Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter Eight: Eisen Vs. Hermione (Part 1)

Hearing what Hagrid said, Eisen showed a thoughtful look.

If he remembered correctly, Hagrid and Sirius Black had crossed paths a long time ago. Moreover, the relationship between the two should be very good before.

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However, judging from Hagrid's gnashing of teeth attitude towards Sirius Black, Sirius Black's scapegoat is serious enough.

"You think Sirius Black is going to break into Hogwarts?" Eisen glanced at Hagrid calmly.

"Everyone thinks so. The Ministry of Magic sent Azkaban's guardian dementors to station at Hogwarts—" Hagrid's face turned sombre, "Dumbledore doesn't want dementors in Hogwarts But he also had to compromise with the Ministry of Magic, because he also knew who Sirius Black was targeting!"

"Sirius Black is targeting Harry?" Eisen said slowly, seeming to guide the topic.

"That's right, Sirius Black is a loyal servant of the You-Know-Who. Ten years ago, if he hadn't leaked the secret to the You-Know-Who, Harry wouldn't have become an orphan!" Hagrid said, as if remembering something sad, his eyes were red Tears came out, and then choked up: "At that time, I comforted him. I was really stupid!"

Seeing Hagrid who couldn't control his emotions and was crying, Eisen got a headache. how to say? Although Hagrid has titan blood, he looks rough, but he is full of emotions.

"I heard that Sirius Black was arrested as a murderer because he murdered Peter Pettigrew, and then he was imprisoned in Azkaban?" After a short silence, Eisen changed the subject.

"That's right, but he escaped from Azkaban. I really can't imagine how this happened? You know, the guarding dementors in Azkaban are not vegetarian." Hagrid wiped away his tears, and his face showed I don't understand the color.

In fact, Eisen also felt a little strange about this point.

How could Sirius Black stay in Azkaban for twelve years without being tortured into a lunatic? Perhaps it can be said that Sirius Black knows that he is innocent, so he has a firm will to resist the dementors tormenting him.

But how did he escape? It is said that it was Sirius Black, who starved himself into Annie Magus and escaped through the fence.

For this, Eisen thinks it is a bit of a coincidence. The hungry and thin Sirius Black turned into a black dog and could pass through the fence. If the gaps in those fences were smaller, wouldn't his plan be completely ruined.

Of course, no matter what, Eisen believed that Sirius Black's twelve years in prison must have been very painful.

"Don't worry, Hagrid. Hogwarts is guarded by dementors. Sirius Black can't come in!" After pondering for a moment, Eisen comforted him like this, but when he thought of being slapped in the face in the future, he couldn't help but Bu went on to say, "Besides, there is Dumbledore in the school, he won't watch Harry being hurt!"

"You're right, with Dumbledore around, Hogwarts must be the safest place." Hagrid's tone was much lighter. It seems that Dumbledore's prestige in the wizarding world is indeed very high.

Then, in the next few days, Eisen learned from the little wizard at the school that Lupine's Defense Against the Dark Arts class became a class that most people liked.

After resisting the Boggart, Professor Lupine also took a group of students to study how to deal with the red hat, Kabbah and other little guys in an interesting class.

It has to be said that compared with the previous professor Lockhart, Lupine's teaching level is much higher. Although Malfoy of Slytherin had been leading the charge in speaking ill of Lupine, most people hadn't paid much attention to him.

However, when it came to Professor Lupine, Eisen suddenly remembered a problem. That is Lupin as a werewolf, what are the conditions for transforming into a werewolf?

Does he transform when he sees the full moon on a full moon night, or does he only transform when the moon is full?

If only seeing the full moon transforms, then Dumbledore can cast a spell to cover the moon with clouds every time the full moon is full, and the problem will be solved. There is no need to deliberately arrange Lupine to transform into the screaming shack.

This also means that Lupine, as a werewolf, will involuntarily transform as long as it is a time like the night of the full moon.

But if it will transform as soon as the time comes, how is the time determined? Because throughout the year, the time when the night starts is not fixed. Not to mention, the start time of the full moon night.

After much deliberation, Eisen finally could only attribute these strange places to magical magic.

At 8:30 on a Saturday night in the Room of Requirement, the trio began to receive Eisen's teachings.

"How is it? Can you adapt to the new semester's courses?" Seeing the trio's interested expressions, Eisen said directly.

"Forget it, Professor Lupine's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was fun, but Trelawney's Divination class was terrible!" The trio struggled, and Ron replied muffled.

"Yeah, professor, you don't know, the atmosphere in the divination class is too depressing, every class has to predict some ominous and ominous things, it's almost suffocating!" Harry couldn't help complaining.

"That's right. Compared with the Arithmetic and Divination class, the Divination class is really disappointing." Hermione, a top student, obviously couldn't grasp the profound aspects of the Divination class.

"But obviously, if you want to get a high score, you have to make your predictions a little bit worse." Eisen winked at several people and showed a meaningful smile.

After hearing Eisen's words, the three of them were obviously taken aback, and then showed depression. Obviously, this way of teaching is not their specialty.

"Professor Eisen, will Sirius Black break into Hogwarts to find me?" After a while, Harry seemed to have thought of something, and asked Eisen directly.

"Oh, you know that Sirius Black escaped from prison just to find you?" Eisen raised his eyebrows and looked at Harry in surprise. Although Eisen was surprised, there was no disturbance in his heart.

Eisen had overheard their conversation that day when he was sitting on the last carriage of the Hogwarts Express. Harry had already told Hermione and Ron about Sirius Black's escape from prison.

"Yes, I overheard it from Ron's parents before school started. I also told Hermione and Ron on the train." Harry said so, not surprising Eisen.

"Don't worry, there is a dementor guard entrance, Sirius Black is not so easy to break in!" Eisen said, feeling a little strange, had these words been said somewhere before, thoughts roiling in his mind, but he But he didn't stop, "Besides, with Dumbledore at Hogwarts, no one can hurt you!"

Harry and Ron looked at each other, seemed relieved at last, and then let out a long breath.

"Okay, since you're worried about being attacked, do you remember the spell I gave you?" Eisen clapped his hands and changed the topic to teaching.

"Yes, Professor, we are all able to use the Disarming Charm proficiently!" Ron said loudly impatiently.

"So, what about the defensive spell—the Iron Armor Curse?" Eisen remembered that he had taught the three of them the last semester. After such a long time, I don't know how their level is!

"Professor, I have fully mastered this spell!" Hermione said first, and seeing Eisen look over with a smile on his face, he stretched out his wand and waved: "Armor protection——"

Following Hermione's movements, a transparent shield appeared in front of her out of thin air. It seems that Hermione, the top student, has been practicing this spell during the holidays.

"A very good Iron Armor Charm, I think you must have practiced it many times during the holidays!" Eisen couldn't help clapping as he said.

Seeing Eisen's actions, Hermione's pretty face flushed slightly, and she couldn't hide the joy on her face. Harry and Ron on the side also looked at Hermione enviously.

"What about you?" After complimenting Hermione, Eisen looked at Harry and Ron who were motionless, and asked again.

"Uh, professor, I'm sorry, I haven't learned yet!" Harry lowered his head in shame. Ever since he ran away from the Dursleys' house and lived in the Leaky Cauldron, he had wandered around Diagon Alley every day and had long forgotten to practice the spell.

Looking at Ron with the same expression on the side, Eisen still doesn't understand their situation.

"Okay, let's continue today's practice!" Eisen sighed, and then continued, "You two go to practice the Iron Armor Curse, remember to practice one-on-one, Harry casts the Disarming Curse, Ron casts it Iron Curse.

Remember, after casting the spell once, in turn, Ron casts the Disarming Charm, and Harry casts the Iron Armor Charm. Practice alternately like this all the time. let's start! "

After explaining, Eisen waved his wand, and a stone platform rose from Harry and Ron's feet, then moved to the side of the room, and became a ring and fixed it.

"Disarm you—"

"Armor protection—"

Harry and Ron started fighting! Perhaps because of the new wand bought in the new semester, Ron's self-confidence has increased a lot.

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