Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 62 Hagrid Returns

Of course, although Eisen was a little afraid of Rita's pen, he was not afraid of her. After all, Eisen already knew that she was an illegal Annie Magus, and with this in hand, Eisen didn't have to be afraid that she would discredit him in the newspapers.

After a while, Rita put away the shorthand quill and put it together with the diary in the crocodile leather handbag in her hand. Then he made a suggestion to Fudge: "Minister Fudge, I think we need to take a group photo in front of the basilisk for tomorrow's front page!"

"Oh, of course there's no problem!" Fudge smiled slightly, and stood in front of the basilisk's huge head.

"This—" Lockhart didn't expect that his photo wasn't on the front page, and his face froze. However, fortunately, he also knew that he was not something he could fight against as the Minister of Magic, so he didn't object.

Several people present stood in a row, and Lockhart was arranged beside Fudge, standing in the middle, which made Lockhart quite satisfied.

Professor McGonagall was on Lockhart's side, and Rita was on Fudge's other side.

Of course, Eisen was not interested in being on the front page of the next day, so he refused to take pictures to join in the fun.

The shutter of "Kacha" sounded, and the photos were immediately frozen on several people. The huge basilisk serves as the background, and this group photo serves as the front page, which is indeed easy to attract people's attention.

"Goodbye, Professor McGonagall, believe me, Hagrid will be back soon!" Fudge made a promise to Professor McGonagall before leaving. Clearly, Hagrid's grievances are about to be cleared.

"Hey, Professor Eisen, thank you for calling me down for an interview, but I think you should take a photo with me and stand next to me, so I can guarantee you will be famous tomorrow!" Lockhart came to Eisen and gave him a hug.

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"That's a major event like solving the basilisk!" Eisen broke free and stepped aside calmly, and then continued: "I'm a professor of astronomy, and I haven't experienced many things. I mean, my experience is not like yours. It's so rich, it's not time to be famous!"

"Well, Professor Eisen, you are right!" Lockhart was taken aback, and then said with a smile, "Believe me, Professor Eisen, you will be as famous as me in the future!"

"Hehe, you're right!" Eisen said with a fake smile on his face.


In the evening, on request indoors.

"Expelliarmus—" A red light shot out from Hermione's wand, hitting Harry who was holding the wand first, and knocked Harry's wand and his whole body into the air.

"Ahem——" Harry got up from the ground, coughed a few times while clutching his chest, his expression was a little ugly.

"That's right, Hermione is already very proficient in mastering the Disarming Curse, Harry, and Ron, you still need to practice more!" Seeing Hermione raised her head and looked at her proud face, Eisen smiled and nodded to Hermione , and then encouraged Harry and Ron.

"Disarm you—"

"Disarm you—"

For a while, Harry and Ron began to practice against each other. In terms of using the Disarming Charm, although Harry was not as proficient as Hermione, he was much better than Ron.

Thus, a scene of Harry completely torturing Ron appeared before Eisen's eyes. However, Ron didn't give up, he would try his best to cast spells every time, and from time to time he could successfully release the Disarming Charm to neutralize Harry's spells.

It can be seen that although Ron is the weakest among the trio, he has gradually mastered the disarming spell as he practiced casting spells more often.

"Professor Eisen, I heard that Hagrid will be back soon?" Hermione came to Eisen's side with joy in her tone.

"Yes, the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, came to Hogwarts today. He saw the corpse of the basilisk that had been dealt with. He knew that the troubles at Hogwarts had nothing to do with Hagrid, so if nothing else, Hagrid I should be back tomorrow." Eisen nodded, conjured up a drink and handed it over.

"That's really great, we all know that Hagrid is not the heir to the Chamber of Secrets, and it was a mistake for Fudge to take Hagrid away!" Hermione took a sip of her drink, with a hint of displeasure in her tone.

"Lucius has always had great dissatisfaction with Dumbledore as the headmaster of Hogwarts. It is normal for him to unite with other school board members to put pressure on the Ministry of Magic when there is an attack on the school." Eisen smiled, The tone didn't fluctuate much.

"I know that Della's father used to be a Death Eater and subordinate to Voldemort. He has been using his family background and wealth as a weapon to threaten other school board members to obey his orders." Hermione said with a smile on her face Disgusted look.

"Oh!" Eisen was a little surprised, not expecting that Hermione would have the leisure to find out the identity of Lucius Malfoy. Eisen didn't press, though.

"What about Professor Dumbledore?" Seeing Eisen's surprised expression, Hermione blushed slightly and changed the subject directly.

"Dumbledore—" Eisen pondered for a moment.

Now that the troubles at Hogwarts had been sorted out, there was no reason for Dumbledore to be deposed. In other words, Dumbledore will be reinstated as Headmaster of Hogwarts for some time to come.

As for Lucius continuing to pick on Dumbledore, Eisen didn't think it would cause Dumbledore any trouble. After all, Eisen had once told Dumbledore of his speculation that the diary Horcrux had been smuggled by Lucius to some young wizard to bring into Hogwarts.

This "handle" alone is enough to make Lucius throw a mouse.

As for Dumbledore continuing to return to Hogwarts to serve as headmaster, Eisen felt that this was beyond doubt. However, even if Dumbledore regained his status as the headmaster, he probably wouldn't stay in the school forever.

You know, Eisen not only gave one of Voldemort's Horcruxes to Dumbledore, but also "accidentally" raised the possibility that Voldemort could make six Horcruxes.

Although such an obvious hint, it was impossible for Dumbledore to be sure that there were six Horcruxes. But it should not be like the original work, it will take several years to find clues to the Horcrux.

Of course, no matter how you say it, Eisen is sure of one thing, that is, under his "reminder", Voldemort's Horcrux will definitely not take as long to be found by Dumbledore as it did in the original book.

But now there was a problem, Eisen wasn't sure if Dumbledore had identified Harry as one of Voldemort's Horcruxes. After all, judging from the current situation, Dumbledore knew that the scar on Harry's head would hurt when he was close to Voldemort. In addition, Dumbledore also knew about Harry's old tongue.

These two points alone could actually convince Dumbledore that there was a connection between Harry and Voldemort, but Eisen felt that he had to wait until he thought Harry was one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

"Professor Dumbledore will be back soon to continue his duties as headmaster!" Eisen collected his thoughts and gave an answer that made Hermione feel relieved.

The next day, the trio arrived at Hagrid's hut after their morning lessons.

Harry stepped forward and knocked on the door. After the door was opened, a familiar figure appeared in front of the three of them. It was Hagrid who had returned.

"Hagrid, are you okay!" After the three of them were let into the room by Hagrid, Harry asked impatiently, looking Hagrid's body up and down while asking.

"Oh, it's not a big deal. Fortunately, I was only locked up in Azkaban for one day!" Hagrid flexed his body and winked at several people.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Hagrid was in good spirits and that there was nothing wrong with him.

"By the way, Hagrid, it's Ai—Professor Lockhart. He took care of the monster in the Chamber of Secrets—a huge basilisk! This clears your suspicion." Hermione paused slightly in the middle of speaking, and looked at Harry and Ron continued.

"That's right!" Ron agreed, taking the grilled sausage Hagrid handed over, taking a big bite.

"Yes, I already knew that, but is Lockhart really that—well, I mean, that powerful?" Hagrid looked at the three of them with a strange expression, and spread out a copy of the "Daily Prophet" in front of Harry. .

Hermione and Ron leaned in front of Harry, and when they saw the front page article in the Daily Prophet, they both showed bewildered expressions. The article was written by Rita Skeeter and is titled Gilderoy Lockhart: Basilisk-Slaying Hero or Premeditated Conspirator? "

The content of the article is what Eisen saw before. It began with Lockhart's heroic act of single-handedly solving the basilisk, saying that he was a hero who saved Hogwarts.

But the tone of the later content changed, "revealing" Lockhart's ambition, saying that he actually waited for three attacks on the school on purpose, and waited for Dumbledore to be deposed before solving the basilisk, with the purpose of being the headmaster of Hogwarts.

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