Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 20: The Apparition Curse

After Halloween, time entered November, and the weather at Hogwarts suddenly became colder.

For Hogwarts students, the most important thing right now is the Quidditch season. But for Eisen, the snow season fascinates him even more.

Every morning, a thick layer of frost can be seen on the ground, and a thick layer of snow can be seen on the surrounding grass.

Harry had been training for weeks since being recommended by Professor McGonagall to be Gryffindor's Seeker. Saturday was Harry's first official competition day. The opposing sides were Gryffindor and Slytherin.

If Gryffindor wins, the Academy Cup name will be promoted to second place. But for Eisen, he doesn't care. Because he was learning the Apparation Charm from Professor Flitwick.

"Oh, Professor Eisen, the Disappearing spell is a very difficult spell, but I believe that you must know how to cast this spell, right!" After Eisen explained his purpose of coming, Professor Flitwick specially took him with him. Come outside the confines of the school. No way, who made the whole of Hogwarts have an anti-apparition spell.

"Yes, Apparition follows the three 'd' principles, destination (destinatioioion). But even so, it is very dangerous and requires someone to watch to learn!" For the Apparition spell, Eisen has long been researching up.

Afterwards, Eisen began to practice the Apparition Charm in front of Professor Flitwick. Since Eisen knew enough about the Apparition spell and was able to grasp the technique of casting this spell, it didn't take long for Eisen to completely master Apparation.

That's right, due to unaccustomed reasons at the beginning, when Eisen apparated, his fingers would split. Fortunately, Professor Flitwick is nearby and can help him deal with it in time.

But after a few practice sessions, Eisen became proficient at apparating.

"Great, Professor Eisen, you have mastered this spell perfectly." Seeing that Professor Eisen only took half an hour to master this very difficult spell, Professor Flitwick couldn't help admiring.

"No, I feel like I'm still far behind, but I have to thank you, Professor Flitwick!" Eisen shook his head, in fact, although Eisen joked with the little wizards in class about using Apparation to go to the moon. But now that he has learned to apparate, he really wants to make it his goal to go to the moon.

Therefore, Eisen felt that he was far from it. However, he expressed his gratitude to Professor Flitwick.

However, what bothered Eisen was that even if he learned to apparate, he couldn't teleport in Hogwarts. He was envious of the house-elf's gift of being unrestricted by Hogwarts magic.

Of course, regarding Apparition, Eisen suddenly had a doubt, that is, wouldn't it be more concealed if a wizard used the Apparition Charm first and then Apparation. After thinking of this question, Eisen asked directly.

"Well, that's a good question, but when Apparating, the fluctuation of space squeeze may make it impossible for people to maintain the Disillusionment Charm." Professor Flitwick on the side was surprised by Eisen's thoughts, but still Still expressed his guess.

"However, if we study these two spells deeply and grasp their essence, then it is no problem to combine the two spells, or even invent a new spell." But then, Professor Flitwick also said a possibility .

In fact, this possibility also exists. Just like in the original book, although Dumbledore hasn't done this before, no one can deny that he can't do it.

However, after thinking about his Gold Finger, Eisen still felt that there was no need to be too entangled. At present, for Eisen, the small goals in the early stage can be said to be completed.

Disarming Curse, Transfiguration, and Apparation, these three Eisen have already mastered. Not to mention the Disarming Curse for attacking and the Apparating for fleeing, the Transfiguration technique he has studied in depth is enough for offensive and defensive battles with the enemy .

Therefore, with these abilities, it is enough for Eisen to continue in-depth research and practice in the future. Some people may say that the attack power of the disarming spell is not enough, and ordinary injuries can be easily cured by wizards with healing spells. It's better to learn some powerful black magic, such as the death curse.

But actually, for Eisen, none of that is a problem. As time goes by, the magic power in Eisen's body will become stronger and stronger, and his overall physical fitness will also slowly increase.

In this way, his disarming spell can basically become a universal attacking spell like the original Harry. While getting rid of the opponent's wand, Eisen can also use Polymorph to bind the opponent, then use the crush spell, or simply use the polymorph to conjure a knife to kill the enemy.

Eisen felt that a wizard who was tied up and unable to move must be unable to heal himself. In this way, there is no need to learn black magic.

As for why Eisen resists learning black magic, it is because the black magic in this world is really evil. Originally, Eisen's understanding of black magic was very shallow, but he always knew that black magic is very evil, and its casting requires malice and extreme negative emotions as nourishment.

But after a little in-depth study in the library recently, Eisen discovered that if you study black magic deeply, it will also cause inevitable erosion of the soul.

To be reasonable, extreme negative emotions are often brewing in the body, so it is only natural that the soul is eroded. But the erosion of the soul is obviously a result that Eisen does not want to see. Therefore, Eisen was very resistant to learning black magic.

As for why Professor Snape is obsessed with the study of black magic, he has not been eroded by black magic and turned into an evil person. Eisen thinks it has something to do with the other party's heart full of love for Lily Yinwansi.

In other words, positive emotions can fight against the erosion of the soul by black magic.

As for black magic, it is powerful and lethal. Eisen didn't think it was important. Because wizards are human beings, they will die if they are killed. Therefore, in Eisen's view, ordinary spells can also kill people, and there is no need to use black magic to kill people.

Besides, the reason why black magic is black is not because it can kill people, but because it is evil enough. Just like the death curse, it is considered black magic until it is so evil that there is no solution to the curse.

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Although Eisen thinks that his heart is full of sunshine and happiness, he still doesn't want to experience the feeling of using positive emotions to fight against black magic's erosion of the soul. After all, Eisen has Gold Finger in his body, so it's easy to become stronger.

After saying goodbye to Professor Flitwick, Eisen returned to the staff dormitory.

In the following time, in addition to using various spells in daily life, Eisen will also take time to practice the combination of transfiguration, disarm spell and apparition outside of school. Of course, besides practicing, he also devoted part of his energy to studying Occlumency and Patronus Charm.

No way, although he wasn't worried about Dumbledore using Legilimency on him, he had to be wary of Voldemort. As for the Patronus Charm, it is mainly to resist dementors.

Dementors are simply bugs in this world, and all spells, not even the Unforgivable Curse, can affect it in any way. It can be said that it is immune to all spells except the Patronus Charm. Therefore, Eisen can only take time to learn these two kinds of magic.

In addition, most of his time is spent on the research of magic props and alchemy. Just as Eisen was immersed in his own world, the Quidditch match was about to begin.


Since Harry was busy preparing for the Quidditch match, Hermione not only helped him with his homework after Halloween, but also lent him a copy of "The Origin of Quidditch".

However, it is regrettable that perhaps it was the performance of several people at the Halloween dinner that disgusted Professor Snape even more, so Harry's "Quidditch Origin" was confiscated by him with an excuse.

On Friday night, Harry planned to go to Professor Snape to get "The Origin of Quidditch" back. But he was surprised to see the picture of Professor Snape's leg dripping with blood.

For this reason, not only did Harry not get his book back, but he was scolded by Snape instead. Fearing that his points would be deducted, Harry hurried back to the Gryffindor common room.

At this time, Harry thought of a secret that the three-headed dog was guarding on the trapdoor, the troll that appeared on Halloween, and Snape secretly going to the third floor.

Recalling Professor Snape's bitten leg, Harry felt that he had grasped the truth of the matter. Harry told Ron and Hermione all of his guesses.

"No, I know he's no good, but he's certainly not going to steal Professor Dumbledore's stash." Hermione offered her opinion, clearly disagreeing with Harry.

But Ron thought Hermione was thinking too well, that all professors were good people, and he agreed with Harry. They just didn't know what exactly Snape was going to steal.

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