Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 9 Duel, Professor

"Ha, you didn't see, Malfoy is miserable!" Harry had a schadenfreude look on his face.

"Think about it, Malfoy ate the stinky snails into his mouth, and his whole mouth was on fire!" Ron's eyes flickered, with a hint of haze, as if he had eaten a big spoonful of honey.

Walking in the corridor, the two still discussed what happened just now from time to time.

Similarly, Fred and George and others were also having a good time talking. I was discussing with my good friend Li Qiaodan about Malfoy's previous posture of eating fried-tailed snails.

"What do you think of him squatting on the ground with his hands on his stomach?" Fred's eyes sparkled, as if he had thought of some prank idea.

"That pose is great, but the expression on his face is wrong. There should be some hallucinations in the pain!" George expressed his opinion.

"I think it's better for him to lie on the ground and roll around!" Li Qiaodan retorted loudly.

"Ha——that's it, that's great!" Fred and George looked at each other and said in unison, showing expressions of surprise.

After waving his hands to Harry and Hermione, Eisen returned to his office with a blank expression.

For their schadenfreude, Eisen said he could understand. After all, Malfoy had been behaving like a fly, buzzing around the trio for years.

But Eisen himself didn't feel much about it.

I just don't know how Professor Snape will deal with the two troublemakers. Thinking of the look on Snape's face when he left earlier, Eisen knew he was in a bad mood.

After all, after this incident, Slytherin would even become the laughing stock of the whole school. Then, as the Head of Slytherin House, it would be difficult for Snape to keep his face.

Fortunately, the confinement method at Hogwarts has been softened a lot, otherwise, as the administrator Filch said, Montison Rolle and Malfoy would have been hung up and beaten.

Early the next morning, Eisen was thinking about developing a new spell, but was reminded by Dumbledore not to forget to reopen the Dueling Club.

"Oh, yes, the Dueling Club is reopening!" If Dumbledore hadn't reminded him, Eisen would have almost forgotten about it.

However, for this, Eisen does not think it is his fault. After all, Dumbledore had only reminded him to keep an eye on Carloff. Therefore, Eisen felt that he was so busy, how could it be his own fault. It was all Dumbledore's fault for having too many things planned for himself.

"Professor Eisen, I think a dueling lesson a week is a very reasonable thing to do!" was Dumbledore's suggestion.

Eisen has no objection to this. To be honest, Eisen is indeed leisure enough as the astronomy professor at Hogwarts. Even with a duel class every week, it is still the most leisurely one.

"Can you ask Professor Flitwick to participate with them?" To be honest, although Eisen took on the 'heavy task' of reopening the Dueling Club, he still wanted to recruit a few professors so that he would not appear so 'dazzling'.

"Of course no problem, these are all up to you!" Dumbledore said generously, leaving Eisen to take full responsibility.

When Eisen left Dumbledore's office, he had already figured out which professors he would invite to join him in this dueling club.

As for the teaching content of the dueling class, Eisen thinks that it is still possible to discuss with the professors who want to participate. After all, you can't mess around like that Lockhart guy.

After eating in the auditorium in the morning, Eisen came to the eighth floor, ready to talk to Professor Flitwick about the dueling class.

Professor Flitwick, wearing his usual black robes, welcomed Eisen into his office with a smile on his face.

"Sit down, Eisen!" Professor Flitwick stood on a chair, and after waving his wand, a chair moved in front of Eisen.

"Ah, thank you! Professor Flitwick!" Eisen sat down very calmly.

"So, what's the matter?" Professor Flitwick looked at Eisen with a smile, showing no signs of healing.

"Well, yes, this year the school will hold the Triwizard Tournament. Well, you know, there will be a lot of people coming here." Eisen raised his eyebrows and continued speaking, "Principal Dumbledore thinks, It is necessary to give the little wizards a surprise training to improve the strength of the warriors, so allow me to reopen the dueling club—"

"The strength of the warrior? Dueling club?" Professor Flitwick's eyes lit up after hearing Eisen's words.

"Well, that's right." Eisen nodded, "Professor Flitwick, you are the champion of the dueling competition, so I want to invite you to teach those students together, what do you think!"

"Of course no problem, I'd be happy to participate." As Eisen expected, Professor Flitwick did not object at all.

"The principal thinks that a dueling class should be arranged a week. So, what do you think about the teaching content?" Eisen waved his hand and gestured.

"How would you like to learn one spell in two lessons?" Professor Flitwick thought for a moment, then said slowly.

"Isn't the speed of learning a spell in two lessons a little slower?" Eisen looked at the other party with a little surprise. You know, he invited him to participate in the teaching of the dueling club under the pretext of improving the strength of the warrior.

"No, spells related to duels are dangerous to them, so it is actually necessary to slow down to a certain extent." Professor Flitwick explained.

This made Eisen raise his eyebrows involuntarily, but he felt that what the other party said made sense. If you learn one mantra in two weeks, you can learn two mantras in one month. There are more than ten spells in one school year.

Uh, that's quite a lot. Eisen still has some understanding of the real situation of Hogwarts students. Because some students couldn't cast a standard Iron Armor Curse until after graduation.

I don't know if it's because Voldemort hasn't come out to make trouble for a long time, or Dumbledore and others protect the students so well that the purpose of the little wizards learning spells is even just to pass the exam.

After the exam was over, the little wizards played happily, and some spells were shelved and no longer used.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Just like the Disarming Curse, the Iron Armor Curse, etc. These should be spells that should be mastered before the fourth grade of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but it is hard to say what the original Defense Against the Dark Arts class was like.

For many young wizards, their spellcasting level before graduation from the fifth grade may be the pinnacle of their life. Because when facing the owls exam, they have to do their best.

As for the content of the s exam in the seventh grade, it is determined according to the career plan after graduation. This also means that if Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts fail, some scumbags will even give up altogether.

If a senior student plans to engage in some theoretical research after graduation, such as ancient rune research or Muggle research, then the level of spellcasting can basically be expected, and it will drop rapidly like diving.

Maybe in a few years, they would only be able to use the most commonly used spells, and they would completely forget everything else. Like Lockhart, Oblivion reached master class because of its frequent use, but other spells were abysmal.

However, after thinking about it, Eisen felt that the students could not be blamed. After all, whether it is a spell or a defense against the dark arts, it is true that you must pay attention to the application scenario.

If you don't use it, it's definitely useless.

Just like a soldier in the Muggle world, the firearms skills he practiced in the army will naturally become unfamiliar if there is no place to use them after retirement.

After talking to Professor Flitwick about the Dueling Club, Eisen discussed some spells with him. Although Eisen is familiar with the application of various spells, Professor Flitwick's research ideas on spells still inspire him a lot.

Eisen discussed with Professor Flitwick how he disassembled the magic effect and reconstructed it with runes and runes. The other party praised Eisen's approach and said that if Eisen wanted to study further, he could communicate with Bathhida Babling, the ancient magic text professor.

Eisen is very clear about this, but his research is currently progressing smoothly. If you encounter a bottleneck in the future, you may discuss it with Professor Babling.

In other words, it seems that the professor of ancient magic text has a much lower sense of existence than the professor of astronomy in the original book.

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