Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter 40 The Action Of The Trio

"Professor Eisen, searching Hogwarts castle is a very simple matter for me." Lockhart took up the topic at this time, "Believe me, I can see from my book that my adventure experience is rich enough. In just one week—no, three days, I can find the secret room!"

"Okay, thank you very much!" Eisen nodded helplessly and didn't say much.

Ever since Eisen had a "tie" with Lockhart in the Duel Club last time, I don't know if it was an illusion, but Eisen always felt that Lockhart's attitude towards him had changed.

Lockhart seemed to regard him as "the same kind of person", and whenever he ran into him at school, he would find him to have a few words.

At first, Eisen disliked him very much, wishing to send him a silent blow to shut him up. But after thinking about it later, he felt that it was unnecessary, so he simply let him go.

Time passed slowly, and after Dumbledore sang a few Christmas carols, the atmosphere of the Christmas dinner suddenly became lively.

Eisen couldn't help shaking his head as he watched Fred spell the words on Percy's prefect badge into "stupid". It seems that whenever the twin brothers Wes come, they don't forget to play tricks.

Here, while Eisen was still eating and drinking at the Christmas banquet, on the other side, the trio had already left early.

"We still need something for the person we're going to be," Hermione said to Harry and Ron. "You can get whatever you want from Crabbe and Goyle. They're friends of Malfoy, Malfoy Will definitely tell them."

"But how does the first step begin?" Harry and Ron looked at each other, and then Harry spoke.

"Don't worry, I've got a plan." Hermione finished and took out two chocolate cakes, "I put hypnotics in them, if you can get Crabbe and Goyle to find them. You know how greedy they are, they Will definitely eat this."

"Then, we can pull out a few hairs and hide Crabbe and Goyle!" Ron answered, but his eyes showed disbelief.

The same was true for Harry next to him, neither of them could have imagined that Hermione would do something that clearly violated school rules.

However, Polyjuice Potion cannot be used without Crabbe and Goyle's hair. And they must implement this plan and ask Malfoy for the truth. So, Harry and Ron had to accept the plan.

As for Hermione herself, she confidently took out a vial from her pocket, which contained a strand of hair. It was a hair that fell on her clothes when Millicent grabbed her neck in the dueling club.

Poor Hermione, of course she didn't know it at the moment, was actually a cat's hair, not Millicent's.

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The first step in the implementation of the plan seemed perfect to the trio.

Harry and Ron placed the hypnotized chocolate cake on the railing next to the hall. As a result, the gluttonous Crabbe and Gore had no doubts when they saw it, and each of them grabbed a piece and ate it with a smile.

"How stupid and stupid they really are!" Ron said, and Harry hurried out from behind the armor next to the main entrance, and pulled a few hairs from the foreheads of Crabbe and Goyle, who were already lying on the ground.

The two then carried Crabbe and Goyle to a locker across the hall.

When the two came to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, Hermione had already brewed the potion.

"I believe that every link in my plan is fine." Hermione flipped through "Powerful Potion", and she could see that she was still a little nervous. "After drinking it, we will change back to ourselves in an hour."

The potion in front of the three of them looked black, very viscous like mud, and bubbled from time to time. From the appearance alone, it perfectly shows what is called "disgusting".

"What's next?" Harry asked.

"Divide the potion into three parts, and add your hair." Hermione said, scooping up the potion with a long-handled spoon, divided it into three glasses, and added her hair.

The plan for this step was also perfect, but unfortunately, the compound potion in Hermione's hand was not filled with Millicent's hair, but a cat's hair.

So, by the time Harry and Ron have become Goyle and Crabbe, Hermione has become "Owl".

"We have to hurry." Harry, who drank Polyjuice Potion and turned into Goyle, looked at Crabbe in front of him and said, "We only have an hour."

"It's so weird to see Goyle thinking!" Ron turned into Crabbe looked directly at Harry.

"Hermione, hurry up, we have to go!" The two had to urge Hermione to move on to the next step.

But unfortunately, Hermione's next plan could not be carried out due to a problem.

"I really don't want to come out—go yourselves!"

"We knew Millicent was ugly, but no one knew it was you!" The two obviously didn't know that Hermione had turned into an "cat head".

"Leave me alone, you guys hurry up, don't waste any more time!" Hermione's high-pitched voice came again.

The two looked at each other, and had no choice but to act.

Along the way, although the two encountered some twists and turns, they finally approached Malfoy as Crabbe and Goyle. However, it is regrettable that although the two have set up some secrets, for example, Malfoy revealed the incident of the school being attacked, revealed the secret that his own secret room was located under the floor of the living room, and Someone was fired after the Chamber of Secrets was opened last time, etc., but it also ruled out the possibility that Malfoy was the heir to the Chamber of Secrets.

Obviously, this operation did not let them know who launched the attack on the school.

However, what made Harry and Ron even more speechless was that when they returned to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, they found that Hermione had turned into an "Owl".

"That's a cat hair!" Hermione cried sadly. "Millisson must have a cat! But Polyjuice Potion can't be used to transform animals!"

"It's okay, Hermione! We'll take you to Madam Pomfrey, she never asks—" Harry forced a reassurance.

There is no way to encounter such unlucky things. Harry and Ron took a long time to persuade Hermione to leave the bathroom, and then sent her to the ward of the school hospital.

The next day, when Eisen was flipping through a Christmas gift from Dumbledore's "Alchemy Tips" in the office, Harry and Ron knocked on the office door.

"So, you used Polyjuice Potion to seek information from Malfoy?" Looking at the two men with gloomy faces, Eisen was very calm for a while, because he knew the plan of the trio long ago.

"Yes, Professor, but Malfoy doesn't seem to be the heir to the Chamber of Secrets!" Ron shrugged.

"That's a pity, Harry still can't seem to get rid of the suspicion that he is the heir to the Chamber of Secrets!" Eisen looked at Harry sympathetically.

"However, we know from Malfoy that the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets before was expelled!" Harry told the information he had obtained.

"Yes, fifty years ago, the Chamber of Secrets was opened, and that's when Moaning Myrtle was killed, and Hagrid was fired for that!" Eisen said these things directly.

"What! Hagrid is the heir to the Chamber of Secrets?" Harry was taken aback, with a look of disbelief on his face. Ron next to him also looked at Eisen in surprise, as if to confirm the truth of the news.

"It's true that Hagrid was expelled, but Hagrid is the heir to the Chamber of Secrets? Of course it's not true, otherwise, he would have been imprisoned in Azkaban long ago. How could he be kept in school by Professor Dumbledore!" Eisen simply explained.

"No wonder the last time we went to Hagrid's place, Hagrid refused to say anything when we talked about the Chamber of Secrets!" Recalling the previous events, Harry suddenly understood something.

"Yes, Hagrid just kicked us out!" Ron also showed an expression of enlightenment.

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