Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 57: Dumbledore's Actions (Part 1)

Harry sat on an empty chair at one side of the office, silently looking at the floor with a somewhat melancholy expression.

When the door slammed, Harry looked up to see that it was Dumbledore who had closed the door.

"Why are you so unhappy, Harry?" Dumbledore's tone was exceptionally calm, as if he didn't feel sorry for Lupine's departure at all.

"I just think that Professor Lupine is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor we've ever met—" Harry muffled.

"It's a pity, but life goes on, doesn't it?" said Dumbledore.

"So, Professor, is there anything else?" Harry nodded, then asked aloud.

"Yes, I heard you lived with Sirius during the Christmas break?" Dumbledore looked at Harry with a strange expression.

"That's right, living with Sirius is much better than staying with the Dursleys!" Talking about this topic, Harry suddenly brightened up.

"You plan to stay at Sirius' house forever?" Dumbledore's eyes narrowed.

"Of course - there's nothing wrong with that, right?" Harry said excitedly, not seeing the strange look on Dumbledore's face.

"No, I think you'll have to go home for the holidays—" Dumbledore poured cold water on Harry's head.

"Ah, why?" Harry froze for a moment.

You know, how the Dursleys treated him, he couldn't be more clear. Since he had the opportunity to get rid of their family, why did he go back?

Seeing Dumbledore's silence, Harry's eyes were filled with confusion for a moment.

"Harry, I think, I have to tell you!" Dumbledore spoke slowly after a while.

"What?" Harry was even more confused.

"After Voldemort killed your parents and tasted failure in you, I left you at the door of your uncle and aunt's house. At that time, I knew you would suffer. I knew you were destined to experience ten years of hardship... Dumbledore turned his head to look the other way, as if seeing a vision of Harry's suffering in the past.

"Why?" Harry was taken aback, and recalling what happened to him at the Dursleys' house, he couldn't help asking.

"Yes, I know you're going to ask - and there are reasons to ask - why is it the way it is? Why didn't I keep you in a wizarding family, which many families are not only happy to do, but treat you as They will be honored and happy to be raised as their own sons, just like the Wes family." Dumbledore took off his half-moon glasses, cleaned them with a spell, and put them back on.

Yeah, why is that so? Harry didn't speak, but he was thinking like this in his heart. Harry became even more curious when he thought of the possibility of growing up in Wes' home.

"My answer is that my first consideration is to let you survive. Because you will be in more danger than others. At that time, everyone knew that you stopped Voldemort and he was defeated. But his Supporters are still at large."

Dumbledore paused, and continued, "Those Death Eaters are all angry and brutal outlaws, and many of them are as terrifying as Voldemort."

"But, what does it matter?" Harry couldn't help asking.

"I declared to the outside world that Voldemort has been completely killed, but do I really believe that Voldemort has disappeared forever? No, I will not believe it. Although I don't know when he will come back, ten years, twenty years It's still fifty years, but I know he will come back."

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"He's going to kill me when he comes back!" Harry recalled when Voldemort possessed Professor Quirrell in his first year.

"That's right, from what I know about him, I'm sure he won't sit still before killing you!" Dumbledore nodded, "I know that Voldemort's knowledge of magic is probably more extensive than any wizard alive today .

I also know that once he regains his full magic power, I am afraid that even the most complicated and powerful spells I use may not necessarily be his opponents. "

"Does this have anything to do with my living at the Dursleys'?" Harry's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

"You're smart, Harry!" Dumbledore nodded to Harry with a little emotion on his face, "Your mother gave up her life to save you, and she left you with an unexpected and lasting protection, which is still to this day still runs in your blood.

Voldemort paid the price for your mother's protection. So, trusting in your mother's blood, I hand you over to his sister, her only surviving relative. "

"But, she doesn't like me." Harry couldn't help interjecting, "She didn't give me what I should have—"

"Oh—but she took you in." Dumbledore interrupted him. "She may have been reluctant, unhappy, reluctant, and took you in with a grudge. But she took you in after all.

This makes the spell I can cast on you to make your mother sacrifice the protection left in your blood to become your greatest protective barrier in the way of blood ties. "

"Blood ties?" Harry repeated the phrase.

"Yes, as long as you can call home the place where your mother's blood resides, then you will not be disturbed or harmed by Voldemort there.

Voldemort made her bleed, but that blood is still in you and her sister. Her blood becomes your refuge. As long as you call it home, you need to go back every year. As long as you're there, Voldemort can't hurt you.

Your aunt knew this, and I left the letter at her door, in which I explained all that I had done to you. She knows that keeping you at home will keep you safe for the past thirteen years..."

"So, do I have to go back to the Dursleys' house every year?" Harry, who was stunned for a moment, suddenly became a little depressed.

"I'm afraid so, Harry!" Dumbledore nodded.

"That's really too bad." Getting an affirmative answer made Harry feel depressed.

"It's nothing to be unhappy about, come to think of it, you can still live with Sirius on Halloween, Christmas and other times." Dumbledore reassured Harry.

"Principal, you're right—" Harry took a long breath, then seemed to remember something, and looked at him with burning eyes, "You said in the newspaper a while ago that Voldemort had been killed, and you can really stop it." Is Voldemort resurrected?"

"No, I don't think that's going to stop him from being resurrected." Dumbledore said, shaking his head.

"Is that to delay time?" Thinking of what Professor Eisen had said, Harry suddenly understood.

"That's right—" Looking at the scar on Harry's forehead, Dumbledore nodded and said nothing more.


After a few minutes, Harry had regained his composure, looked at Dumbledore, and spoke.

"Professor Dumbledore, do you have anything else to do?"

Speaking like this, Harry seemed to be planning to bid him farewell.

"Well——, there is indeed something I need to ask you." Dumbledore looked calm on the surface, but his heart was extremely complicated at this moment.

"What?" Harry looked at Dumbledore, a little uneasy.

"Recently, does the scar on your head still hurt?" Dumbledore took out his wand and tapped the scar on Harry's forehead.

"It used to be, but not recently, is there a problem?" Harry stroked the scar on his forehead, looking at Dumbledore suspiciously.

"Yes, I'm going to cast a spell on you so you can sit on the chair next to you." Dumbledore said slowly, making Harry sit aside.

Seeing Dumbledore's solemn appearance, although Harry felt strange, he sat down without saying anything.

Afterwards, Dumbledore fumbled for something from his bosom, and after a while, he took out a crystal clear black gemstone and handed it to Harry.

"Principal, what is this?" Looking at the octahedral black gemstone in his hand, Harry couldn't help asking.

"Something to keep you safe—" Dumbledore took out another bracelet and put it on Harry's wrist.

"This—" Harry held the black gem in one hand and wore a crystal-clear bracelet in the other, feeling a little uneasy.

After taking a deep breath, Dumbledore pointed his wand at Harry.

"Astral Projection—"

Harry only heard the voice of Professor Dumbledore chanting a spell, and then saw a light from the opponent's wand hit him, and then lost consciousness.

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