Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 2 Harry And Ron Caught In The Present

"Okay, hurry to school, I'll go and see Harry and Ron, so they won't get hurt!" When getting off the train at Hogsmeade Station, Eisen put away the scope and told Hermione and Ginny.

"Okay, Professor Eisen, goodbye at school!" Hermione waved to Eisen, then pulled Ginny away.

Speaking of which, the way of admission to Hogwarts is very interesting to Eisen. It is said that before the Hogwarts Express train was opened, little wizards were admitted to school through the Portkey. But unfortunately, almost half of the little wizards can't find the Portkey every year, or the transmission is wrong and they can't make it to school.

Now, when first-year wizards enter school, they need to be led by Hagrid into the school by boat from the Black Lake. As for the students in the second to seventh grades, they need to ride the Thestral carriage around Hogwarts Castle after getting off the bus, and then enter the school through the gate.

This special ceremony seems to have no effect in Eisen's view, but for Hogwarts, it may be a tradition.

After getting out of the car, Eisen had already turned on the God View, and immediately, everything within a five-mile radius came into his mind. As Eisen expected, Harry and Ron were driving the car towards Hogwarts. However, there is still a distance from a distance.

If there is no accident, the two will successfully land in Hogwarts before the car is damaged, but they will also crash into the Whomping Willow and be beaten together with the car.

So, Eisen took a look at the wizards of all grades rushing towards Hogwarts Castle, and walked directly in the direction of the Whomping Willow.

Eisen came to the edge of the Whomping Willow, and within a few minutes of waiting, he saw a car passing through the fence, flying from the greenhouse and the vegetable field, and crashing straight towards the Whomping Willow.

"Come on, stop! Stop!"

"Watch out for that tree!"

Eisen also heard Ron and Harry panicking. If nothing else happened, the car driven by the two would crash into the Whomping Willow, and they would be beaten up by the Whomping Willow.

But since Eisen is here, he will naturally save them. From a God's perspective, Eisen stared at Harry, then took out his wand and pointed it at him.

Then, a playing card flew out of Harry's body, and the "∞" symbol on it shone brightly, and then flew out of the car and changed into a metal ball, directly surrounding the whole car.


The loud sound of metal colliding with trees then resounded in this silent grassland. Because the shape of the metal ball is too different from that of the car, it was not stuck in the tree by the beating man Liu, but was stopped and immediately bounced backwards and fell to the ground not far away.

The branches of the Whomping Willow moved a few times, but because they couldn't reach them, there was no movement in the end.

After the metal ball in the distance bounced to the ground, it turned into a playing card again and slipped into Harry's pocket.

"I knew it, it must be Professor Eisen who saved us!" Harry, who saw everything in the car, suddenly exclaimed. The tone was full of surprises.

"It's really great—ah——" Ron nodded and before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly screamed and was ejected from the car. Not sure if the car had been enchanted, Harry and Ron were ejected as well.

"Ah—my wand—" As soon as he stood up, Ron found that his wand was completely disconnected except for a few thin pieces of wood that were still connected. Suddenly, Ron, who was happy because he was rescued before, screamed in an instant.

bang bang——

The trunk of the car opened automatically, and the suitcases of the two were also ejected.

In fact, it stands to reason that the two of them do not need to carry suitcases. After all, they already had the storage ring from Eisen. But obviously, the two little wizards still chose to do this in order to conceal the existence of the storage ring.

"You guys are really amazing. It's fine if you don't take the Hogwarts Express, but you actually came here in a flying car. If Hermione and Ginny hadn't told me about this, you would have been thrown to your death!" Eisen on He stared at the two before, but his tone was quite severe.

Although Eisen really didn't need to show them embarrassment, as a professor, it was not his attitude not to ask questions when he knew that students made mistakes.

"Professor Eisen, we missed the train!" Harry pursed his lips, held Hedwig's cage in his hand, and explained in a low voice.

"That's right, platform nine and three-quarters has been blocked by someone, we can't get in!" Ron also took the opportunity to quickly nod in agreement.

"However, you can use an owl to write to Headmaster Dumbledore, or to Professor McGonagall!" Eisen's stern expression softened slightly, and he took a meaningful look at the owl in Harry's arms.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Yes, although Ron's pet is Scabbers the mouse, Harry has Hedwig with him.

"Uh, I——I didn't expect—" Harry was stunned for a moment. That's right, how could he not have thought of something that was obviously easy to think of at the time! So Harry had to stammer out his reasons.

"Oh—come with me, I hope Principal Dumbledore and the others can accept your statement later!" Eisen raised his eyebrows, gestured to the two of them, and then walked towards the castle.

Harry and Ron glanced at each other, then followed dejectedly.

Walking through all the way, no one spoke, and the atmosphere became quiet for a while. Although Eisen was walking in front, but from time to time, he turned on the God's perspective of observation characteristics, but he could perfectly see the expressions of Harry and Ron behind him.

I have to say that with the perfect level of observation features, it is really convenient.

After climbing the steps, Eisen, Harry and Ron behind him entered the hall respectively.

A few torches were lit inside, making the slightly empty hall bright. After entering the foyer, bursts of cheers can be heard from the auditorium next to it. Apparently, the sorting ceremony and welcome party were going on over there.

Eisen didn't take them in, but took them directly to the Muggle Studies classroom on the second floor.

"You guys have to stay here, I think I need to find Professor McGonagall!" Seeing the two of them follow him in, Eisen nodded and turned to leave.

In less than ten minutes, Eisen was back. That's right, after the sorting ceremony was over, Eisen briefly talked about the matter. But what he didn't expect was that not only Professor McGonagall, but also Dumbledore and Snape followed.

For Harry and Ron, they didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Eisen alone, but when Professor McGonagall surrounded them with Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape, the low-pressure atmosphere simply made them out of breath.

"Sit!" Seeing Harry and Ron stand up with a look of bewilderment, Professor McGonagall pursed his lips and escaped from his wand.

Harry and Ron, who thought that Professor McGonagall was about to cast a spell, immediately took a few steps back. Seeing that there was no magic spell falling on him, he breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the stool.

"Don't you explain it!" Professor McGonagall's glasses shone coldly.

"Hmph—" Snape snorted coldly, and threw a copy of "Evening Prophet" on Harry.

How serious is it? Looking at the stern expressions of the professors, Harry finally knew what a bad feeling was. After unfolding the newspaper, a piece of news caught his eyes:

"Two Muggles in London are convinced they saw an old car fly over the Post Office...Mr. Angus Fleet reported to the police..." At a cursory glance, Harry knew that a total of six or seven Muggles had already Knowing his and Ron's feat.

Then, Harry handed the newspaper to Ron. After Ron saw it, his complexion was obviously worse than Harry's.

"I remember your father working in the Misuse of Muggle Substances Division, but I didn't expect his own son to—" Snape said sinisterly to Ron, as if adding fuel to the fire.

Right now, Ron was on the verge of tears.

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