Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 16 Untraceable Stretching Curse

"Hermione, do you know that you are a very good little wizard, and other professors have told me about this, and I think so too." Afterwards, Eisen said this to Hermione with a smile.

In fact, the reason why he said this was that Eisen felt that giving her a little encouragement would also prevent her from being too stressed after being isolated by other little wizards.

Perhaps, little wizards are more likely to feel Hermione's "arrogance", but in Eisen's view, this is just the "pride" of a little girl.

Being praised by Eisen, Hermione's face turned red immediately, and she even turned her head away not daring to look at him again.

"Okay, let's go to class, Ms. Hodge is coming back." Pointing to Professor Hodge walking in the distance, Eisen patted Hermione's head lightly with the other hand.

"Goodbye, Professor Eisen!" Hermione shrank her neck, said something in a soft voice, and hurried back.

Looking at the little wizard who turned away, the expression on Eisen's face gradually disappeared, revealing a pensive expression.

"Sure enough, the same spellcasting characteristics can be reproduced repeatedly." Eisen murmured. However, it seems that the characteristics of the same magic item cannot be repeated. For example, his own wand is still on his body now, but after the miraculous feature is restored, there is no prompt to find the spellcasting feature.

In other words, no matter what characteristics a magic item has, it can only be reproduced once. However, Eisen still has no way to verify how far the same features can continue to be integrated.

"Forget it, we'll talk about it later!" It was useless to think so much for the time being, and then, Eisen walked around to the library. That's right, since there is such a condition, then Eisen has to study hard.

To be honest, there are many courses at Hogwarts, but there are some courses that Eisen is not interested in. For example, History of Magic Eisen just briefly learned about it. Eisen didn't even learn herbal medicine and potions.

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As for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, since there are a lot of content on how to use potions to resist some black magic effects, Eisen studied a little bit.

There is no way, because currently Eisen's energy is all focused on the two aspects of enchantment and transformation. Therefore, although his current strength is strong enough, as a qualified wizard, he is still far behind.

After arriving at the library on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle, Eisen couldn't help but marvel. No way, there are thousands of bookshelves and hundreds of passages in the library. One passage after another extends inside, and it is even more difficult to determine how many books there are in total.

You must know that at the beginning of the establishment of Hogwarts, the Big Four left behind many precious books. In addition, for thousands of years, Hogwarts has updated the library through regular purchases and donations from graduates. So far, the collection in the library has reached a very amazing level.

It can be said that the place with the most books in the wizarding world is the Hogwarts library.

The library on Thursday seemed extraordinarily quiet. There was no way, the students were all in class, so only the administrator, Ms. Pince, and a few senior students stayed here.

In fact, this is perfectly normal. Because there are always some students who will come to borrow books in order to complete their homework, especially the senior students, in order to prepare for the exam, they may come more frequently.

After greeting Ms. Pince at the entrance registration desk, Eisen walked into the library on his own. The Restricted Section, the original place where Harry and Hermione used to hang out, Eisen knew that there were many dangerous dark arts books in it.

Among them, the most famous book is "Secrets of Cutting-Edge Black Magic". The famous Voldemort found the method of making Horcruxes when he was still in school. Now, the book was taken back to his room by Dumbledore. All the books that mentioned Horcrux information were transferred by him.

In addition, Hermione once borrowed a copy of "Power Potion" in the restricted section, which made the Polyjuice Potion. Clearly, though, none of these are Eisen's current goals.

So, after finding books related to the Untraceable Stretching Curse and the Apparition Curse, Eisen sat on a table beside him and read it.

As time passed, Eisen gradually immersed himself in it.


"Professor Eisen, it's time for the library to close!" A voice suddenly rang in Eisen's ears, which woke him up immediately.

"Okay, Ms. Pince, it's okay if I want to borrow these two books." At this moment, Eisen realized that he had been addicted to the books for several hours. Eight o'clock in the evening is the time when the library closes.

"No problem, Professor Eisen, but please don't damage the books!" Obviously, as a professor, Eisen has the authority to borrow books. But Ms. Pince still dutifully reminded her.

"Of course, I am also a person who cherishes books very much." Eisen is not idle, and of course he will not damage books on purpose.

After returning to the faculty dormitory, Eisen began to study the traceless stretching spell and the apparition spell again. After in-depth reading, Eisen has a clear understanding of the casting skills and difficulties of the Untraceable Stretching Curse and the Apparition Curse.

Leaving aside the apparition spell, Eisen knew that three principles should be followed when reciting this spell. Namely, purpose, determination, and equanimity.

The first step is to focus your consciousness on the destination you want to achieve. The second step is to make up your mind, strengthen your will, and let the idea of ​​reaching your destination fill your body. Then there is the third step, to cast the magic calmly.

It's just that knowing is knowing, but the apparition spell is indeed dangerous, and there may be a split body during the process of casting the spell. In other words, part of the body teleported over, but part of the body remained in place.

If the professor is not watching, the situation is life-threatening. So, even though Eisen felt that he could cast this spell, he still didn't dare to practice alone.

He planned to ask Professor Flitwick when he was free, and then practice with his help.

As for the Untraceable Stretching Curse, Eisen felt that he could try it right now.

After taking out the suitcase, Eisen took out his wand and planned to cast the Untraceable Stretching Charm. However, before chanting the spell, Eisen suddenly thought of a question. Will the suitcase explode after the spell fails?

Although Eisen didn't have this problem when he tried other spells before. But the Untraceable Stretching Curse still involves space, so Eisen had to be careful about this issue.

After thinking for a moment, Eisen pointed at the suitcase with his wand, turning it into a sparrow, and let it fall on his shoulder. Afterwards, Eisen walked out of the dormitory, planning to go to the eighth floor.

Yes, he was going to practice magic in the Room of Requirement. It is said that the Room of Response can change the venue according to the needs of users.

After eight o'clock in the evening, Eisen returned to the dormitory from the library. When I studied in depth in the dormitory, it was almost ten o'clock now. However, Eisen is a professor, so wandering the castle corridors at night is not a big deal.

When he came to a tapestry on the eighth floor with a troll club hitting Barnabas stupidly, Eisen knew that he had arrived at his destination. After walking up and down the corridor three times, concentrating on muttering "I need a place to practice magic", a door appeared in the wall.

After entering, a spacious area appeared in front of Eisen. In the corner of the area, there are several dolls standing, which seem to be used for people to practice magic.

However, Eisen didn't care about other things, but let the sparrow on his shoulder fly to the ground and turned back into the suitcase again. Then, the practice of the traceless stretching mantra began.


The suitcase exploded in front of Eisen, but Eisen reacted quickly enough to put the Iron Armor Charm on himself before it exploded, so he didn't take any damage.

"Restored as before..." After a restoration spell, the suitcase became complete again.


The suitcase continued to explode, then was repaired by Eisen, continued to explode, and then was repaired...

In the practice of repeated failures, time slowly passed. By the time Eisen successfully cast the Untraceable Stretching Curse for the first time, more than an hour had passed.

Next, after another ten minutes of uninterrupted practice of casting spells, Eisen finally mastered the spell. At this time, the interior space of Eisen's suitcase has been stretched to the size of a room.

In fact, the main reason why Eisen was able to master this spell so quickly was because he could perfectly master the magic power in his body and the magic power in his body was strong enough.

Of course, Eisen is still far from being able to cast the Untraceable Stretching Charm at will. For example, the magical zoologist, Newt Scamander's magic suitcase, the space inside is like a small world. This level of traceless stretching spell is the goal of Eisen in the future.

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