Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 68: The Unlucky Lockhart

For a while, the whole classroom fell silent, only the sound of Eisen flipping the parchment remained.

After a while, Eisen refolded the parchment and put it down, then looked at Harry and Ron.

"So, what do you mean?" Eisen's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Harry and Ron.

"It's obvious that Professor Lockhart stole other people's experience, and he took everything that others did on himself!" Harry said in an aggrieved tone.

"It can be seen that if the above is not wrong, Lockhart did it!" Eisen nodded, and then continued, "You mean, let me tell Professor Dumbledore the truth about this matter, and then let Dumbledore The professor fired Lockhart?"

"This—" Harry hesitated for a moment.

"Since Lockhart is a liar, of course Dumbledore should fire him!" Ron said with gritted teeth.

Seeing Ron's upset look, Eisen was a little strange. Hadn't Ron had an altered sense of Lockhart? Why did you become like this again?

Apparently, Eisen didn't know that Harry had already uttered a warning to break Ron's illusion about Lockhart's strength.

"But what if Lockhart is expelled from the school?" Eisen sat down on the stool next to him and looked at the two of them playfully, "There is no Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to apply for at this time!"

"Professor Eisen, Lockhart didn't teach us anything at all. How could he continue to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts school if he is a liar?" Harry couldn't help but get excited when he spoke.

"Yes, but the final exam is less than three weeks away, and Lockhart has been teaching you for almost a year. This means that when the final exam, you can use everything you learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts class Got it." Eisen paused.

After seeing the confusion on the faces of the two, Eisen continued: "If Lockhart is expelled at this time, or another professor temporarily replaces the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, then the content of the exam may no longer be the content of Lockhart's book. up.

This means that you have studied Defense Against the Dark Arts for a year, but you have not learned the real skills. In the end, you may not even pass the final exam. Isn't that too bad? "

After hearing Eisen's words, Harry and Ron opened their mouths but didn't know what to say. Indeed, this year, Lockhart's teaching content is basically fragments of his "works". Then during the exam, the content is naturally those fragments.

But if Lockhart was fired, or if the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was replaced, what they had learned might really be for naught.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Eisen smiled slightly. To be honest, judging from the current situation, what Eisen can be sure of is that even if the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is changed, most of the content of the final exam will be found in Lockhart's book. Otherwise, second-year wizards would fail their Defense Against the Dark Arts exams.

"Then what?" Ron looked at Eisen confused.

"Otherwise, Professor Eisen, go talk to Dumbledore, this matter should be handled by the headmaster." Harry proposed a solution.

"Perhaps, Dumbledore already knew Lockhart's true face!" Eisen pondered for a moment, then said slowly. When they saw that the two were about to speak again, they waved their hands and continued, "But you are right, I really need to talk to Dumbledore about this!"

Hearing what Eisen said, Harry and Ron immediately calmed down.

"Go to eat! You still have class in the afternoon!" Eisen waved to the two and drove them out of the classroom.

Sitting on the stool, Eisen looked out of the window. After changing his gaze, Eisen could see that the surrounding grounds of the entire castle were covered in green, and the pale blue lake was glowing with purple light, indicating that summer had arrived.

After a while, Eisen took the folded rolls of parchment and walked out of the classroom to Dumbledore's office.

"Professor Eisen, what's the matter?" Dumbledore picked up a lemon sherbet and stuffed it into his mouth, then looked at Eisen who had just knocked on the door and entered.

"Yes, Harry and Ron were in detention, and found this in Professor Lockhart's office—" Eisen noticed that Dumbledore seemed to be in a good mood, and passed the parchment directly.

In a few moments, Dumbledore had flipped through the parchment.

"I didn't expect Gilderoy to do such a thing. I think Hogwarts can no longer let him be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts!" After putting down the parchment, Dumbledore looked at Eisen and said solemnly.

I really believed your nonsense! Eisen couldn't help complaining in his heart, if Dumbledore didn't know what Lockhart was, Eisen would absolutely not believe it.

"That's right, but Professor Lockhart just defeated the basilisk one-on-one, and many students think he is a man of real ability—" Eisen didn't finish the sentence, but he felt that Dumbledore must understand what he meant.

"Maybe he has some skills, but it's nothing to do with stealing other people's adventures." Dumbledore said, picking up another lemon sherbet and popping it into his mouth.

"You're right, will you fire him then?" Eisen nodded slightly and continued to ask.

"Isn't Rita reporting on Gilderoy's solution to the basilisk? I think it's okay to send it to Rita." Dumbledore picked up the rolls of parchment and gestured to Eisen.


Watching Dumbledore's actions, Eisen couldn't help but gasped. Right now, Rita and Lockhart are arguing with each other in the newspaper. If Rita gets the black material, then Lockhart probably won't try to clean himself up.

At that time, after Lockhart became the target of everyone shouting and beating, he might no longer have the face to continue to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts.

After all, many students have already seen through Lockhart's true colors. If these black materials are exposed, his loyal readers will probably turn black as well.

Looking at the smiling Dumbledore, Eisen couldn't help but murmured "It's so scary"!

That night, Harry and Ron continued their detention in Lockhart's office, transcribing letters from Lockhart's readers. But early the next morning, the whole school was almost boiling.

Because a new issue of the "Daily Prophet" broke a big story. Rita had a front page article, "Lockhart: Best-selling Author or Liar," that was very poignant.

At the beginning of the article, Rita introduced that she learned the truth that the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was found from Hogwarts principal Dumbledore himself.

"Dumbledore said: 'Harry Potter has done another great thing since he defeated the Dark Lord and made him completely dead, and that is to find the entrance to the secret chamber of Hogwarts...'

My apologies to Lockhart here, he is not a conspirator, but a liar who likes to credit other people's adventures to himself.

Like all his works, it is hard to believe that the adventures of a best-selling author are all fake..."

The article not only wrote the title of Lockhart's best-selling book in detail, but also took photos of some evidence and directly pasted it next to it.

With the endorsement of Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of our time, and the "evidence" posted in the article, this issue of the "Daily Prophet" has caused a tsunami-level impact.

The entire Hogwarts students, not only when they were eating, but even when they were walking, were talking about this matter.

Some students who firmly believed that Lockhart was a liar all showed the appearance of "I already said that Lockhart is a liar". And those female students who have always admired Lockhart cursed in disappointment!

"I can't believe that Professor Lockhart is such a person!"

"Yeah, my mother still admires him very much, who would have thought that he is a liar!"

"Now let's see how he can stay at Hogwarts..."

The little wizards expressed their opinions one after another, and it seemed that Lockhart had been sentenced.

"Professor Eisen, the report in the newspaper is—" During lunch in the auditorium, the three of them gathered around Eisen, and Harry's face was full of surprise and confusion.

"Principal Dumbledore's decision!" Eisen said calmly, with a very calm tone. After finishing speaking, Eisen glanced at Hermione, but saw that there was only a little surprise on her face, and she was not disappointed that Lockhart's character design collapsed.


Loud noises suddenly came from the entrance of the auditorium leading to the foyer, and Eisen noticed many little wizards moving towards the hall.

"What happened?" Ron looked at this scene in surprise, and Harry and Hermione also stood up and looked over.

When Eisen opened his God's perspective, he actually saw Lockhart's figure in the foyer. Eisen and the trio then followed the crowd and walked there.

"I, Gilderoy Lockhart, am definitely not a liar to deceive people. That woman Rita likes to make things up—" Lockhart waved his wand in his hand, speaking in a panic, but was interrupted suddenly in the middle of the sentence .

"But Professor Dumbledore testified that it was Harry who found the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, didn't he?" a voice rang out from the crowd.

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"That's not important, did you see it? I killed the giant basilisk in the secret room!" Lockhart pointed his wand at the corpse of the basilisk on the other side of the hall, his face turned red, he didn't know he was angry , or because of anger.

After Lockhart finished speaking, as if to prove his strength, he swung his wand forcefully at the basilisk's corpse.


No one expected that an accident would happen at this time. A flash of red light from Lockhart's wand hit the basilisk in the head, causing an explosion and a commotion.

The little wizards stepped back one after another, with horrified expressions on their faces. Fortunately, they were some distance away from the corpse of the basilisk, so they were not hurt except for a little fright.


After the explosion, the screams attracted everyone's attention. Eisen and the little wizards looked and found that Lockhart was lying on the ground curled up, his face was covered with a mixture of blood and toxins from the explosion of the basilisk's head, corroding large wounds.

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