Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 30 The Second Attack (For Subscription)

Looking at the camera on the table, Eisen stepped forward to pick it up to have a look, only to find that the smell of Sisijiao Lake came out of it, obviously it had been melted.

Even if it originally took some photos, there must be no way to get them back at this moment.

"He just entered school this year and has always admired Harry Potter, so he always carried a camera with him, hoping to take pictures with Harry. But he didn't expect—" Seeing Eisen's movements, Professor McGonagall continued to explain.

"I thought, I must not have missed anything—had I!" A recognizable voice came suddenly, and Lockhart entered the Charms classroom in pajamas.

After entering the Charms classroom, Lockhart was taken aback by the number of professors in the classroom, but then still showed his signature smile, "Are you having any party? Calling me is definitely the right choice!"

Putting the damaged camera back on the table, Eisen quietly stepped back and sat next to Professor Flitwick, silently giving the stage to Lockhart.

"Hey, Professor Snape, what's going on tonight's party? I think it must be very interesting, I can't wait to find out—" Lockhart turned his attention to Snape, and went straight to sit beside him .

"If the content of this party is exciting enough, I will definitely write it in my new book, so that you can experience why I am so famous..." Eisen looked at Lockhart who was chattering in confusion, sincerely A kind of heartfelt admiration arose.

"Well, Professor Lockhart!" Dumbledore interrupted Lockhart's performance seriously, "The second attack happened, just half an hour ago.

But unlike Mrs. Norris being petrified, this time it was a first-year student—Colin Creevey—who was attacked. I thought, I must remind you, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened! Hogwarts is facing a crisis! "

After Dumbledore's oppressive words were finished, all the professors became serious. Even Lockhart pulls back that trademark smile.

"The Chamber of Secrets was opened once fifty years ago, when a Muggle-born student, Myrtle Warren, was killed. She still remains at Hogwarts as a ghost Everyone knows that she is Moaning Myrtle.

However, since then, the Chamber of Secrets has been closed, and has never been opened for so many years, until now—" Professor McGonagall said that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened in the past.

"Then this means the attack is over—" Lockhart couldn't wait to come to a conclusion, seeing everyone staring at him, but he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, "I mean, one student has already been killed Assault, Colin Creevey, isn't he, a Muggle-born too. I've dealt with a lot of cases like this, with regularity, which means the Chamber of Secrets is closing? Doesn't it?"

"But Colin Creevey was petrified, not killed! Professor Lockhart!" Snape said, looking at Lockhart viciously.

"Since the secret room was opened fifty years ago, where is the secret room? Can't it be closed again?" Eisen asked some questions appropriately.

"Unfortunately, Professor Eisen, Salazar Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets may only be opened by his heir. So we don't know where the Chamber of Secrets is, nor how to open it!" Dumbledore gave such an explanation.

"Slytherin's heir, it must be from Slytherin College. I mean, Salazar Slytherin's idea is to select students from wizarding families, so he is regarded as the heir to the Chamber of Secrets, Probably not Gryffindor, Rawen Crow and Hufflepuff." Lockhart offered his opinion in due course. Surprisingly, this speculation is reasonable. Only, he didn't see Snape looking at him with a sneer.

"Intelligent thought, but we can't suspect any wizard without proof." Dumbledore's eyes flashed through half-moon spectacles before shaking his head.

"Is it possible that someone controlled the body of a certain student to do all of this. I know that some black magic can be done." Although it is difficult for Eisen to directly say what happened in the diary, he did not move He made a point sensibly.

"You mean—the Imperius Curse? I know, it's one of the three Unforgivable Curses, it's very evil! A wizard can get rid of its influence with a strong will. But I have to say, it's impossible for little wizards to do it." Got it!" Lockhart was showing off his knowledge again.

"That's an idea, but Hogwarts has powerful magic protection, no dark wizard dares to come in and cast a curse on the students." Professor McGonagall couldn't help retorting loudly, looking very angry after hearing what Lockhart said.

"Well, I think we need to arrange some work." Professor Dumbledore gave the final word.

Under Dumbledore's arrangement, Professor McGonagall will be in charge of instructing the prefects of all grades to increase their inspection of the entire castle, especially for the little wizards of the first and second grades, it is strictly forbidden for them to go to remote places, even on the Internet. After class, you must form a group to act.

The professors, in addition to their daily classes, will conduct another investigation of Hogwarts Castle.

Early on Sunday morning, after practicing spells and transfiguration as usual, Eisen came to the library on the second floor. In addition to continuing to study the looking glass, he also devoted part of his energy to healing spells and healing potions.

Previously, he had commissioned Hagrid to collect some fantastic animal hair, particularly unicorn hair. The purpose is to be able to gain something from the healing props.

Although Eisen has no problem casting healing spells, it would be a good thing for him if he could make magic items with healing effects.

Moreover, Eisen's goal is not just a magic item that can heal simply, but a magic item with a powerful healing effect. How strong is it? It can expel the curse, neutralize the curse, and even heal the damage caused by the Unforgivable Curse.

It sounds outrageous, and I don't think it is possible. But Eisen believes that all this can be achieved as his magic continues to grow. Besides, the magic in this world itself is very idealistic, so things are not so absolute.

After leaving the library, Eisen saw Harry unexpectedly. Judging from the way he walked, the bones in his arms must have grown.

Eisen didn't call him, and watched as he grabbed the brass knob of a door, pushed it open and walked in--the place of the Moaning Myrtle.

As soon as the God's perspective was opened, there were already two figures inside besides Harry who had just entered.

A cauldron was resting on the toilet bowl, and a flame was crackling beneath it. The herbs were put into the cauldron by Hermione, obviously brewing a potion.

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"Compound Potion!" Eisen said with emotion, shaking his head and leaving.

As soon as the time turned, it was noon.

"Professor Eisen! Colin was attacked—" As soon as Eisen sat down, Harry came up to him and whispered something.

"Dumbledore told me that now, Hogwarts has become a bit dangerous, so don't run around when you are free!" Eisen nodded, and then gave the other party a meaningful look.

"And, Dobby told me, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before—"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall also said it, so you mean, you can hear the sound—that snake is the monster in the Chamber of Secrets? That snake attacked Colin?" Eisen said thoughtfully.

"But a snake certainly isn't the heir to the Chamber of Secrets, is it?" Ron offered his opinion.

"Do you think that the heir to the Chamber of Secrets controlled the snake and attacked Colin?" Eisen stuffed a piece of cake into his mouth, looked at Ron, and glanced at Harry meaningfully, "But I want to remind you, Mr. Snake Only the cavity can control the basilisk!"

"But Harry isn't a Slytherin!" Ron froze for a moment, then murmured.

"Then what do you want to do?" Shrugging his shoulders, Eisen looked at Harry.

"We're going to use some potions to change into other people's appearance, and we'll go to Malfoy and ask him if he knows about the Heir to the Chamber of Secrets." After a moment of hesitation, Harry still told Eisen of their plan.

"Well, I hope your plan goes well!" Eisen didn't stop their actions. After all, there's nothing dangerous about this kind of thing.

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