Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 75 The Wounded Dumbledore (Subscribe!)

"Yes, you guessed it right!" Dumbledore looked at his right hand, and found that the charred black spots on it were much lighter in color. At the same time, feeling the power of the curse locked in his right hand weakened a little, his eyes flashed a little. clean.

"Voldemort's Horcrux!" Eisen picked up the ring, felt it carefully, and put it down again.

"That's right, what you said was right, Tom Riddle made more than one Horcrux." Dumbledore said, his eyes were a little blurred, "He is too proud and arrogant to believe that others will investigate him to know the existence of Horcruxes.

For Tom, Marvolo Gaunt's ring is a symbol and representative of the identity of Slytherin's descendants. For such a meaningful treasure, Tom made it into a Horcrux, and then hid it in Gaunt's In the old house. "

"I think it must not be easy to get it!" Eisen's face became very calm.

"Yes, it was hidden in the ruins of Gaunt's old house, and it was cast with a very powerful protective magic. It took me a lot of thought to get it." Dumbledore said softly.

"You know it's a Horcrux, and you know Voldemort's character. He will definitely tamper with it. Why do you still wear it? You almost died!" Eisen glanced at him, deliberately using this tone Come on him.

"The Resurrection Stone! When Tom made it into a Horcrux, he didn't know that the gem was the Resurrection Stone." Dumbledore froze, and then smiled wryly, "I recognized it, and I couldn't help it, so I put it on on it!"

"The Resurrection Stone—one of the three legendary Deathly Hallows, the gemstone that can resurrect the dead?" Eisen's eyes fell on the black gemstone on the ring.

If this gem can really bring the dead back to life, then it is definitely one of the most heaven-defying props in the wizarding world. But alas, Eisen knows that it does not have the ability to resurrect the dead.

"It is indeed a Deathly Hallows, but it cannot really bring the dead back to life!" Dumbledore sighed slightly.

"So, the Deathly Hallows is fake?" Eisen showed a look of surprise.

"No, the Deathly Hallows exist, but they are far less effective than the legendary Three Hallows." Dumbledore withdrew his right hand, took out his wand and pointed it at Gaunt's ring.

Fiercefire emerged from the tip of Dumbledore's wand, taking the form of a sword, and directly slicing the ring in two. Now, Voldemort's second Horcrux was destroyed.

"So, Professor Dumbledore, what are your plans next? Continue to search for Voldemort's other Horcruxes?" After watching Dumbledore put away the resurrection stone on the broken ring, Eisen stretched and asked calmly said a word.

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"At least until my hand is fully recovered!" Dumbledore took a deep look at Eisen and raised his right hand as a gesture.

"Professor Dumbledore, I have to remind you—" Eisen crossed his arms and looked solemn, "The second Horcrux was found, which means that Voldemort made more than one Horcrux, but as I said last time, Voldemort made six horcruxes, it's just a guess, how many horcruxes he made, I think it needs further confirmation!"

"Yes, you are right." Dumbledore nodded, "But like I said, Horcrux making is a very evil black magic, and a person's soul has a limit, it cannot be split more than once Many. So the Horcruxes made by Tom should be similar to what you said!"

"Maybe, you need to talk to the former Hogwarts professors, maybe they know the information about Voldemort making Horcruxes." Eisen changed the subject and gave a little reminder.

"You're right. When Tom was in Hogwarts, he was very popular with some teachers. I think someone must have taught him the advanced knowledge of making Horcruxes." Dumbledore seemed to think of something, his eyes The light came out.

Eisen nodded without speaking. If there is no accident, Dumbledore will check and check and finally find Slughorn, the former Potions professor at Hogwarts.

Slughorn, is a pleasure-seeking and vain person who likes to associate with famous and successful people. But it has to be said that he is not a bad guy.

As a former professor at Hogwarts, he turned a blind eye to mediocre students and paid special attention to those extremely outstanding students. Therefore, Slughorn treated Voldemort very favorably while he was in school.

You know, before Voldemort turned black, he was a very good student. Otherwise, he couldn't have become a Slytherin prefect.

Unfortunately, Voldemort's ambitions were beyond anyone's imagination. So, relying on Slughorn's care for him, he tricked Slughorn into revealing the taboo information about making Horcruxes.

In fact, Dumbledore may have known about the secret between them long before Slughorn resigned the year after Voldemort's downfall. But unfortunately, Dumbledore failed to inquire at the time, which aroused Slughorn's vigilance instead. Subsequently, Slughorn resigned from Hogwarts.

This time, Dumbledore's eyes were on Slughorn again, and Eisen was not sure if he could get the real memory from Slughorn.

You know, in the original book, Dumbledore still relied on Harry to fool Slughorn after taking the Felicia, so that he could get the other party's real memory. Therefore, Eisen felt that it would not be easy for Dumbledore to find out the truth from Slughorn.

"Professor Dumbledore, I heard that Felix Felicia can improve people's luck?" After pondering for a while, Eisen felt it necessary to mention it. Although I don't know if it will have any effect on Dumbledore's plan, maybe Dumbledore will prepare in advance.

"No, although Felix Elixir is a powerful potion, it cannot make people have extra good luck out of thin air." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, as if thinking of something, and continued: "It can only make you After drinking it, take the most correct action—"

"So it is!" Eisen whispered, then fell silent.

"By the way, this is a gift for you. I think you will like it." After a while, Dumbledore seemed to remember something, and after reaching out his hand, a book on the next shelf flew into his hand. Then, Dumbledore handed the book to Eisen.

""Quest for Ancient Alchemy"——" Looking at the large characters on the cover, Eisen's heart moved. When he opened the book and saw that the author was Nick Flamel, his face couldn't help showing joy.

"Thank you! Professor Dumbledore, this really helped me a lot!" To be honest, with this book, Eisen's alchemy level should improve a lot.

After leaving the principal's office, Eisen came to the top of the Astronomy Tower in a flash. After a reclining chair was conjured, Eisen lay down on it.

Looking at the blue sky with faint light outside the window, Eisen felt a long-lost tranquility.

Are there extraterrestrial civilizations in the universe? This is a very interesting question about Eisen's past life, which has attracted the attention of many people, including Eisen. Unfortunately, limited by the development of technology, that has always been an unknown problem.

So, in this magical world, is there any extraterrestrial civilization? Eisen was really not sure. Because in this world, the most unscientific thing is magic.

Since magic exists, everything else is possible. In other words, if there are extraterrestrial civilizations in this world, Eisen will not be surprised.

Even, maybe the origin of magic in this world may be related to extraterrestrial civilizations. After this thought flashed through his mind, the corners of Eisen's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

However, Eisen has a hunch that maybe within a few years, he will be able to travel the world at his leisure. After a few more years, he might be able to explore alien planets.

Of course, with Eisen's current capabilities, it is obviously impossible to do this. Not only that, but there are still some troubles to solve. For example, the current villain Voldemort, if he is not dealt with, Eisen will always feel a little offended.

Voldemort - I don't know if casting the Oblivion Curse on him directly would make him an idiot? Such a thought suddenly popped up in Eisen's mind.

Voldemort's Occlumency was definitely top-notch, but would it be useful in a sneak attack?

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