Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 37 Surprises Brought By Hands-On Work

"I'll go and see what book Hagrid was looking for just now!" Ron said and rushed out quickly. People who saw this scene might think that he was very active to help, but in fact he knew that he was too tired from reading. , so I want to find something to do.

Two minutes later, Ron was back with Hermione and Harry again. I saw him holding a large stack of thick books in his arms, and then fell heavily on the table.

"I know what Hagrid is looking for, it's a dragon!" Ron whispered after leaving the book on the table, "Hagrid is looking for information about dragons, look at these: "Guide to Raising Dragons", "From the Hatch The Egg to Nirvana, Species of Dragons of Great Britain and Ireland."

"Oh, I see, Hagrid has always wanted a dragon. He said so the first time I met him." Harry gave a look of enlightenment.

"But it's against the law!" Ron's face became serious. "In 1709, the Ministry of Magic passed a law banning dragon breeding. After all, if people keep dragons in their back gardens, it's hard to hide the truth." Muggles to get their attention to us.

Moreover, raising dragons is a very dangerous thing. Charlie was burned by a wild dragon in Romania, and he can still see a terrible scar on his arm. "

"Will those dragons grow so big?" Harry wondered why dragons could be easily spotted by Muggles.

"Yes, it starts out small, but it grows fast, to the size of a house in a matter of weeks. So it's part of the Ministry's job to hide these dragons from Muggles. Some After the Muggles saw the wild dragon, the wizards of the Ministry of Magic had to cast a spell to make them forget about it." Maybe it was because the big brother Charlie raised dragons in Romania, so for this knowledge, Ron It is still very clear.

"Then, why did Hagrid search for these materials? What exactly is he trying to do?" Hermione asked the most crucial question.

An hour later, the trio snuck into the gamekeeper's cabin, intending to have a good talk with Hagrid.

At this time, Eisen was busy making the first magic prop in his life.

Leaning on the chair, Eisen carefully observed a round mirror placed on the desk. The mirror is about the size of a palm, and looks ordinary from the outside, there is nothing strange about it.

But in fact, this is the first alchemy item that Eisen has spent energy making during this time—the observation mirror. After having a basic understanding and research on alchemy, and studying ancient runes and potions for a period of time, he can finally try to make magic props by himself.

The mirror in front of me is an item similar to the Marauder's Map in the original book. Of course, it is said to be similar, but its function is far worse.

It was the first time to make magic items through alchemy. Eisen knew that his level was still average, so he just applied some very simple magic.

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For example, this mirror Eisen actually only casts two spells, an area detection spell and a reveal spell. What the detection magic detects is not people, but pure terrain and environment, and what is revealed is also terrain and environment.

Of course, since only two magics were applied, Eisen made the combination of these two magics the best it can do at the moment.

But having said that, it's amazing that the Marauder's Map is fully functional, showing the names and real-time activities of everyone in Hogwarts. But the mirror made by Eisen can only show the terrain and environment of Hogwarts.

Of course, the mirror made by Eisen has another advantage, that is, even if he leaves Hogwarts to go to other places, he can still observe the terrain environment within a radius of five miles from the mirror. The observation target of the Marauder's Map can only be Hogwarts School.

From this point of view, the mirror made by Eisen can basically be regarded as a small map in the game. The effect seems to be great, but when you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be of much use to wizards.

Because for wizards, if they want to explore the secrets of a certain place, they can directly hide it with the illusion spell or other magic props and then go directly to explore it.

If it is a hidden place that has been cast with powerful magic, such as a place hidden by the Fidelity Curse, although wizards cannot detect it, it is also impossible to detect it with the mirror made by Eisen. So for now, the first alchemy item that Eisen is currently making is just a little more convenient in terms of detection.

On the whole, the role of this mirror is more like a real-time high-resolution satellite, which can display all terrain environments within five miles around Eisen, and Eisen can observe a certain location as he wants. Although it cannot directly detect people, Eisen can directly observe a place to see if there are people.

However, even though Eisen knew that the first magic item he made was mediocre, he was still very happy. Because this represents an important step for him on the road of alchemy.

"Is it necessary to consume a miraculous feature to reproduce it when you discover extraordinary features—perfect observational features?" Just as Eisen was holding the mirror in his hand, he was shocked by an unexpected reminder.

"Good guy, this is too exaggerated!" Eisen couldn't help muttering to himself. To be honest, he originally thought that this magic item was nothing at all, after all, it was his first attempt, but he didn't expect it to directly give a perfect-level extraordinary characteristic.

However, when he saw the name of the feature, Eisen showed a thoughtful look. Presumably, such a feature is the core function of this mirror.

In other words, if Eisen integrates this perfect-level observation feature, he can freely observe the surrounding terrain within five miles without using props?

How should I put it, it feels really powerful, especially when combined with apparition, as long as it is observed within a five-mile range, it can be teleported. But Eisen feels that with the line-of-sight enhancement feature and the beyond-line-of-sight feature, it seems that it can teleport a little further.

However, the only thing that makes Eisen particularly excited is that as long as he integrates this feature, he can observe all environments within five miles in real time anytime, anywhere. And, just like the function of this mirror, he can have a kind of God's perspective.

At the very least, with such characteristics, Eisen feels that he is no longer afraid of being attacked. Moreover, after integrating such a feature, it seems that you can take a peek at it—ahem, anyway, it is indeed a very powerful feature, so it is reasonable to be rated as a perfect level by Gold Finger.

Only in this way, Eisen's plan had to be changed. Originally, he planned to try to reproduce the extraordinary characteristics from the Philosopher's Stone, and then select the flight characteristics for fusion.

But now that there is a perfect-level observation characteristic, it must first integrate this characteristic. As for the flight characteristics can only be postponed.

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