Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 52 Failed To Repair The Wand (Subscribe)

"Disarm you—"

"Disarm you—"

Harry's and Hermione's voices followed. The two of them had one target each, and began to practice casting the Disarming Curse. Since Hermione had already learned the Disarming Charm, every cast went very smoothly.

As for Ron, he gave Eisen his wand, damaged and covered in duct tape.

"Professor, can you fix it?" Glancing at Harry and Hermione who were practicing spells on the stage, Ron showed envy on his face, and then looked at Eisen expectantly.

"I'm not sure!" Eisen shook his head, seeing that the expectation on Ron's face turned into disappointment, he continued, "However, I think I can give it a try."

Looking at the broken wand in his hand, the corners of Eisen's mouth couldn't help twitching. how to say? From the wand used by Ron, it can be seen that the financial conditions of the Wesley family are indeed not very good.

You know, little wizards have to buy their own wand when they enter school, but Ron uses the old wand used by his big brother Charlie. Even if the wand wasn't damaged, the unicorn hair on its tail was exposed.

The wand, which nearly broke in two, was held together by Ron with duct tape. It looks like it was patched together, but it doesn't really work at all.

Judging from the result of Ron casting a spell on Malfoy but being bounced back, something has gone wrong with this wand. Therefore, the wand problem had to be solved if Ron was going to have combat training.

Holding Ron's wand in his hand, he could feel that the magic power was running extremely jerky, especially at the break, as if blocked, unable to form a complete backflow.

The streamer in the eyes flickered, and after turning on the observation feature, the angle of view quickly zoomed in towards the magic wand in his hand. Immediately, the material and texture of ash wood came into Eisen's mind clearly, and the unicorn hair inlaid in it was also clearly seen by him.

The wand made of ash wood is engraved with a series of textures, and the key nodes are connected one by one by unicorn hair, which seems to play a role in penetrating the magic power.

But at the break, you can see that some textures are broken and some nodes are blocked. This made the wand useless as it should be.

"Can it be repaired like this?" Eisen had this thought in his mind, but felt that the possibility was very low.

If Eisen remembers correctly, if the wand is so badly damaged that it is about to break in two, there is basically no spell or method that can repair it, not even the master wand maker Ollivander.

But strangely, there is one exception and that is the Elder Wand. There are records in the original book of Dumbledore restoring Hagrid's wand and Harry using the Elder Wand to restore his own.

But when asked what the reason was, Eisen couldn't figure it out, so he could only blame it on the special features of the Elder Wand.

With a thought, the broken part of the wand was reunited under the effect of Eisen's transfiguration. Then, a flash of light flickered in Eisen's hand, and it got into the wand and walked along the texture inside.

A moment later, Ron's wand had become an intact wand. Even the unicorn hair emerging from the tail was re-embedded into the interior of the wand by Eisen.

"Professor Eisen—" Ron looked at the intact wand in Eisen's hand, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "Did you really fix the wand?"

After hearing Ron's voice, Eisen glanced at him, but frowned slightly. Holding the wand that has been repaired in his hand, but feeling it carefully, Eisen can find that the operation of magic power is still extremely jerky.

It's similar to the feeling when the wand is broken. Although it can be a little better, but if you feel it carefully, you can find that it's not much better. Such a result made Eisen feel a little embarrassed.

However, after thinking about it, he was relieved again. You know, Eisen has no understanding of wand making. Even Ollivander, a master wand maker, can't repair a badly damaged wand. It's normal that he can't repair it.

"No, I don't think this can be said to be fixed, you can try it and attack me!" Eisen shook his head and handed Ron his wand.

"Professor?" Ron held his wand, and when he heard Eisen's words, his face suddenly changed.

"It's okay, let's try it and see if the wand works?" Eisen took out his wand, nodded to Ron, and signaled him not to worry too much.

"Eating slugs—" Ron muttered aloud, pointing his wand at Eisen.

The corners of Eisen's mouth twitched at Ron's incantation. It's just a try, it's too much to use such a crazy spell!

"Armor protection—" Just as Ron was chanting, Eisen neatly cast a line of armor between the two of them as a barrier.

However, what Eisen didn't expect was that things didn't go as he thought, Ron's spell was blocked by the Iron Armor Curse and bounced to the other side. Rather, Ron's wand backfired before the spell could be cast.

So, Eisen froze for a moment, and Ron's spell hit him.


A boom exploded in the Response Room, and then Ron was sent flying into the air, took a few steps back, and then fell to the ground.

"Professor Eisen—" Hermione and Harry on the side were startled, they stopped practicing the Disarming Charm and came to Eisen's side.

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"What's wrong with Ron?" Harry stepped forward to help Ron who fell to the ground, and asked Eisen.

"It was just an accident!" Eisen spread his hands, and then said the matter again.

"Ouch—" Ron opened his mouth to say something, but spat out a slug. After that, he looked at Eisen even more pitifully, as if complaining why he didn't fix his wand.

"Okay, let me try it!" Stepping up to Harry, Eisen pointed his wand at Ron.

Since Eisen happened to read the book "Practical Defense Magic and Its Restraint to Black Magic" recently, Eisen happened to think that a curse-breaking spell in it could solve Ron's problem.

Although the curse-breaking curse itself is a curse, its effect is very intuitive, that is, to counteract the effect of the curse.

A stream of light shot out from the tip of the wand, and after hitting Ron, Ron hiccupped, spat out a slug, and took a long breath to recover.

If Ron casts a spell before it hits him, Eisen can just cast him an anti-jinx, which will also prevent the jinx from taking effect. But Eisen didn't react in a daze, so now he can only break the curse with a curse. Fortunately, the effect of this spell is not bad.

"Professor Eisen, what kind of spell is this? Why didn't you cast it on me last time? I vomited for hours that day!" Ron, who stopped vomiting, seemed to remember something, and looked at Eisen with resentment.

Hermione and Harry were stunned, and also stared at him blankly.

"You have to know that there are too many strange spells in the wizarding world." Eisen shrugged his shoulders, "I only discovered this spell when I was reading a book in the library recently, although it is very useful , but in fact it is still a curse in essence. I didn’t know how to do it last time!”

"This spell is really useful!" Hermione didn't care much about whether it was a curse or not. She only thought it could counteract the effect of the curse, and felt that it was very useful.

"Don't worry, I will teach you this spell after a while!" Eisen smiled slightly, and drew a cake for them, "By the way, Hermione, Harry, how is your disarming spell practice?"

"Professor, I'm already proficient at using it!" Hermione raised her head, expecting Eisen's evaluation.

"Great, but keep up the good work!" Eisen nodded, showing Hermione admiration. Then, he looked at Harry again.

"I haven't learned it yet!" Harry's expression was a little downcast.

"Don't worry, this spell is actually not difficult, I believe you will learn it soon." Eisen comforted. He wasn't worried at all about whether Harry could learn the Disarming Charm. You know, in the original book, Harry basically used the Disarming Curse from beginning to end in his attack methods, and even used it against Voldemort's Killing Curse.

It can be seen from this that Harry's talent in disarming spells is still very good.

"Okay, there is still some time, you guys continue to practice the Disarming Charm—" Eisen pondered for a moment, and then handed his wand to Ron, "During the dueling team combat training session, you can use my wand first, but I Suffice it to say, you'll need to buy a new wand."

"Thank you Professor, I will tell my dad!" Ron took Eisen's wand with a surprised expression on his face, and then said something solemnly.

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