After deciding to capture the dementors for research, Eisen stepped up his research on alchemy during this period of time.

With Nick Flamel's Ancient Alchemy Quest, Eisen has advanced more in alchemy than he could have imagined. Every time he felt that he had made some progress, Eisen would take a look at the "Alchemy Experience" presented by Dumbledore earlier.

Even, Eisen would find time to discuss with Dumbledore in his free time. Therefore, in less than a month, Eisen's alchemy technique has reached a very high level.

In this regard, even Dumbledore sighed, saying that Eisen's alchemy talent is enviable. Eisen, however, has doubts. On the one hand, it is because Eisen's whimsy is really different from ordinary wizards, on the other hand, it may have a lot to do with the profound magic power in Eisen's body.

After capturing the Dementor, Eisen began an experiment.

Previously, Eisen felt that there might be a sense of inability to start research on dementors. But fortunately, Dementors can still be restrained by the Patronus Charm.

Therefore, Eisen started from this aspect and conducted research on dementors.

Speaking of which, I don't know if it's because of Eisen's increased strength. After he captured the dementors, he felt that the power of his patron saint could not only expel and suppress the dementors, but also faintly cleanse the characteristics of the dementors. Lose.

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This means that if Eisen uses the Patronus to deal with the dementors for a long time, it seems that they can directly annihilate the dementors roughly. Although this speed may be very slow, for Eisen, it is definitely a pleasant surprise.

Of course, for Eisen, since it can cause fundamental damage to the dementor. Then Eisen directly considered, using the power of the patron saint to preserve the annihilated characteristics of the dementor.

Just like his Gold Finger, it survived in another crystal ball after defeating the characteristics of the dementor. In this way, it seems that he can get an item with the characteristics of a dementor?

Since it took a long time to try to determine whether it was successful, Eisen simply cast a spell to gather the surrounding cold air to power the crystal ball conversion.

Seeing the constantly rotating crystal ball on the ice table, Eisen had a premonition that maybe a few years later, he would really be able to get an exceptionally powerful magic item. As for what kind of characteristics the props will have, Eisen is not sure.

However, after all the means were completed, Eisen still couldn't believe it. As far as his alchemy level is concerned, Eisen doesn't believe that he is really capable of dealing with dementors.

But he just achieved the estimated purpose.

"It seems that Gold Finger's influence on me should be more than just the one shown on the virtual panel!" After thinking for a while, Eisen said thoughtfully.

The reason for saying this, Eisen has a few guesses. First, after his Patronus is cast, it is completely different from other wizards. This point is very strange.

Second, when his strength has grown to this level, he discovered that his patron saint has abilities a little bit similar to Gold Finger. It's just that Gold Finger can reproduce characteristics from props, and his patron saint can affect the characteristics of creatures.

As for the third point, Eisen still needs to confirm his guess in the next research on Horcruxes.

In addition, if nothing else, just talk about Eisen's overall physical fitness. Although Eisen spent two years at Hogwarts, he basically never exercised physically.

But right now, his overall physical fitness is still growing slowly.

With a thought, Eisen stepped outside into the ice and snow. Without using any other means, he just walked and ran.

After ten minutes, Eisen stopped. By this time, he had run 10 miles.

A little bit of sweat seeped from Eisen's head, and with a thought, Eisen returned to his original appearance after the magic power flowed through his whole body. Obviously, he has already reached the level of Captain America by virtue of his physical strength alone.

Seeing that his physical fitness has been slowly improving, Eisen even has the urge to learn fighting skills. Tai Chi, Ba Chi, Wing Chun, Sanda, Muay Thai, etc., he can learn everything he can.

Because in Eisen's view, with such good physical fitness, it would be a waste if you don't learn fighting skills.

Originally, it was normal for such thoughts to appear in Eisen's mind. After all, learning fighting skills can indeed improve his combat effectiveness.

However, there was a problem before him. Just learned these fighting skills, but it doesn't have any effect on magic, which is quite tangled.

You said let Captain America fight the wizard, what is the consequence?

Eisen thinks Captain America might break the wizard's wand by throwing his shield and win. But if the wizard's reaction is fast, and he uses the obstacle spell and the stun spell, Captain America will not be able to do it.

Of course, there is another very important point, that is, the level of magic idealism in this world is too high. This point is extremely unfriendly to people who don't know magic.

However, when it comes to Captain America, Eisen can't help but think of the mage in that world. That's right, those battle mages who can open portals in Karma Taj.

The wizards in that world are completely different professions from the wizards in Eisen's world. The most intuitive difference is that the magic power in the wizards in Eisen's world will only grow with age. As for the mages of Karma Taj, their strength can be cultivated.

It's nothing more than cultivation, the energy they use when casting spells is all borrowed. Whether it is borrowing the power of Emperor Weishan, or borrowing the power of demon gods from other dimensions, it is a relationship of borrowing. There is a price to be paid for this method of casting spells.

But in the world where Eisen lives, the method of casting spells is more like using one's own power directly. Therefore, there is no price to pay. As for which one is more powerful, Eisen feels that it is difficult to compare.

After all, the upper limit of the mages in Marvel can break through the sky, and it is easy to roam the multiverse with strength. In the world where Eisen lives, let alone the concept of multiverse, even in this single universe, wizards are trapped on the earth.

In such a comparison, the world where Eisen lives, the level of magic is simply not a piece of shit. But in such a world, space magic that can move instantly and time magic that can travel in time exist.

Therefore, Eisen doesn't think there is anything to be tangled about.

In a flash, Eisen returned to the secret base. After seeing that the circulation between the crystal balls was still running, Eisen came to the alchemy laboratory next to him.

The tool table in the laboratory is carved out of enchanted ice cubes. After changing the properties of ice, it makes Eisen feel very convenient to use.

On the table was a purple wizard's robe, which looked ordinary and nothing special.

Just when Eisen stepped forward to make a move, he stopped and remembered something.

Afterwards, Eisen turned around and walked to the field next to the table and started pacing.

Previously, Eisen thought wildly and thought of the upper limit of Kama Taj's magic, but now he suddenly thought of a method, and I don't know if it can be researched here.

As for the method, of course it can make people's souls go out of their bodies - astral projection. This is what the Ancient One mage used when he broke Strange's world view and led him into the gate of the magical world.

Of course, Eisen does not expect to be able to travel through the multiverse through this method. What he thinks is, if a similar method can be developed, can it be used directly on Harry Potter? There is nothing to hide?

To create such a magic out of thin air in other worlds, Eisen thinks it is very unlikely, but if it is in this world, the possibility is quite high.

There is only one reason, the magic in this world is idealistic and magical enough.

Taking a long breath, Eisen disappeared into the secret base in a flash. When Eisen reappeared, he had already arrived at Hogwarts.

Since the trio's side is fine, there's no need for Eisen to pay attention. So, when Eisen came to Hogwarts, he went directly to Dumbledore's office.

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