Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 21 The Attack (For Subscription)

With a smile on his face, Eisen used a fork to fork a piece of the extremely dark, coffin-shaped cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

While the little wizards were celebrating, Eisen noticed that there were many ribbons of various colors hanging from the ceiling, and they were constantly wandering around in the auditorium, chasing the giggling monster masks floating in the air.

The taste of the food at the Halloween dinner is not much different from usual, but the style and shape are new enough to be completely different from the past. Of course, just because it fits the Halloween mood.

Unknowingly, it was ten o'clock, and after Eisen wiped his mouth with a napkin, he began to discuss with Professor Flitwick about his views on spells.

Since recently, Professor Eisen and Professor Flitwick have had in-depth exchanges on spells, so there is nothing inappropriate to discuss again at this time.

Lockhart on the side tried to intervene several times, but was ignored by Eisen who smiled and nodded in a seemingly extraordinarily "elegant" way. In fact, Eisen already knew what Lockhart was like. And the other professors and students in the school, if they observe carefully, know what level of Lockhart's real talents are.

Although Eisen wanted to complain about Dumbledore, he actually found such a parallel importer as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. But when he thought about what Hagrid said, it was because Hogwarts couldn't find a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who was willing to apply for it, which made it cheaper for Lockhart, and Eisen felt relieved.

No way, who made Lockhart the only candidate!

The Skeleton Dance Troupe played a rather soothing tune at the end, then tapped and shuttled past the little wizard, and finally arranged them neatly, and then bowed to all the wizards in unison, completing their own performance.

Amidst the cheers and applause of all wizards, the skeleton dance troupe turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated in the auditorium, obviously it was time to leave.

The Halloween dinner was over, and the little wizards lined up and crowded out of the auditorium.

Everyone had unfinished expressions on their faces, and kept talking to the people around them, whispering voices mixed with exclamations from time to time. Apparently, everyone was very pleased with this year's Halloween dinner.

After the little wizard left, a few professors stayed behind, waving their wands, and began to tidy up the chaotic auditorium.

"Professor, I think you need to know what happened over there!" A young wizard returned to the auditorium with hurried steps, revealing an unconcealable uneasiness in his tone. While looking at the professors, he swallowed, his lips even trembling a little.

At this time, there were bursts of exclamations from the little wizards outside the auditorium. Apparently, something really happened.

Eisen turned on the God's perspective, looked in the direction of the little wizard who exclaimed, and saw everything in his eyes at a glance.

Sure enough, in an empty corridor on the second floor, I saw the trio standing there blankly, with a petrified cat hanging on the torch bracket next to it—Mrs. Norris.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Snape and others strode towards the outside of the auditorium with serious faces, and the little wizards quickly stepped aside.

Eisen looked away, exchanged glances with Professor Flitwick, and followed suit.

Climb to the second floor, turn a corner, and come to an empty corridor. Under the gaze of the young wizards, three figures appeared in the sight of Dumbledore and others.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood alone in the middle of the aisle, and being watched by so many people, the surrounding atmosphere was visibly frozen. Eisen's eyes fell on the petrified Mrs. Norris.

It looks stiff and dead, but in fact it has only been petrified.

Beside it, in the middle of the two windows, on the wall a foot above the ground, some writing was smeared. In the light of the burning torches around it, the bright red writing shimmered.

The chamber of secrets was opened.

Those who are enemies of the heir, be vigilant!

The crowd, which was still rippling with a cheerful atmosphere, became quiet in the blink of an eye. Mrs. Norris hanging on the bracket, and the glossy handwriting on the wall suddenly made the surrounding atmosphere gloomy.

The little wizards looked at Harry suspiciously at this terrifying scene. Obviously, most people suspected that Harry and the others did all of this.

"My cat! My cat! What's wrong with Mrs. Norris?" When Filch rushed through the crowd, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. He screamed, and then stared at Harry.

"You! You must have killed my cat!" In Filch's eyes, Harry directly became a heinous villain.

"I—" Harry waved his hand to deny it, but everyone looked at him suspiciously, making him almost out of breath.

"Filch!" Dumbledore reassured Filch momentarily, then quickly stepped forward, past Harry and Ron and Hermione, and unhooked Mrs. Norris from the brace.

"I think, Filch, and Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger, you need to come with me!" Dumbledore first looked at Mrs. Norris who was untied, and then looked at Mrs. threesome.

"Principal, my office is closest to here, I think you can go to my place—" Lockhart was eager to show his presence, as if he wanted to participate.

"Thank you! Gilderoy!" Dumbledore nodded without saying anything, and after gesturing to Professor Flitwick, he turned and walked towards Lockhart's office. The quiet crowd suddenly parted on both sides, making a way for the professors to pass.

Lockhart excitedly followed behind, looking very proud, as if he was about to show off his skills, which made Eisen shake his head uncontrollably.

Afterwards, Professor McGonagall, Snape, and Eisen followed, but Professor Flitwick, under the signal of Dumbledore, stayed and began to appease the panicked little wizards.

In Lockhart's office, the photos of Lockhart on the wall suddenly became commotion. Perhaps it was the first time he saw such a big battle, and the Lockharts in the photos hid one after another.

Lockhart took a few steps back after lighting a candle to light up the office. Professor Dumbledore then placed Mrs. Norris on Lockhart's desk.

Hermione shrunk her neck when she saw Eisen glance at her, then pulled Harry and Ron back and sat down on a chair that was barely illuminated by the candlelight.

Eisen took a step forward to observe, and saw Dumbledore poking and prodding Mrs. Norris with his fingers, his blue eyes seemed to be searching for something through the half-moon glasses.

Similarly, Professor McGonagall also bent down and examined it carefully. Instead, Snape half-hudged in the shadows behind him, showing an expression of indifference, focusing on Harry.

"It must have been a spell that killed it - I mean like the Transfiguration Curse, I've seen it many times, but it's a pity I wasn't there, otherwise I could have saved it by breaking the spell." Lockhart began Walking around, chattering and showing off his abilities.

Seeming to be very satisfied with his performance, the pictures of Lockhart on the wall also showed up and nodded in agreement.

After hearing Lockhart's conclusion, the others didn't react, but Filch burst into tears.

Eisen stepped forward and touched Mrs. Norris with his hand, and it was as hard as a stone, unbelievably hard. But with Eisen's touch, a hidden power was sensed by Eisen.

That kind of power is very subtle, although Eisen doesn't think it can pose a threat to him, but this kind of power carries a very strong aggressiveness.

This is—the power of the curse! At this moment, Eisen had some clarity in his heart.

"Filch, it's not dead—" Dumbledore stood up, interrupting Filch's sobs.

Lockhart, who was chattering on the side, was talking about how many times he had saved such incidents, and at this moment he had to stop with a look of embarrassment.

"It's not dead! Then why is it stiff all over, as if it's dead?" Filch stopped choking, and reached out to touch the stiff Mrs. Norris.

"It was petrified," Dumbledore explained.

But unexpectedly, Lockhart immediately echoed, "Yes, um, I think so too! It's obviously been petrified!"

Then, Filch stared at Harry, who was beside him, and aimed at him. Because from his point of view, Harry must have done all of this. For this reason, he did not hesitate to tell the public that he was found to be a squib by Harry.

But obviously, such speculation is extremely irresponsible.

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