Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 19 Hogsmeade Experience And Beginnings

"How is it?" Eisen asked with a smile, looking at Harry who opened his eyes, with unstoppable excitement still showing on his face.

"It's just amazing!" Harry's depressed mood was swept away, "Professor Eisen, are those just now real? I also ate some candy in Honeydukes, it tastes so good! And Devis and Bans shop, there are all kinds of Quidditch props in it!"

"Well, to a certain extent, none of that is real." Eisen smiled, "However, those are all things I have experienced, and I have recreated them with magic, so what you see cannot be regarded as Fake!"

After being stunned for a moment, Harry couldn't help sighing: "Magic is really amazing!"

"That's right, magic allows us to do things that ordinary people can't." Eisen nodded, of course he understood what Harry meant.

Within a few minutes, the Fat Lady's portrait hole opened, and some third-year wizards returned from Hogsmeade.

The little wizard laughed and entered the Gryffindor common room, and it was obvious that everyone was having a good time. When Hermione saw Eisen sitting on the chair, her eyes lit up and she walked over.

"Professor Eisen, you have a taste—well, and Harry, here are the candies for you!" Hermione stuffed a handful of candies into Eisen's hands, and then handed some to Harry.

"Thanks, Hermione!" Eisen winked at Hermione, picked up a piece of milk fudge and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Thank you!" Harry said with a smile on his face, and then took out a piece of candy from a small bag of Pepper Boy and stuffed it into his mouth and chewed, "I saw this kind of candy in the Honeydukes candy shop, um - it tastes a little Not the same, but this one tastes better!"

"You went to Hogsmeade?" Ron's face was flushed from the cold, showing an expression of extreme surprise. Even Hermione looked at Harry strangely.

"Ha! No." Harry shook his head, then nodded again, "However, Professor Eisen cast a spell on me just now, and then I felt like I really entered Hogsmeade.

I went to the Honeydukes Candy Store and also to the Three Broomsticks and the Devis and Bangs store. By the way, I also went to the post office to check, there are a lot of broomsticks in it! "

Hermione and Ron were stunned. They were eager to share some knowledge about Hogsmeade with Harry, but they didn't know what to say. Eisen on the side was a little dumbfounded seeing this.

"By the way, Harry, have you finished your homework?" Hermione changed the subject abruptly.

"No—" Harry said, "After you went to Hogsmeade, I went to Professor Lupine's office and he made me a cup of tea. Then Professor Snape came in too..."

After Harry's narration, Hermione and Ron knew that Professor Lupine drank the potion prepared by Snape. Eisen nodded thoughtfully. Obviously, Snape was giving Lupine the wolfsbane potion to prevent him from transforming on the night of the full moon.

Ron showed a horrified expression: "Is he crazy? Isn't he afraid that what Snape gave him was poison?"

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"Don't think too much, Lupine was invited by Dumbledore to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Snape understands this, he would never blatantly poison a professor." The corner of Eisen's mouth twitched, then stood up and waved to the others He waved his hand, "Let's go, hurry downstairs, the Halloween dinner is about to begin."

Walking through the corridor all the way, after passing through the foyer and entering the auditorium, Eisen found that the entire auditorium had been decorated.

Near the ceiling, there are a group of flying bats and many fire-breathing orange streamers. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is those huge jack-o-lanterns.

Eisen noticed that, perhaps because Fred and George were spoofed by Hagrid with jack-o-lanterns at the Halloween banquet last year, no one got into the jack-o-lanterns to play this year.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the inner walls of all the pumpkin lanterns are filled with green and red light, echoing eerie and strange sounds, which directly bring out the effect of the horror atmosphere.

In this way, many little wizards became interested.

Halloween food is exquisite, and Eisen savored some delicious treats on the table in the faculty chair. Professor Flitwick and Professor Lupine were talking about something, and the two were in high spirits.

Snape sat quietly on one side, without the slightest expression on his face. It made Eisen wonder, did Snape never laugh? He wasn't a cold robot, though, judging by the disgust that Snape gave Lupine from time to time.

The banquet was held very smoothly, and the tense and depressive atmosphere since the beginning of Hogwarts seemed to be swept away. All the little wizards were laughing and talking.

The dinner ended with entertainment provided by the ghosts of Hogwarts. Phantoms pop up from walls and tables to perform in a sort of gliding procession.

Gryffindor's Nearly Headless Nick also makes an appearance, performing a scene from when he was decapitated.

Everyone felt that they had had a good night, but what they didn't expect was that just ten minutes after the dinner ended, the atmosphere reversed.

Immediately, the little wizards spent a whole day in Hogsmeade and the joy accumulated at the Halloween dinner disappeared, and the atmosphere of panic and depression permeated the castle again.

When the whole thing happened, Eisen was still talking with Professor Lupine about the Patronus Charm against dementors.

In Eisen's view, it is indeed confusing that dementors can absorb happy emotions, but can be repelled by the patron saint representing happy emotions. However, after discussion, Eisen realized that although the Patronus represents happiness and beauty, it is also a kind of magic in essence.

Therefore, the patron saint can resist and expel the dementors. With a deep understanding of the essence, Eisen felt that the power of the spell he cast would be greater.

"Professor Dumbledore, I think you need to take a look. Something happened on the eighth floor!" A little wizard staggered over with a panicked look on his face.

Dumbledore and other professors walked quickly to the eighth floor, but Eisen didn't follow. When the God's perspective was opened, many young wizards could be seen gathered around the entrance of the Gryffindor common room.

However, all the little wizards showed panic on their faces. The Fat Lady had disappeared, the portrait had been vandalized, large pieces of canvas had been torn from their frames, and small pieces of canvas had been left lying on the floor.

Apparently, if nothing else, it was Sirius Black who did it.

Ten minutes later, Dumbledore returned to the Great Hall. At the same time, the students of the four colleges also returned to the auditorium one after another. Except for Gryffindor's students, none of the students understood what was going on.

After Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick closed all the doors of the Great Hall, Dumbledore began to speak.

"The faculty and myself will conduct a thorough search of the castle." Dumbledore scanned all the students, "For your own safety, I think you may want to spend the night here!

I asked the prefects to stand guard at the entrance of the auditorium, and the presidents of the male and female student unions to stay in the auditorium and take charge of the management, and report to me immediately if there is any problem. "

After giving his orders, Dumbledore moved the four long dining tables to their positions against the walls with a wave of his wand. Then, with another wave of his wand, he conjured up hundreds of sleeping bags.

After leaving the auditorium door, several professors received tasks from Dumbledore to explore each floor. Eisen was tasked with exploring the Astronomy Tower, West Tower, and North Tower.

In this regard, Eisen has no opinion. Standing on the top floor of the astronomy tower where he was teaching, Eisen opened the God's perspective, and he could clearly see everything he wanted to see.

At three o'clock in the morning, Eisen saw Dumbledore after entering the auditorium.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Eisen said calmly, "Nothing unusual!"

"So, Trelawney's room? Where the owls roost?" Dumbledore pressed.

"That's right, I've checked everything!" Eisen nodded.

"Headmaster?" Snape opened the Great Hall door and walked in, then came straight to Dumbledore. "The entire fourth floor has been checked, and he's not there. Filch has checked the keep, and there's no..."

"Obviously, Sirius Black won't be staying at the castle..." Dumbledore glanced at Eisen and Snape, and then said slowly.

For a while, several people fell silent.

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