Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 39: A New Curse That Nearly Lost Control

On Wednesday night, Eisen returned to the faculty residence after teaching the students an astronomy class.

As before, Eisen spent half an hour on alchemy and ancient rune research as usual. Then, half an hour was spent on spell practice and transfiguration practice.

In fact, based on Eisen's current level of enchantment and transfiguration, if there is not a big breakthrough, there will be no obvious improvement. But he still insists on practicing every day, the purpose is to keep himself in a state of being familiar with magic all the time.

In Eisen's view, practicing enough times is always beneficial. At the very least, for his own comprehensive physical fitness, which has grown to three times that of ordinary people, it can play a role in continuous development and mastery.

In addition, in the process of practicing spells and transfiguration in recent days, Eisen has also thought about developing a combat method, which is to combine the flying spell, levitation spell and transfiguration to make a flying sword and return to the clan. means.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

However, after thinking about it for a while, Eisen felt that it was too fancy, and felt that it would be better to turn all swords into a sharp blade to attack, so Eisen gave up.

However, when studying various combat methods, Eisen suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and felt that a combat method might be very clever. That is to combine Whirlwind Sweep and Transfiguration and then use it to attack.

Whirlwind Sweep is just a household spell that conjures a whirlwind to sweep away the stain. But Eisen had a whim, if he summoned the whirlwind and at the same time let the transfiguration work on it, turning it into a series of continuously rotating wind blades, wouldn't it turn a cleansing spell with no attack power into a lethal one? A powerful spell.

After all, Eisen can be said to have fully mastered spells such as the Cleansing Curse, and Transfiguration has already been able to transform individual elements. So combining them to develop a new spell should theoretically not be a problem for him.

So, after the spell practice and transfiguration practice, it was time for Eisen to experiment with new spells.

"Whirlwind strangling——" Eisen chanted the incantation, swung his wand in his right hand, and saw a small tornado appear on the table. This small tornado seemed to be made of wind blades, and it smashed the entire table into pieces in an instant.

After a period of research, Eisen finally developed a new spell. To be honest, this definitely caught Eisen by surprise.

Originally, he thought that at his own level, it was impossible to develop a new spell, but he didn't expect the combination of cleansing spell and transfiguration to be so smooth.


The hissing sound caused by the continuous cutting of the air by the wind blade tornado interrupted Eisen's thoughts, but after regaining consciousness, Eisen was startled by the sight in front of him.

After the windblade tornado shredded the desk, it grew rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it had grown to the size of a person, and it kept spinning as if it wanted to suck in everything else in the room. Even Eisen himself faintly felt a pulling force.

With this effect, could it be that this new spell is a spell that can cause continuous damage? Eisen's complexion changed, and he immediately thought of another exaggerated spell - the Fire Calendar Curse.

It is said that the Lihuo Curse can burn mission substances, and as long as it is not cracked, it can burn forever.

"The spell stops—" Eisen waved his wand, trying to stop the windblade tornado by breaking the spell. But I didn't expect that there would be no effect at all.

Eisen's face darkened, and he didn't have time to think about it. He first put on an armor to protect himself, and then used all his strength to cast the transformation technique, directly acting on the wind blade tornado.

Then, under Eisen's gaze, the windblade tornado gradually became smaller and then dissipated in the room. Eisen was relieved to see that Transfiguration could end the spell of Whirlwind.

"Fortunately, it works, otherwise, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of damage to Hogwarts school!" Eisen had a premonition in his heart, if not stopped, this spell could even destroy the entire Hogwarts castle.

However, Eisen felt a little headache when he thought that the whirlwind he developed could not be controlled freely. Because in Eisen's imagination, the situation of perfect mastery of this spell should be terminated at any time according to one's own will.

But what I didn't expect was that the combination of Transfiguration and Whirlwind caused an inexplicable change, forming a very stable balance.

It is this balance that makes the wind blade tornado released by Whirlwind Sweep continue to run. Moreover, with Eisen's current attainments in transfiguration, with all his strength, he could only slightly interfere with this stable balance, thus cracking it.

Eisen had a hunch that if his Transfiguration was improved again, he should be able to reach the level of reciting spells. Thinking of this, Eisen smiled wryly.

"Restored as before—" A restoration curse was cast, and Eisen's room was restored, and the table fragments that had been crushed by the wind blade tornado were also reassembled and restored to their original state.

Leaning on the bed, Eisen fell silent. I thought it was just a simple attack spell, but I didn't expect to develop a spell with destructive power and damage range far beyond imagination.

At the moment, Eisen has already made up his mind, it is best not to try to use the whirlwind to strangle this spell before the Transfiguration technique goes a step further. Moreover, even if you want to use it, you can't let it last for too long and let it grow.

Because just now when he interfered with the whirlwind strangling with his Transfiguration, he tried his best to intervene only a little bit. If the windblade tornado grows to a height of more than ten meters or even tens of meters, Eisen may not be able to do anything about it with all his Transfiguration. interfered.

At that time, Eisen can't imagine what the consequences will be if the wind blade tornado loses control.

Perhaps, as time goes by, after the magic power in Eisen increases and becomes stronger, he can still interfere with it to a certain extent. But as long as Transfiguration doesn't go further, for Eisen, the spell still risks getting out of hand.

Therefore, Eisen felt that it would be best to wait until the research on Transfiguration was advanced before he could use this spell as he wished.

However, Eisen suddenly thought of a problem, and that was the problem that the previously used cracking spell was ineffective. It stands to reason that the breaking spell can usually be used to break all spells except the three unforgivable curses.

But in fact, Eisen also knew that some too special spells and some more complicated spells could only be deciphered with specific counter spells.

"So, is the Whirlwind Strangling transformed by the combination of Whirlwind Sweep and Transformation a special spell or is it complicated enough?" Thinking of this, Eisen couldn't help but mutter.

"Well, no matter what, when you experiment with new spells in the future, you have to prepare in advance." After thinking about it, Eisen felt that his behavior of experimenting with new spells directly in the dormitory was too rash.

Thinking back, a layer of cold sweat would faintly break out on Eisen's forehead. If this really got out of control, I'm afraid being imprisoned in Azkaban would be the best result.

It was at this time that Eisen thought of Luna's mother in the original book. It seems that the other party died because of a failed test of the spell.

It seems that the wizarding world also has lessons learned from the past!

After calming down his complicated emotions, Eisen looked at the time, and it was actually close to twelve o'clock in the evening. Just as he was going to sleep, he suddenly thought of something and took out the observation mirror.

Originally, Eisen thought that Hermione, Harry and the others had already fallen asleep, but unexpectedly, he saw several sneaky figures in the Gryffindor common room.

"Strange, isn't get out of class already over? Why haven't they slept yet?" Eisen suddenly showed a curious expression. Could it be that they are planning something?

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