Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 32 A Gift For Hagrid (For Subscription)

The time came to December, and in the second week, Professor McGonagall asked the prefects of each college to collect the list of those who stayed in school for Christmas as usual.

Because of the need to use Compound Potion to pretend to be someone else to find out the truth from Malfoy, Harry, Ron and Hermione also felt that Malfoy's suspiciousness increased greatly after they learned that Malfoy would stay in school.

The three-person group all signed the list of staying in school and planned to carry out according to the original plan.

During this period, Eisen encountered a bottleneck in the production of the enhanced version of the Looking Glass.

Inspired by the Scarpin Appearance Charm, Eisen was able to figure out all the spells made by the Looking Glass as he wished, and he also figured out the extra function to be added-the ability to detect the names of suspicious people and feed them back.

However, how to perfectly integrate this function into the original function without causing conflicts between spells is the next problem for Eisen to solve.

In other words, for Eisen, he was temporarily stuck at this step in order to make an enhanced version of the looking glass.

Evidently, Eisen overestimated his ability. After accidentally making a magic item like a viewing mirror, he thought that he would soon be able to make a more powerful viewing mirror.

As a result, the reality made Eisen understand that his Gold Finger could not help him activate his alchemy skills, and he was really not that good.

Early on Tuesday morning, after Eisen came out of Hogwarts Castle, he found that a thick layer of frost had formed on the grass outside the castle.

Unknowingly, the weather has become colder.

In fact, since entering the wizarding world, Eisen has become less sensitive to changes in the weather. Because wizards can cast magic, to some extent, they can indeed counteract the divine power of nature.

Just like the extremely cold environment, for Muggles, if they don't add some warming measures, they will definitely freeze to death. But for wizards, even if they are wandering in Antarctica, they only need to add a warming spell to themselves and it will have no effect.

Getting lost in the desert is a disaster for Muggles. Again, for wizards, basically nothing. Because wizards can Apparate away. Even if some wizards cannot perform Apparation, they can copy or enlarge the food they carry with them, and they can even use clear water to conjure drinkable water.

It can be seen that the survivability of wizards is still quite strong to some extent.

All the way to Hagrid's hut, Eisen knocked on the door, and was welcomed by Hagrid.

"Hagrid, your food is good!" Upon entering Hagrid's hut, Eisen found that the fireplace in the house was burning with flames, and a whole skinned chicken was on a fork next to it, rolling automatically, and the aroma had already permeated the whole room.

Hagrid, his usual thick, shaggy hair and beard completely matted, was pouring himself a drink. After hearing Eisen's words, his movements froze.

"I don't want to eat it, but my rooster is always attacked and has died a lot." Hagrid said, his tone was full of puzzlement, "I looked around the chicken coop, but I didn't find any beasts. .”

Afterwards, Hagrid stepped forward and tore off a chicken leg and handed it to Eisen.

"Maybe he was killed by the little wizard!" Eisen said meaningfully after taking the chicken leg.

"Impossible, how could the little wizard kill my cock?" Hagrid shook his head when he heard Eisen's words, expressing that it was absolutely impossible.

"You can cast a spell around the chicken shed to protect it and it'll be fine." Munching on the drumstick, Eisen offered an effective solution.

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"That's right, but I need to ask Headmaster Dumbledore for instructions, and I'll do it if he lets me!" Hagrid brought Eisen a glass of pumpkin juice.

A few minutes later, Eisen explained his purpose.

"Hagrid, last time I said, I want you to help collect some magical animal hair—" Eisen was a little embarrassed when talking about this.

After all, the hair of magical animals is considered a rare resource in the wizarding world. That is to say, Hagrid's favorability with magical animals is full, so he can easily collect hairs of various magical animals.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot, I've collected a lot." Hagrid showed a look of sudden realization, then got up and walked to the corner, found a bag and handed it to Eisen.

"It's full of unicorn hair, I think it should be enough for you!"

"Thank you, Hagrid, you've helped me a lot!" After taking the bag and seeing the tufts of hair curled together, Eisen suddenly showed a surprised expression.

During this period, the amount of unicorn hair Hagrid collected exceeded Eisen's expectations, and he didn't have to worry about the experiment for a long time to come.

"By the way, Hagrid, I have a present for you too."

"Really? What gift?" Hagrid had a smile on his face.

"Well, wait for me a moment, I'll be right back!" Seeing the smile on Hagrid's face, Eisen looked at Fangya lying beside him, with a smirk on his lips.

Out of Hagrid's hut, Eisen cast a Disguise spell on himself, followed by the phantasmagoria. Without anyone noticing, it disappeared in place.

A few minutes later, when Eisen reappeared, he was already holding a black puppy in his arms.

"How about it, Hagrid, you think it's not bad!" Entering Hagrid's hut again, Eisen handed the puppy to Hagrid.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Eisen felt a strong contrast when he saw Hagrid carefully picking up the puppy. It's hard to imagine that a big man with titan blood can be so gentle when dealing with animal cubs.

"Thanks, Professor Eisen, I really like him, look - how cute -" Hagrid said, keeping his eyes on the pup.

"As long as you like it!" Eisen smiled.

After leaving Hagrid's cabin, Eisen couldn't help laughing at the thought of a certain scene. Hagrid's pet Yaya is a Neapolitan Mastiff, but the gift he gave Hagrid earlier was a Erha cub.

I don't know what kind of experience it will bring to Brother Hai when it grows up!

After returning to the office, Eisen took the unicorn's hair out of the bag and started the first step of making healing props, using his own magic power to preliminarily dip the unicorn's hair.

A unicorn is a very pure magical animal whose blood can keep a dying person alive, but at the same time brings a curse. Likewise, its fur has powerful magical properties, which Eisen sees as a perfect fit for a healing item. So it is used to make healing items.

Moreover, in order to enchant it better, Eisen had to impregnate it with his own magic from the beginning.

An hour later, the unicorn hair in Eisen's hand was already emitting a faint silver light under the influence of magic power. Afterwards, Eisen put it away carefully.

The impregnation of magic power cannot be completed in a short while, and it takes a long time to cast spells to completely change part of its nature.

However, since Eisen intends to study the production of magic props for healing, he naturally needs to have a deep understanding of healing spells and other methods.

Therefore, when practicing spells, in addition to researching healing spells, he also went to the school hospital to ask Madam Pomfrey for advice.

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