Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 6 Ways To Travel Through Time And Bugs?

"Okay, since there is not enough time in the third grade, the actual combat training of the dueling team can be changed to once a week, on Saturday nights, what do you think?" After a moment of silence, Eisen returned to this topic.

"I think it's okay, I'll talk to Harry and Ron!" Hermione's expression was slightly restrained, and her tone revealed a little relief.

"Well, if you have any problems at other times, you can also come to me!" Eisen nodded with satisfaction, "Is there anything else? If not, go back and rest."

"Thank you Professor Eisen, then I'll go first!" Hermione stood up from the chair, waved her hand and left happily.

After Hermione left, the smile appeared on the corner of Eisen's mouth again.

The power of time is silent in his body, but Eisen can feel that as long as he moves his mind, he can move this power in his body.

To be able to integrate the characteristics of time travel in the body is definitely a very meaningful thing for Eisen. Because this means that Eisen has been able to travel in the time dimension since then.

Previously, after learning about the Hour Reversal Curse and the Time Converter, Eisen already knew that time travel in this world is extremely unstable.

However, after the legendary time travel characteristic was integrated into his body, Eisen has already experienced the extraordinary power of this kind of power. Unlike using the time converter directly, if Eisen spontaneously travels through time, the power that has been integrated in the body will be more stable than Eisen imagined.

In other words, if Eisen takes the initiative to travel through time, he should not experience sequelae such as rapid aging after the time travel ends like other people.

However, feeling the power in his body, Eisen felt that it was not so perfect. Perhaps it was because it was a feature extracted from the Time Converter, so when Eisen sent out the idea of ​​traveling to the future in his mind, the power in his body did not respond at all.

"So even with the feature of time travel, you can only go back to the past, not the future—" Eisen said involuntarily, his face full of emotion.

Then, if we travel back in time——

Thoughts turned in Eisen's mind, and he came to a deserted wilderness.

The uninhabited wilderness, coupled with the cover of night, made Eisen seem invisible. It had only rained yesterday, and the smell of green grass mixed with soil circulated in Eisen's nose, which made him feel much happier.

After putting the Illusion Charm on himself, Eisen used his thoughts to activate the characteristic power of time travel in his body.

"Back to a year ago?" As soon as this idea appeared, Eisen had the urge to step into another dimension. Immediately, Eisen immediately dispelled this thought, and only then did the strength in his body calm down.

"So, how about going back to ten years ago?" Feeling the power in the body carefully, under the movement of the mind, Eisen can also feel that the characteristic of time travel can take effect.

Immediately afterwards, Eisen tried the mind test of going back in time. It is found that whether it is a hundred thousand years or ten thousand years, it seems to be able to work. However, the pressure on Eisen seems to increase over time.

And the longer time travel attempts such as 100,000 years, millions of years, etc., made the time travel feature in Eisen's body directly unresponsive.

"What's the reason?" Eisen pondered.

Eisen knows something from memory about how the Time-Turner works. But the way it is expressed in the original book is a little different.

For example, the way Hermione uses the time-turner is to go back a few hours to take another class. This way of traveling shows that Hermione stayed in the past after going back to the time point where she turned the time-turner.

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And the witch who was trapped in 1402 for five days in an experiment in 1899 is more like another way to travel through time. Although she was trapped in 1402 for five days, she finally managed to return to 1899 instead of staying in 1402 directly and living until 1899.

Although this was a failed experiment, she was able to return to the time point before the time travel, which means that people who have gone back to the past using the time converter can directly return to the present.

In this way, the time travel characteristic that has been integrated in Eisen, if the time travel is activated. There also seem to be two options for time travel.

Take the point in time before the millennium as an example. Suppose Eisen travels back a thousand years. Then, Eisen can choose to stay for a few hours and return directly to the present. This method is apparently the method usually used in the experiments of the Department of Mysteries.

In another way, Eisen can not choose to return to the present, but directly lived a thousand years ago and has lived until now. The sequelae of this method are clearly reflected in the witch who was trapped for five days, the aging speed will be very fast.

It was just trapped for five days, and after returning, it would directly age for five centuries. So if you have been living in the past, I am afraid that the speed of aging will be accelerated.

But this is not a problem for Eisen, because Eisen is already immortal. Therefore, if you choose this method, as long as Eisen can ensure that he is concealed enough to not be discovered by others, there should be no problem.

However, longer time travel is not possible! Perhaps there should be some other conditions that have not been met! Thinking of this, Eisen shook his head, and then made a flash back to Hogwarts.

Time travel is something that cannot be taken too seriously. So, Eisen didn't go straight to time travel recklessly.

However, sitting in the office, while his thoughts were racing, Eisen thought of some problems with using the Time Converter, or some bugs in it.

It was the same witch who traveled back to 1402 and was trapped for five days. The time converter, this thing is clearly set, the golden hourglass timer, if you turn it around, the time will go back one hour.

So how many hours did the witch go back from 1899 to 1402? Eisen calculated that the shortest period between these two years is 181,162 days, or 4,347,888 hours.

This means that if the witch wants to go back to 1402 from 1899, she needs to turn the time converter at least 4.3 million times.

But this is too outrageous. You must know that even if it turns one circle per second, it will take fifty days of continuous turning without sleep to make enough circles.

If someone were to use the time-turner, they would have to turn their fingers useless!

In this regard, Eisen thought about it for a long time and found out after thinking about it for a long time. Unless, you can cast magic on the time converter, so that the time converter will automatically rotate, and the rotation speed must be very fast, reaching hundreds or thousands of revolutions per second or even more. Otherwise, this bug cannot be explained.

Thinking of this, Eisen couldn't help but rejoice. Fortunately, he directly reproduced the time travel feature stored in the time converter. In this case, if he wants to travel in time, he only needs to concentrate on turning his mind.

However, there is one problem that Eisen can't confirm, that is, can he take people on time travel?

It's strange to say, in the words of the time-turner, there is a record in the original book, after Hermione put the gold chain of the time-turner on Harry's head, the two of them went back to three hours together.

If there are three people in the set, will the three of them travel together, or four or five people? In other words, if the gold chain is made longer, is it still effective to cover dozens of people directly?

I have to say that once you think about some things deeply, you will find that there are problems everywhere.

After a while, Eisen came back to his senses and restrained his divergent thoughts.

Eisen felt that there was no need to worry about whether he could take people through time and space together. Because even if he could really bring people back and forth, he would not do so easily. After all, one's abilities still need to be kept secret.

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