God's sake! Only three seconds had passed! Only three seconds! That's too little time to cast even the simplest Transfiguration spell! And he actually cast a full portal?!】

【Hermione: Anton is okay, I'm so glad! I was so worried! It's a snowy mountain, someone could die at any time!】

【Ron: I said from the beginning that Anton was fine. He was a Supreme Sorcerer in his previous life and could fight that monster robot for a long time.】

【Harry: Then Ron, why were you sweating just now?】

【Ron: Sunbathed, sunbathed】

【Albus: Amazing comprehension. I seem to understand why the Ancient One did this.】

【Albus: For such rough gems, a different teaching method should be adopted.】

【Grindelwald: ???, Albus, I'm beginning to not recognize you.】

【Grindelwald: Wait, the label on the feet of this Ancient One begins to show. 】

As soon as Grindelwald finished speaking, the eyes of the entire live broadcast room quickly focused on the feet of the Ancient One.

There was a familiar name at the feet of this great wizard.

Albus Dumbledore.

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