Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 55: Entrance To The Chamber Of Secrets

Turning his gaze, Eisen pretended to check carefully, including the water pipes below, and then pointed to the side of the faucet with the snake engraved on it.

"Look here!" Eisen motioned to Hermione.

Hermione leaned forward immediately after hearing this, and saw where Eisen was pointing.

"That's—" Hermione's tone revealed surprise.

"The sign for the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets?" Harry, who also saw the snake next to him, had a look of surprise on his face.

Ron stepped forward and turned it, but found that the faucet was not coming out.

"There's never any water coming out of this faucet." The weeping Myrtle flashed past the crowd, and when she saw Ron's movements, she said happily.

"Obviously, there is a high probability that this is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets!" Eisen nodded, then looked at Harry.

"Harry, say a few words." Seeing Eisen look at Harry, Ron's eyes lit up, and then he made a move, "I mean, you have to say a few words in the old tongue!"

"This—" Harry was a little at a loss. He used to speak the snake's old tongue involuntarily when he was directly facing the snake. Now can you speak the old snake accent directly?

"Turn on—" Harry said, staring at the little snake pattern on the side of the faucet.

Then, Harry looked at Ron.

"No, you're talking human," Ron shook his head.

"Professor Eisen, what should we do now?" Hermione asked Eisen for help.

Eisen looked at the trio and saw that they were all looking at him eagerly, so he had an idea in his mind. Immediately, a playing card appeared in his hand, and when he threw it out, it turned into a snake and wrapped around the faucet.

"Try again!" Eisen motioned to Harry.

"Open." Harry stared at the wriggling snake and made a sound.

However, to Eisen and others, what they heard was not human speech, and what came out of his mouth was a strange hissing sound. As Harry's voice fell, the faucet emitted a dazzling white light, and then began to spin rapidly. Then, the pool moved.

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The pool slowly disappeared from sight, revealing a very thick water pipe, which could allow a person to get in. If you look inside, you will find that this passage is bottomless.


Hermione and Ron gasped almost simultaneously.

"Professor? Are we going down?" Ron glanced deep into the water pipe, and then looked at Eisen in surprise.

"Where's the basilisk down there? You want to go down!" Eisen showed a hint of malice on the corner of his mouth.

"No, of course not—I mean, we need to inform Professor Lockhart, he's the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and he'll definitely take care of the basilisk!" Ron waved his hand hastily, then pushed Lockhart away with a serious face out.

"You're right, Ron, you and Harry are going to inform Professor Lockhart to come and deal with the basilisk!" Eisen revealed an inexplicable look in his eyes, and then arranged for Ron and Harry.

Hearing what Eisen said, Ron breathed a sigh of relief, and after looking at Harry, the two quickly left the abandoned bathroom.

"Professor, are we waiting here?" Hermione glanced at the bottomless pipe, with an eager expression on her face.

"Ahem—you go to Professor McGonagall and inform her about the things here. I think it's necessary to tell her about the things here!" Seeing this, Eisen directly assigned a task to Hermione.

After the three of them left, Eisen quietly looked at the water pipe in front of him, the darkness seemed to lead to hell. However, when it comes to Hogwarts plumbing, Eisen finds something very strange. That's why so many pipes were built when Hogwarts was founded?

It wouldn't make sense to say that it was left behind by the sewage of the entire castle. Because whether it is the cleaning spell or the disappearing spell, it can directly deal with garbage. As for the activity space reserved exclusively for the basilisk, Eisen felt that it was too outrageous.

But Hogwarts has left so many intricate pipelines, giving people the feeling that it is not a magical castle, but an ordinary castle.

Usually Eisen didn't think about it, but the more he thought about it now, the more strange he felt.

The sound of footsteps outside broke Eisen's thoughts.

"Professor Eisen—" After entering the bathroom, Professor McGonagall saw the unfathomable water pipe at a glance, and also saw Eisen standing aside.

"Professor McGonagall!" Eisen nodded, seeing that besides Professor McGonagall, Snape, the Potions Professor, also came over.

"This is—" Looking at everything in front of him, Professor McGonagall's expression became serious.

"Hermione, Harry, and Ron deduced from the location of the three previous attacks that the entrance to the chamber of secrets is in this bathroom. I followed them here and found out that Harry's snake cavity had indeed opened a Passage. I think this is very likely to be the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. So I asked Hermione to notify you!" Eisen did not hesitate, looked at Hermione next to him, and briefly explained the matter.

"Professor Eisen, why did Potter and the others investigate the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets privately? You know, the basilisk is a very dangerous animal!" Snape said expressionlessly.

"Gryffindor's students always like to take risks, don't they? Besides, since Harry's old tongue was exposed, everyone regarded him as the heir to the Chamber of Secrets. Although Hagrid was taken away, Harry didn't think Hagrid was the murderer, so he Of course we need to find out where the entrance to the chamber is!" Eisen hesitated for a moment, making a lame excuse.

"What about after finding out the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets? So he can deal with the basilisk?" Snape had a slight sneer on his face.

"Come on, this way—"

"Okay, okay, I see!"

Harry's voice and Lockhart's voice came, and there were footsteps outside at the same time.

"Of course I know that second-year wizards can't deal with basilisks, no—here comes someone who can deal with basilisks, Lockhart, and he's about to show his moment of glory!" Eisen smiled at Snape, then pointed to the bathroom door.

Following Eisen's movements, Lockhart in aqua-green wizard robes came in, followed by Harry and Ron. It's just that Lockhart seemed to be threatened by the two of them. After entering the bathroom and seeing Eisen and others, his face was slightly embarrassed.

As for Harry and Ron, they hastily retracted the wands that were pointed at Lockhart.

"Ha - let me just say, the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets must be here, and I can easily deal with the basilisk inside!" Lockhart smiled when he saw that Harry and Ron had retracted their wands, and while speaking to everyone, he came to Looking in from the edge of the water pipe.

"Yes, Professor Eisen was right, Professor Lockhart said it was a pity that he didn't get to fight the basilisk before Hagrid was captured, and that things were such a mess that they should have been left to you in the first place. Now, the time has come to show your abilities!" Snape sternly followed Eisen's words and changed the subject, starting to tease Lockhart.

Lockhart said that? After hearing Snape's words, Eisen frowned slightly.

"Haha—yes, of course I can take care of the basilisk inside!" Lockhart walked past Eisen and came straight to Snape, "Then, let's go down together!"

"Then, Gilderoy, we'll leave you to deal with it," said Professor McGonagall, looking very serious on his face. "This is your perfect opportunity to show your talents. We promise to let no one get in your way. You can be alone Let someone deal with that basilisk. Now I finally let you go."

"Ahem—" Hearing Professor McGonagall's words, Lockhart coughed violently.

"Don't you all go down? I mean, of course I can deal with the basilisk, but I need to teach Harry and them how I will deal with the basilisk, so they must come with me Get down!" After a while, Lockhart seemed to find an excuse, and pointed to Harry while asking Professor McGonagall.

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