Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 28 Fred And George's Surprise

After understanding his current situation, Eisen understood that if he didn't care about it, then he could only rely on the accumulation of miraculous characteristics and daily increasing magic power to improve his strength in the future.

But obviously, although Eisen feels that he has a Gold Finger and can go on the road of magic more smoothly than others, but he doesn't want to rest on his laurels. Therefore, after careful consideration, Eisen felt that the reason why he encountered a bottleneck was probably because his background was too shallow.

If you want to play Transformation to the extent of changing elements, for example, changing flames into water, water into lightning, lightning into storms, etc., you must study magic in depth. After you have a deeper understanding of Transformation, you can able to continue to improve.

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The current Eisen is really good on the surface. On the one hand, it is the growing magic power in the body. On the other hand, after learning Apparition, it is more reasonable to match it with Disarming Curse, Iron Armor Curse, and Transfiguration. With the blessing of Eisen's comprehensive physical fitness, which is nearly three times that of ordinary people, his combat effectiveness can be regarded as excellent.

But obviously, compared with Dumbledore, it is much worse. At the very least, Dumbledore not only has huge magic power, but also has extremely strong spellcasting skills. In addition, for him to become good friends with Nicole Flamel, it is obvious that his attainments in alchemy are also top-notch.

In addition, Dumbledore was able to defeat Grindelwald and Voldemort. It would be unreasonable to say that he did not have a profound knowledge of black magic. Finally, Dumbledore was a master Transfiguration. It's hard to say how the level is, but Eisen speculates that it should be no less than Minerva·McGonagall's.

Look, after reading Dumbledore's resume, you will find that the other party can be said to be proficient in all kinds of magic classifications.

On the other hand, Eisen, although his own strength is not bad, but there are too few means to deal with emergencies. For example, all kinds of strange curses, poisons, magic items, magical creatures and so on. If the enemy encountered happens to have some means to hit Eisen's blind spot, wouldn't it be a bad idea.

However, even though he knew his shortcomings, Eisen said that it would be too difficult for him to be proficient in all kinds of magic categories like Dumbledore.

After all, although he has always been a top student in the Muggle world, he is actually just a fake top student who became someone else's child by relying on the memory of his previous life. At the very least, he knew he was no match for Hermione in terms of studies.

It was because of this that when he first came into contact with magic, in order to be able to protect himself, he put most of his energy on Charms and Transfiguration.

Knowing where his shortcomings are, Eisen thought of a solution that was not a solution. That is to devote part of its energy to alchemy and study the production of magic props in depth.

On the one hand, it may be easier for him to study magic knowledge in depth by analogy. On the other hand, it happens to serve his Gold Finger. Eisen believes that as long as there are enough powerful supernatural characteristics, his personal safety will be more guaranteed. At the very least, he is now immune to the Disarming Curse.

bang bang——

While Eisen was deep in thought, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in!" Eisen retracted the virtual panel with a thought, and then opened the door with a flick of his finger.

The twin brothers Wes came in smiling, and winked at each other while smiling.

"The telescope is ready?" I don't know if it is an illusion, but Eisen always feels that Fred and George have an inexplicable aura, as long as they are present, they can make people happy. Then, a smile appeared on Eisen's face.

"That's right, Professor Eisen!" Fred nodded to George as he spoke.

"Professor Eisen, is it satisfactory to try it?" George seemed to have received the signal, took out a telescope from his pocket, and placed it on the table in front of Eisen.

It's strange how these two brothers seem to be a lot more serious. Thinking this way in his heart, although Eisen was a little suspicious, he didn't think much about it. He stretched out his right hand, and the telescope on the table flew over without a sound.

However, at the moment when he got the binoculars, Eisen showed a puzzled look in his eyes. Because he didn't get the Gold Finger feature reprint prompt from the telescope.

messed up? Or is it that the secondary production of magic props is useless? Eisen thought of a lot in a flash, but after seeing a faint look of anticipation on George's face, Eisen suddenly remembered something. Could this be the boxing telescope? Thinking of this, Eisen put the telescope in front of his eyes for a closer look.

Looking at the telescope whose surface remained unchanged, Eisen had to marvel at the alchemy talent of the Wesley twins again.

"Is this a boxing telescope? Come on, George, show me how to use it?" Knowing that Fred and George were going to play a prank on him, Eisen showed a half-smile expression, and stretched out his hand to throw the telescope to George.

"Oh, no, Professor Eisen, it's really cruel—" George held the binoculars, showing a look of grief.

"This is the first time our prank has failed!" Fred was also dejected beside him. It seems that for the two of them, it is an unforgivable thing that they failed to play a prank on Eisen.

However, after seeing that Eisen still didn't change his expression, Fred gave a sly smile and handed out a telescope again.

"Discover extraordinary features—excellent level beyond-the-horizon features, do you need to consume a miraculous feature to reproduce it?" A line of words popped up in front of Eisen's eyes, but the content changed from the original line-of-sight enhancement feature to the beyond-the-horizon feature. Although the change is very subtle, Eisen guessed that it should have something to do with the telescope becoming a see-through telescope.

Afterwards, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and he put away the perspective telescope. Looking at the pair of twin brothers who looked like real treasures, Eisen didn't expect that they could really give him such a big surprise.

Open a magic trick shop and let the brothers work for themselves? Or join in when they're about to run a magic trick workshop? At this time, Eisen suddenly had such an idea. No way, their talents are indeed outstanding.

Eisen stood up from behind the desk and gave the two brothers 2 Galleons. Seeing that the other party seemed to be refusing, Eisen interrupted them in advance: "Oh, there is no need to refuse, it is your processing fee, you know, I am very satisfied with the products you have transformed!"

"But, Professor Eisen, didn't we agree that this is part of the authorization?" Although the Wesley twins like to play pranks, they don't take advantage of others.

"Of course, but I think it is reasonable to charge a part of the processing fee, and I will entrust you to help in the future!" To be honest, this is Eisen's true thinking. He knew that Wes's family conditions were really not very good, so there was no need for his wife to care about this small amount of money.

"Wow, then, Professor Eisen, do you have any new ideas?" The two smiled in relief, and Fred followed up with a question.

"I think that must be a really good idea, like punching binoculars!" George is also interested, and compliments Eisen in passing.

"Do you know the tape recorder?" Eisen shook his head, but there was a weird smile on his face.

"Recorder?" Fred showed a puzzled look.

"It's a Muggle product. It can record and play sounds. It's a very magical Muggle machine." George explained.

"I know, but—" Fred glared at George, then looked at Eisen with a puzzled expression. That's right, he didn't just understand why Eisen would mention a Muggle machine like a tape recorder.

Hey, it seems that their brains are still not working. Eisen sighed in his heart, and then reminded them: "Muggle machines like tape recorders can record and play sounds, but they are electronic products and cannot be used in Hogwarts. If you use magic to transform them, then It can be used in school.

For example, certain sounds could be recorded and played back while the wizard was sleeping—"

Having said that, Eisen saw the expressions of surprise and surprise on the two of them. It seems that their prank methods are much richer.

"Simply fantastic!"

"I can't wait to pull a prank."

"Professor Eisen, let's go first, we must quickly realize this idea!"

The two cheered, and even high-fived back, and then said goodbye impatiently. Eisen couldn't help but shook his head seeing the two of them jumping off like this.

As for what kind of psychological trauma will be caused to the little wizards after the magic tape recorder is made, it is none of Eisen's business.

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