Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter Eleven A Birthday Present For Hermione

While thinking about it, Eisen turned his gaze and looked towards the Gryffindor common room. The scene in Eisen's mind made him gasp in admiration.

I saw that the Gryffindor common room was empty. Only in the corner near the fireplace, Hermione was still sitting there.

The table next to it is full of books and textbooks. When you look closer, you can see arithmetic and divination charts, rune dictionaries, diagrams of Muggles moving heavy objects, and dense notes.

Hermione sat there quietly, copying something with the quill in her hand. Under the light of the fire, the face is delicate and lovely, which is particularly eye-catching.

On a stand against the wall not far from Hermione, a crystal ball was placed with a little bit of fluorescent light, which seemed to provide a force and drive away some negative emotions.

Eisen noticed that despite the calming effect of the crystal ball, Hermione's state was still far worse than that of the first and second grades before.

Before, Hermione could learn any subject with ease every day. Now, Hermione, the top student, seems to be less effortless in her studies.

"Tsk tsk! Is this the pride of a top student?" After looking away, Eisen couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

The next morning, Eisen got up early and went to the library.

Not surprisingly, Hermione was the first student to come to the library. Being the last to leave the common room at night and the earliest to come to the library in the morning, Hermione might have suffered a lot this school year.

"Hermione, have you come to the library so early?" Looking at Hermione who was quietly sitting at the desk, flipping through the materials, Eisen stepped forward and sat beside her.

"Professor Eisen!" Hermione turned her head and was surprised to find that it was Eisen.

"Is it a lot of pressure to choose all the elective courses?" Hermione's face was a little tired, and she probably didn't sleep well at night.

"It's not that easy anymore, but I can persevere!" Hermione nodded, not wanting to behave strangely in front of Eisen.

"Today is your birthday, isn't it!" Eisen's mouth curled up slightly, and the subject changed to Hermione's birthday.

"Ah—Professor Eisen, do you know my birthday?" Hermione had a look of surprise on her face.

"That's right, it just so happens that you're under a lot of pressure from studying recently, so I'm giving you a birthday present." Eisen raised his eyebrows, and a silver bracelet appeared in his hand.

"Birth-birthday present?" Hermione stammered, and her face quickly turned red as was visible to the naked eye.

"Come on, try its effect." Seeing Hermione's reaction, Eisen smiled slightly, and passed the bracelet over.

Hermione blushed and took the bracelet and put it on her left wrist. Then, the bracelet automatically shrinks and fits perfectly on Hermione's wrist. A slender and white arm was exposed, and it was just right with the silver bracelet.

The moment Hermione put on the bracelet, the expression on Hermione's face changed rapidly. A warm current gushed out from the bracelet and circulated around her body in an instant, as if washing away the fatigue on her body, and finally penetrated into her mind, making Hermione shiver uncontrollably. Afterwards, Hermione found that the whole person was completely refreshed.

"Professor Eisen! This is—" Hermione stared blankly at Eisen, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"That's right, I think it takes too long for you to take a few extra classes. In this way, the study pressure will definitely be greater, so I made this bracelet." Eisen paused, and then continued He said, "It has two functions, one is to calm the nerves and help sleep, which can help you sleep better at night. The other is to increase vitality, which can make you more energetic during the day!"

"Thank you Professor, I like this birthday present very much!" Hermione whispered, reached out and stroked the silver bracelet on her wrist, and then looked at Eisen with sparkles in her eyes.

With a slight jump in his heart, Eisen looked at Hermione without dodging his eyes, and then nodded with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Just like it."

"Professor Eisen, I—" Hermione looked away, looking at the textbook in her hand.

"I understand - you continue to study, I'll go first." Eisen got up and waved to Hermione.

"Goodbye, Professor Eisen!" Hermione waved to Eisen.


After coming out of the library, Eisen left Hogwarts directly and came to the secret base. Lying in the small bedroom, Eisen thought about his next plan.

A film about life in the Muggle world, which was originally planned to be screened in Diagon Alley, had to be suspended due to the surge in the misuse of Muggle substances. As for when he will have the opportunity to implement this plan, Eisen feels that it seems a bit far away.

Right now, Eisen has nothing else to do. In addition to making props to extract the ability of dementors, there is only research on Horcruxes.

Making props to extract the ability of dementors requires Eisen to pay attention to the compartment from time to time. But for the study of Horcruxes, Eisen doesn't have much clue at present.

If he could get the "Secrets of Advanced Dark Arts" from Dumbledore, he would be able to figure out the steps of making Horcruxes, as well as some techniques and concepts.

After Eisen's research is thorough, it is possible to improve the production method of Horcruxes.

However, Eisen felt that it was not a good idea to ask Dumbledore about the detailed production method of the Horcrux.

Although Eisen has done a lot of things secretly in the past two years, it seems that he and Dumbledore have reached a tacit understanding. But he didn't feel like Dumbledore trusted him completely either.

And the most important point is that the Horcrux is too evil. Eisen had reason to believe that even if Dumbledore trusted him completely, he would not have revealed the Horcrux making method to him.

"Do you want to travel directly to the past time point and kill Voldemort as a child?" Suddenly, a rough idea popped up in Eisen's mind.

In theory, Eisen's idea is feasible. Just look at the witch who was trapped in 1402 in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. Just having contact with some people caused many people to lose their offspring directly.

It can be seen that if you go back to the past and kill Tom Riddle as a child, then the Dark Lord Voldemort will definitely not exist in the future.

Of course, Eisen was just thinking about it. After all, there was one more problem that Eisen simply couldn't solve. That is, after killing Tom Riddle as a child, the impact was too great.

You know, Tom was invited by Dumbledore to study at Hogwarts. If Tom was killed directly when he was a child, then the fate of Dumbledore, the professors who have intersected with Tom in Hogwarts, those Death Eaters, etc., will change drastically.

Without Voldemort, Harry's parents would not have died. In this case, Harry would naturally not be the savior.

Obviously, Eisen knows a lot about the butterfly effect. But if you really travel back in time to kill Tom as a child, it will be more than just a butterfly effect. Otherwise, the entire timeline will collapse.

Therefore, such a result is unacceptable to Eisen.

After thinking about it carefully, Eisen found that the Horcrux is indeed a bug in this world. Dumbledore just said that the method of making Horcruxes was so evil that no dark wizard would dare to make them.

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However, in case there are some powerful dark wizards, they just want to make Horcruxes, and then develop in the direction of the Dark Lord. Wouldn't the entire wizarding world never have peace? So, if the method of making the Horcrux had been hidden early on, or destroyed directly, Voldemort would have had nothing to do with it afterwards.

Thinking of this, Eisen couldn't help sighing. I don't know how that despicable Hai Erbo developed and produced the Horcrux step by step. But I have to say, this is an awesome thing.

After lying in the bedroom for a long time, Eisen withdrew his thoughts and returned to Hogwarts in a flash.

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