Hogwarts Passer-By Professor

Chapter Ten The Hogwarts Express

After returning to the Leaky Cauldron, Eisen suddenly found himself "free". He wanted to reduce the practice time of spells, and when he was about to make some preparations for lesson preparation, he found that there was no need for lesson preparation at all.

In other words, the astronomy class really has no sense of existence in the original book, it is simply a role like a background wall, and there is not even a teaching material. Only from a few words, Eisen knew what the little wizard learned in the astronomy class.

For example, observe the sky and learn the names of the different planets and moons, and the constellations they belong to. Then, there are observations to learn the trajectories of planets. In addition, learn to draw astrological charts of stars moving.

As for the purpose of the little wizards learning astronomy, Eisen is very clear, to a large extent, it is to learn divination. Moreover, it is obviously to assist the course of astrology divination.

But none of this is a big deal for Eisen. After all, Eisen had previously bought astronomy books and telescopes from the Muggle world. At that time, as long as you talk about it casually, you will be able to play for a whole year.

Speaking of which, the reason why Eisen wants to teach young wizards to be in awe is actually to make them less unscrupulous when they may be exposed to the Muggle world in the future.

If there were fewer conflicts, the environment in which Eisen lived would naturally be better.


On September 1, Eisen arrived at King's Cross Station after putting some books and research manuscripts of magic props into the suitcase.

Ever since Eisen was able to obtain extraordinary characteristics from magic items, he consciously started research in this area. Today is the opening time for Hogwarts.

Originally, Eisen could directly enter Hogwarts through Floo powder, and then wait together to welcome the little wizard. But on a whim, I still wanted to check in at platform nine and three-quarters, and then take the Hogwarts Express.

Speaking of which, since entering the wizarding world, Eisen has been in the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley, basically never going out. Regarding the experience of crossing platform nine and three-quarters, he wanted to try it.

Since the Hogwarts Express left on time at 11 o'clock, Eisen left in no hurry. At 10:30, he arrived at King's Cross station with his suitcase.

Eisen wasn't wearing wizard robes, so he looked like a normal office worker. But in fact, he knew that although he was among the crowd, he was already a person from another world.

Between the ninth platform and the tenth platform, Eisen stopped. After careful observation, nothing unusual was found. But he knew it was under a spell, so Muggles wouldn't notice.

"Well, this is the famous scene!" After Digu said, Eisen pulled the suitcase forward and quickly bumped into the wall, and then sank directly into it.

But Eisen only felt that his eyes went dark, and then changed the scene. At the same time, the uproar reached Eisen's ears. After a few little wizards separated from their parents, they got into the Hogwarts Express train beside them.

That's right, it's the Hogwarts Express that stops on the nearby rails. To be honest, Eisen doesn't have a ticket. Just kidding, he is a professor at Hogwarts, what kind of ticket do you want!

After revealing his identity, Eisen easily boarded the Hogwarts Express. However, I want to insert a word here, Eisen especially wants to complain, a steam train can be called an express train, dare you believe it!

Of course, perhaps because the number of young wizards who entered Hogwarts to study was too small, this steam train only had five carriages. Entering the interior of the car, Eisen found that each car was divided into small compartments. In some compartments, some young wizards were already sitting on the seats.

Seeing Eisen walking through the aisle with a suitcase, the little wizards cast curious glances. But Eisen didn't do anything else, just came to the last car and sat in it.

I have to say that although I have lived in the wizarding world for more than a year, all the buildings and objects give Eisen an old and old feeling, which still makes him quite uncomfortable.

From this aspect alone, we can see how serious the gap between wizards and Muggles is.

Of course, it is also understandable. After all, wizards are kept secret from Muggles, and wizards disappeared from Muggle eyes well before 1700. Hundreds of years have passed, and only a few wizards who do not reject Muggles will understand how far the technology of the Muggle world has developed.

Due to the pattern and vision, most wizards probably don't know much about Muggle life. Otherwise, Hogwarts wouldn't have offered a dedicated Muggle studies course.

Of course, Hogwarts can offer a Muggle studies course, which shows that Dumbledore or the previous Hogwarts headmasters are very forward-looking. But it is a pity that this course is not only an elective course, but the content is not deep enough. Therefore, it is generally regarded as a course with mixed credits by young wizards.

Just like Hermione who took the Muggle Studies course, she quit the election after only one year of study and felt that there was nothing to learn. From this we can see how simple this course is.

"Hey Fred, I have a great idea!" "Coincidentally, me too!"

A recognizable voice came, and Eisen looked out the window and saw a pair of twins with brown hair walking over from the platform.

Eisen knew that this was the twin big brother of Ron Weiss, Fred Weiss and George Weiss. They have an exceptional talent for mischief and alchemy. Later, at 93 Diagon Alley, he opened a Wesley's magic trick shop, and the items sold were basically the brothers' mischievous inventions.

At this time, whenever they said they had any good ideas, they were mostly prank or funny ideas. Thinking of this, Eisen suddenly felt that he could cooperate with the two brothers.

Because Eisen's Gold Finger plug-in requires magic props, so it shouldn't be a problem for Weiss to come to the twin brothers to make some powerful magic props. Although their talents are all about mischief, with a little correction, they should be fine.

After all, Eisen knew about it. They invented the anti-spell hat in the original book, which is a magic item that can deflect evil spells. Let's not talk about the effect, but their abilities are really good.

After the Wesley twins boarded the train, another figure appeared on the platform. That's right, Harry Potter with a surprised face. If it hadn't been for meeting Wesley and his family, Harry Potter wouldn't even be able to find out where Platform Nine and Three Quarters is.

At 11 o'clock, the train leaves on time.

"Professor Eisen!" I don't know if it was a coincidence, but after Harry Potter boarded the train, he came to the compartment where Eisen was. Harry was obviously a little surprised to see that the person sitting by the window was Professor Eisen, whom he had just met not long ago.

"Mr. Harry Potter, you're welcome, there are still vacancies here!" It is undeniable that Mr. Savior still has the aura of the protagonist. Otherwise, someone else would have been thrown off the street by jumping repeatedly in front of Voldemort.

"Just call me Harry, Professor Eisen, do wizards also take astronomy classes?" After being surprised, Harry Potter sat on the other side, and then asked another question that puzzled him.

"Yes, that's right. Because Hogwarts has a divination class, the knowledge learned in astronomy class can be used." Facing Harry Potter's question, Eisen gave a simple answer.

I have to say that the curriculum of Hogwarts is very interesting. Although divination is an elective course, astronomy is a compulsory course. In other words, the relevant astrology knowledge in astronomy class is something that young wizards must learn. As for whether to take the divination class in the second grade, it depends on the little wizard himself.

"So, besides astronomy, what courses do you need to study? Professor Eisen!" Harry immediately asked his own question. Perhaps, for a little wizard who has lived in the Muggle world since he was a child, the unknown learning journey is still worrying.

"Well, let me think about it. In addition to astronomy, first-year wizards also need to study History of Magic, Charms, Potions, Herbalism, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Transfiguration." After recalling, Eisen put The lessons that first-year wizards need to learn have been revealed.

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"Of course, Harry, you don't need to worry, you are very talented as a wizard!" Although Eisen was not afraid of hurting him, he immediately comforted him.

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