Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 78 Nicole Flamel

Seeing Dumbledore's movement, Eisen also stood up.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Dumbledore, Eisen followed through the back door of the coffee shop, and then kept shuttling through the alleys of the lively residential areas.

"If I remember correctly, Nicole May and his wife Perenal lived in seclusion in Devon?" Eisen couldn't help but said, "It's more than a hundred miles away from Devon!"

"You're right, but apart from his liking for alchemy, Nicole is also very interested in operas in the Muggle world." Dumbledore nodded and said, "Before he leaves, he always goes to listen to the operas in various places." of."

A few minutes later, Dumbledore brought Eisen to an extremely inconspicuous corner. The corner is located at the dead end of an alley, and no one will come here at all.

"Nicole May lives in this kind of place?" Eisen narrowed his eyes.

God's perspective turned on the scan, and found nothing unusual.

He had already guessed that Nicolas May lived in this area, but he couldn't find it.

"Nicole and Perenaar like to live with Muggles, and he doesn't want wizards bothering them. Especially after the Philosopher's Stone is destroyed." Dumbledore smiled and nodded at Eisen, then took out his wand and waved it around.

Living in a hermit in the city, this kind of life is actually not bad.

Dumbledore withdrew his wand and stood still, waiting. In less than a minute, the space in front of him suddenly rippled like water waves, and then a piece of parchment appeared out of thin air and was grabbed by Dumbledore.

After Dumbledore glanced at the parchment, he showed the contents to Eisen.

It was an address. Before looking at it, Eisen had no idea about the address. After seeing it, he realized where the address was.

After raising his head, the corner of the blind spot continued to go inward, and a cottage with a modern country style appeared in front of Eisen's eyes. In front of the hut, there is also a small courtyard surrounded by a circle of fences.

"The Fidelity Curse?" Eisen looked at Dumbledore beside him.

"Yes, very useful means, isn't it?" Dumbledore smiled, got up and walked towards the cabin.

Eisen was taken aback for a moment, and followed Dumbledore without saying anything.

"Hey, Nico, Perenal, your old friend is here to see you!" After entering the fenced yard, Dumbledore yelled out with a smile all over his face. There is no need to worry about the sound being heard by others outside.

Apparently, there are traces of magic here too.

After Dumbledore's voice fell, an old man pushed open the door and came out. Obviously, this is Nicolas May. He looked extremely old, with white hair hanging over his shoulders, and his skin looked pale, as if he was sick.

The deep wrinkles on his face, like the peeling marks on the wall, are impressive. Of course, even though he was so old, his complexion looked good, especially those emerald green eyes, which were particularly energetic.

Coming out with him was an old woman. The old woman also looked very old, similar to Nicole's condition, but she seemed to be well maintained, giving off a kind feeling. Obviously, this is Perenal, Nicolas May's wife.

"Albus, long time no see, you're lucky, Perenal just made some new style honey chocolate toffee, it's delicious!" Nicol looked at Dumbledore with a smile on his face.

"That's really good, I can't wait to taste it." Dumbledore beamed.

"Beautiful things must be shared in order to obtain more satisfying happiness." Nico smiled, and then looked at Eisen next to him, "This is the Eisen Turner you have been talking about? He is indeed a good-looking talent Albus always told me that your accomplishments in alchemy amazed him!"

"You are too famous!" Eisen bowed slightly to show respect to the other party, "I just have some different ideas, which are far behind your accomplishments in alchemy!"

"You are too humble, Albus told me about some alchemy props you made, the idea is amazing—" Nicolas May looked at Eisen with admiration.

Hearing this, Eisen couldn't help being a little embarrassed. But besides embarrassment, I also feel very curious. That was the level of Nicolas May's strength.

The wizarding world's introduction to Nicolas mainly focused on the Philosopher's Stone he made and his six-hundred-year life, but he didn't mention much about his magic level.

Feeling Nicolas May's strength, Eisen was almost shocked. Because in Eisen's perception, Nicolas May's level of magic power is not lower than Dumbledore's.

But then, Eisen was relieved.

After all, Nicolas May is the owner of the Philosopher's Stone. And the Philosopher's Stone can make people have infinite wealth and infinite life, which is something everyone knows.

Since this is the case, then during the more than six hundred years that Nicole May and his wife Perenal lived together, didn't some dark wizards try to get their ideas?

This is obviously unlikely. But they have been living well, until now. This shows that he addresses all threats.

And, a very important point, before Voldemort's downfall, when he was pursuing immortality, didn't he hear about Nicolas Flamel and his Philosopher's Stone? Obviously not.

So, there is only one truth, Nicolas Flamel has a power that even Voldemort can't afford! As for another possibility, is it because Nicolas Flamel has been hiding so that Voldemort can't find it? Eisen yelled in his heart: Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Okay, stop complimenting each other outside." Perenal smiled and waved, "Let's chat in the room, it's too stupid to stand outside all the time."

"Oh, you're right, I'm really sorry, people like to be long-winded when they are old." Nico patted his head and said angrily, "Perenal reminded me right, I almost forgot to greet the guests."

Afterwards, the Nicolas May and his wife opened the door and welcomed Dumbledore and Eisen in.

After entering, Eisen discovered that Nicolas Flamel really liked to live like a Muggle. There are almost no traces of magic in the room, and no traceless stretching spell has been cast, it is just an ordinary room.

Sitting in the living room of the room, Nicole and Dumbledore took the lead in chatting about homework. The two reminisce about the past, and then share their current situation. It can be seen that the friendship between them is extremely sincere.

"Nico, your health—" Dumbledore's eyes flickered with concern.

"Ha——, old friend, don't worry, you know, this is the choice between me and Perenal, we are ready!" Niko smiled, and held Perenal's hand, as if he could It can be called seeing death as home.

Dumbledore burst out laughing seeing Nicole so free and easy.

Afterwards, Nico talked to Eisen about alchemy from time to time.

Since Eisen has basically understood the book "Quest for Ancient Alchemy", Eisen can understand the deep meaning of the techniques and methods that Nico said in many cases.

Moreover, because Muggle-borns see things from different perspectives, Eisen sometimes has some ideas that can open Nicole's eyes.

Of course, Eisen has learned a lot himself.

In particular, Nico specifically said a lot about the combination of runes, including the way of reducing the magic power required to drive alchemy props and increasing the power of spellcasting or magic effect, which benefited Eisen a lot.

"Albus told me that you made a 'plane mirror', which combined the means of looking glass and shape tracking, and helped him solve a big problem. The idea is really great!" Nicole admired looked at Eisen.

This made Eisen suddenly, it seems that there are some things that Dumbledore will discuss with each other. However, Eisen was still a little embarrassed when he heard what Nico said.

"It's too famous. There are many magics in the wizarding world that can do that. I just cast spells to carry them on props!" Eisen shook his head slightly, "And, unfortunately, it is not easy to spread. Because After being known by some malicious people, someone will always make counter-props."

"You're right, but you don't have to spread it - it's useful for Hogwarts!" Nicol smiled, looking at Dumbledore as he spoke.

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Dumbledore nodded, looking at Eisen with deep eyes.

Eisen almost couldn't help rolling his eyes. However, he had already made a decision in his heart, and after a while, he would throw the 'flat mirror' to Dumbledore, and let him worry about whether any strangers would break into Hogwarts by then.

Anyway, with the growth of strength, that thing is useless to him.

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