Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 44 Harry's Discovery

Although he had already made a decision not to meddle in other people's business, and had made a pledge in front of Hermione and Eisen. But after encountering this kind of thing suddenly and feeling that he had discovered something extraordinary, Harry still couldn't hold back.

So, Harry, who had just left the library, returned to the library again.

At this time, Hermione and Ron were testing astronomy-related knowledge, and they were still surprised when Harry returned. Then Harry told him everything he had heard.

"So, Snape finally got it?" Ron couldn't help but exclaim, "If he got from Quirrell how to remove a magical protection spell that was cast, wouldn't it be—"

"But don't forget, Lu Wei is still watching!" Hermione interrupted what he was going to say next.

"Are you sure that Snape didn't get a solution to Lu Wei?" Ron said, pointing to the books around the library, "I'm sure there must be a book hidden around here that tells how to subdue a three Big dog with a head. So what do we do?"

A thirst for adventure shone in Harry's eyes, what? Stop meddling in your own business? How can it be called meddling when justice prevents evil?

However, before Harry could speak, he was directly interrupted by Hermione.

"Go to Professor Dumbledore, we should have done this a long time ago. If we act alone again, not to mention being deducted 100 points, we will definitely be expelled directly!" Hermione's words poured cold water on Harry's head.

"But, we have no evidence!" Harry said after a long silence, "Quirrell was terrified at the time, he was threatened by Snape, and he would never come out to testify for us. Snape just said in front of Dumbledore that he didn't know about Halloween How did the giant monster come in on the eve, there is no way to expose him.

Everyone knows we don't get along with Snape, so Professor Dumbledore will think it's a set of lies we made up to get Snape fired. Moreover, how do we know the Sorcerer's Stone and Lu Wei, it is too troublesome to explain. "

Hermione was instantly convinced.

No way, they really knew too much, and if they wanted to explain it to Dumbledore, they had to tell everything they knew. But how did they know about the Philosopher's Stone and Lu Wei? But it's hard to explain.

"We can tell Eisen!" Ron's eyes lit up suddenly, offering his opinion.

"However, Eisen had already told Dumbledore last time that Dumbledore trusted Snape completely." Harry shook his head.

"Then, how about we tell Eisen about this, let him not talk to Dumbledore, but just watch Snape in the dark?" At this moment, Hermione suddenly thought of a way.

"Great, that's a great idea!" Harry and Ron agreed with Hermione's proposal.

"Okay then, you review this first, I'll go to Eisen's office!" Hermione said, put a Jupiter astronomy map in front of the two, turned and left the library.


In the office, Eisen is practicing Transfiguration.

A piece of poker danced up and down in the hand, changing from time to time, turning into a bird for a while, a cheetah for a while, and then a blade, vines, chains, whips and so on.

bang bang——

Just as Eisen was concentrating, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Eisen stopped what he was doing, turned the poker back to its original state, and opened the door to the office.

"Professor Eisen!" Hermione walked straight in, with a cute look, and anyone who saw her would praise her.

"Hermione, what's the matter?" Seeing that it was Hermione who came, Eisen felt a little strange. Then, he threw the poker in his hand and turned it into a chair, signaling the other party to sit down and talk.

It stands to reason that the exam is about to take place, and Hermione, as a good student, should be busy with her revision.

"Yes, Professor Eisen, it's like this—" Hermione looked a little embarrassed, but told what Harry had discovered.

"Harry found out that Snape learned from Quirrell how to decipher the magical protection that was applied! But aren't you meddling in your own business?" After listening, Eisen nodded knowingly, but then asked a question, his eyes became weird .

"This—this—so we decided to tell you and ask you to help keep an eye on Snape!" Hermione stuttered suddenly after being caught in Eisen's weird eyes, but she still managed to say what she had come for.

"So that's how it is!" Eisen showed a sudden look, yes, for Hermione and the others, letting the professor himself stare at Snape is indeed a good solution. If Snape really wanted to make a move, he could not only stop it, but ask Dumbledore directly for help.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on Snape, but if Harry finds anything else, he must let me know, understand?" After pondering for a moment, Eisen nodded in agreement.

Of course, he still needs to keep an eye on Harry's progress, so he told Hermione to tell himself when Harry finds anything. In this way, he can better cut in and participate in it openly. In this way, we can gain the opportunity to contact the Philosopher's Stone.

"Okay, thank you Professor Eisen, then - I'll go first, goodbye!" After hearing Eisen's answer, Hermione almost jumped out of her chair. Still, she was happy to thank Eisen.

After Hermione left, a smile finally appeared on Eisen's face. That's right, Eisen has been waiting for almost a year for this moment.

Ever since Eisen accidentally refined the observation mirror and discovered the extraordinary characteristics of the perfect level, he suspected that the extraordinary characteristics of the Philosopher's Stone would be of a high level.

Therefore, Eisen absolutely cannot give up this opportunity. After all, this Philosopher's Stone was refined by Nicole Flamel, and it may be the only Philosopher's Stone in the world.

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At the most critical point, Nicole Flamel didn't want to live anymore, so he handed the Philosopher's Stone to Dumbledore and asked him to complete a series of arrangements. And afterwards, the Philosopher's Stone was to be destroyed.

In other words, unless Eisen can refine the Philosopher's Stone himself in the future, there will be no chance again.

So, can he refine the Philosopher's Stone? To be honest, Eisen didn't know. It stands to reason that with Gold Finger in his body, Eisen will be able to refine the Sorcerer's Stone sooner or later.

But the problem is that his Gold Finger is all about strengthening his strength, and has no effect on alchemy. Therefore, he was really not confident that he could refine the Philosopher's Stone.

After all, in the entire wizarding world for thousands of years, only Nicole Flamel has the record of refining the Philosopher's Stone. This shows how difficult it is to refine the Sorcerer's Stone.

"It's a pity, if Gold Finger can show the skills, then the alchemy skills will have to improve, and the Sorcerer's Stone can be refined to ten or eight!" Thinking of this possibility, Eisen couldn't help but sighed and shook his head . Such a look of lack of human heart and snake swallowing elephants makes people want to punch him when they see it.

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