After the friendly reminder, Ying Fei quickly said goodbye to the twins and walked towards the castle.

Within five or six minutes, he arrived at the Slytherin common room. As soon as he entered, he saw Lux reading a book in the common room.

"It's just right. I'll save you money."

Ying Fei walked slowly to Lux. The little girl lowered her head and read a book seriously, without noticing Ying Fei at all.

Glancing at the book she was reading, Ying Fei caught a glimpse of the three words Transfiguration. Taking a closer look, it was obvious that what Lux was holding was a first-grade textbook.

It seems that she is really serious about learning magic.


After staying for a while, Ying Fei coughed twice, waking up Lux from the ocean of knowledge.

"Brother Yingfei." Lux heard the voice, looked up and saw Yingfei, and said hello with a smile.

Ying Fei said sternly: "I've been stuck with something before. Let's test it again this time. Do you think it's okay?"

Lux remembered the black energy and full of negative emotions that came out of her body during the last test, and her expression was a little hesitant, but she nodded in the end.

"It should be better this time, don't worry too much." Ying Fei saw her fear and comforted her.

If Ying Fei's guess is correct, as Lux's interest in magic and knowledge of magic deepen day by day, the malice of Obscurus in her body towards Lux will naturally decrease day by day. If we test again at this time, there should be no problem. Such an extreme reaction.

Of course, this is all based on the fact that Yingfei's theory is correct.

Lacus's test is not only for Lacus herself, but also to better verify Yingfei's theory. If feasible, Yingfei can use this method to treat the batch of children who have become Obscurus in the future.

Moreover, if nothing unexpected happens, if Lux successfully communicates with the Obscurus in her body, she can freely mobilize the power of the Obscurus and directly become a rare powerful being in this world.

When Lux heard Ying Fei's words, she nodded slightly, then naturally took Ying Fei's arm and followed him towards the Forbidden Forest.

As soon as he walked outside the castle, Ying Fei immediately activated the phantom migration, and with the formation of a gray vortex, he took the two of them directly into the secret room.

Just after coming out of the whirlpool, Lux's face turned pale, her legs went weak, and she was obviously about to vomit.

Ying Fei understood this very well and quickly supported her and patted her back to help her relieve the pain caused by the phantom migration.

After all, this was Lux's first time, so it was understandable. Even Ying Fei could phantom shift without changing his expression after experiencing it a few more times.

In the secret room, Cassandra held the beam sword given to her by Ying Fei and used the sword skills to fly around. She was having a great time. Suddenly she saw Ying Fei dragging a girl out. She frowned instinctively. After cleaning up Lux, he stretched out again, walked over and pushed Yingfei away, and helped her sit down at the table.

"It's okay. This is your first time to Apparate. You'll be fine after a while." Cassandra looked at her and said softly.

Lux raised her head and looked at her, with a smile on her lips. Together with her slightly pale face, Cassandra's protective desire was further aroused.

For a moment, 430 Cassandra was overflowing with motherly love. She reached out to hold Lux ​​in her arms, and whispered to comfort Lux like a big sister.

How should I put it, Ying Fei felt like he was redundant.

Orange is great...

Somewhat depressed, but unable to pull Lux out of Cassandra's arms, Ying Fei had no choice but to sit next to her, waiting and thinking.

After seeing Cassandra use the sword technique just now, Ying Fei suddenly realized the problem.

In fact, he does not need to be able to use magic to create the corresponding equipment. Just like the magic pattern of the Shadowless Blade, Ying Fei actually doesn't know the Shadowless Blade yet, but this magic has been used by him in various applications. In terms of equipment, half of the current beam gun series are developed based on this magic.

The ability to make this magic at that time was due to Snape's strong support and it took Yingfei a lot of time to complete.

But now, Cassandra has learned the sword technique, and can leave it to Xiaotian to complete the exhaustive method test. It can be said that the conditions for making equipment have been met.

The only thing that needs to be noted is that there is no convenient thing like a magic spell for Ying Fei to make the magic pattern of the sword technique. Yingfei needs to carve the method of using the sword technique into the magic pattern himself.

Although it was a little troublesome, Yingfei felt that he could still complete it.

Not a big problem.

Chapter 161 Lux’s Problem

Lacus didn't let Ying Fei wait for long, and quickly came to Ying Fei and said that she was ready.

"Okay, you take my wand." Ying Fei nodded and handed his wand out, "Just like last time, use the link magic on yourself. You shouldn't forget the link magic, right?"

Lux nodded, took a deep breath, closed her eyes tightly, raised her wand, and recited the spell:

"We are of one mind."

The moment she recited the spell, Yingfei was ready to interrupt the magic at any time. Cassandra also knew the seriousness of the matter and watched nervously with her wand.

With the foreshadowing from the last time, Lux passed through it again and again this time, her mind quickly sank into the world of thoughts, and thick black smoke gradually appeared on her body.

What reassured Ying Fei was that the black smoke that appeared this time did not spurt out like last time. Lacus's expression was also very calm at the moment. It was obvious that Lacus could briefly meet with Mo Ran.

This has directly proved Yingfei's theory. Although it is not all, it still has great value.

This means that there is a possibility for Obscurus to be relieved. This possibility is enough for Ying Fei to get a Merlin badge.

If all the things and alchemy results that Yingfei has made so far are announced, he can get at least five Merlin badges.

One piece of Alchemy Battle Armor, one piece of Aerial Shooting Platform, one piece of Alchemy Dragon Clan, one piece of Alchemy Artificial Intelligence, plus one of the Obscurus Healing Possibilities, a total of five pieces.

Even small items such as alchemical firearms, alchemical beam rifles, alchemical shields, and thrusters are extremely rare creations. Each of them is enough to be recorded in the annals of history. If these are also included, the number of Merlin medals that can be obtained is simply countless. Cleared.

The highest honor in the wizarding world is really within easy reach for Ying Fei...

Seeing Lux's painful look, Cassandra asked worriedly: "Is something going to happen?"

Ying Fei squinted his eyes and observed the situation carefully: "There is no problem for the time being. The negative emotions in her body have not reached the point where she can't bear it.‖

This scene lasted for more than ten seconds. Lux's expression suddenly changed from calm to ferocious, and the black energy on her body also increased suddenly, lingering around her like a flame.

Seeing this scene, Ying Fei took action directly and snatched the wand from Lux's hand, interrupting the release of the link magic.

The black energy disappeared instantly, and Lux ​​gradually woke up.

Before Ying Fei could ask, Lux blurted out: "I saw her!"

Ying Fei and Cassandra looked at each other and asked, "What does it look like?"

Lux was stunned: "Of course she looks like me!"

Yingfei, Cassandra:? ? ?

"I communicate with myself, of course it's me!" Lux said matter-of-factly, "It's just that there's something wrong with me. I look very violent, as if I've killed many people, even myself. I feel terrible..."

At this point, Lacus frowned: "Could she be my second personality? It appeared because I lost my memory..."

"Then maybe she is me before I lost my memory?"

Lux analyzed with great imagination.

Cassandra looked at Ying Fei with a puzzled look on her face and asked with her eyes: "Have you not told her about Mo Ran yet?"

Ying Fei responded with his eyes: "No, I plan to talk about it later."

Then, Ying Fei smiled and said to Lux: "Do you still know the second personality?"

"Of course I know!" Lux pouted and said, "Stop looking down on me! Huh?..."

Suddenly, she seemed to realize something and frowned again: "When did I see this word? Why...I have no impression?"

Ying Fei saw Lux's strange behavior and then asked, "Did you say anything to her?"

After hearing this, Lux shook her head: "No, before I had time to speak, she turned into a ball of black smoke, and then you snatched the wand away."

Ying Fei frowned and thought deeply. After a while, he said, "In that case, you can go back first."

Lux nodded and walked out of the secret room obediently.

She vaguely guessed that Ying Fei and Cassandra knew the specific things, and she also felt that she was a little abnormal, but since Ying Fei didn't say anything, he must have his reason, and she just had to wait.

Thinking of this, Lux couldn't help but wonder again: "Why do I feel like I have become smarter?"

On the other side, Ying Fei sat down and said, "Did you see anything unusual about her?"

Cassandra thought for a moment: "Character?"

"That's right."

Ying Fei confirmed Kassandra's words: "Lux is a character who is not good at talking, but she just used a coquettish tone to refute me. This is one of them."

"The second is that she doesn't know where she heard the term "Second Personality" from, and she understands it fairly well. According to Leon's report and my previous observations, Lacus rarely reads books after losing her memory, and reads the most It’s the Hogwarts textbook, and Muggle terms like Personality Two will never be mentioned in the textbook.”

".~Thirdly, she used to be like a child and rarely think about the reasons on her own. This time she took the initiative to think about it. Although she analyzed a lot of unreliable things, her improvement can be seen with the naked eye."

"This all illustrates a problem."

Cassandra frowned: "What?"

"Her memory is probably recovering, and she will gradually develop a new personality during the recovery process." Ying Fei said with a strange expression.

"It's hard for me to decide whether this is good or bad..."

"Shouldn't the memory be restored to the original personality?" Cassandra asked again, "How to reshape the personality?"

Ying Fei thought for a while and said, "Let me explain it to you this way. After losing her memory, Lux was affected by Obscurus and formed a new personality. If the memory is restored, the behavioral patterns and habits in the memory will be It affects her and leads to new behavioral habits. This new personality is different from the one before amnesia and different from the one after amnesia."

Cassandra nodded in understanding, and then said: "Then what should we do?"

"Just wait and see what happens, there is no other way."

Ying Fei spread his hands and said.

"Okay, that's it for Lux, right?" Cassandra took a breath and asked Zhou.

"That's it for the time being. Since it has been proven that learning magic and linking can indeed communicate with Obscurus, then this plan only needs to be implemented regularly, and nothing else needs to be done for the time being."

Ying Fei also breathed a sigh of relief. This time Lux's matter was resolved, and he finally had no burden on him.

"Then, what should we do next?" Cassandra asked in confusion.

Before meeting Ying Fei, Cassandra would never have asked such a question, because she only had to follow the school's arrangements.

But after meeting Ying Fei, Cassandra was no longer satisfied with the boring campus life.

"After the final exam is over, we will go to the East to find my aunt during the summer vacation." Ying Fei thought for a while and said.

Chapter 162: Final Test of Floating Cannon

"Are you still thinking about the final exam?" Kassandra said with a smile after hearing this, "How long has it been since you went to class? Does it matter whether you take the exam or not?"

Ying Fei smiled and retorted: "Some things always have to be a formality."

"One more thing before the final exam."


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