But in the end, Dumbledore agreed to intensify patrols, resulting in the young wizards seeing the night watch teacher more often than Filch.

Ying Fei was no longer regarded as a student by the professors at Hogwarts, and the professors unanimously decided to turn a blind eye to his violation of school rules.

The night watch professor responsible for patrolling the Forbidden Forest today is Quirrell.

When he first started patrolling the night, he noticed two sneaky figures on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. As he usually did when catching students, Quirrell quickly chased after them. However, it didn't take long before he lost track of the two figures. .

"Where did he go?" Quirrell said with a frown, "He was still here just now."

After stepping on a dead branch, Quirrell thought for a moment and still did not continue walking into the woods, because he was responsible for the entire Forbidden Forest. If he only chased one student and gave up other entrants to the Forbidden Forest, it would be more gain than loss. .

Thinking like this, Quirrell looked in the direction ahead and recognized that this was the road leading to the goblin villa.

After thinking for a moment, Quirrell raised his wand and connected to the Alpha Armor commander's link communication.

"Hello? Professor Quirrell." Price's deep voice sounded on the other end of the communication line.

"Two students went in your direction, probably looking for the goblin villa again." Quirrell said, "They ran very fast, and I suddenly lost track of them."

After hearing this, Price's expression became serious. He had seen Quirrell's strength, which was not much different from Snape's. Moreover, the last time Quirrell turned into a whirlwind shocked Team 141 for a long time.

It's unusual for two students to outrun Quirrell.

"Two students? Okay, we'll pay attention." After finishing speaking, Price cut off the link communication...

"Brothers, two more cubs ran in, please pay attention!"



"Don't worry, Captain!"


At this time, 141 five armored units were patrolling near the spider lair.

On the other side, as soon as Quirrell's front feet left, two very similar figures walked out from behind a nearby tree. Seeing Quirrell walking away, they lightly clapped their hands in celebration, their faces extremely excited.

"Professor Quirrell and Ying Fei have a really good relationship. He actually knows that special chat magic. What do you think, George?" one of them said.

"It seems that Harry's information is quite accurate. You can ask him about anything related to Ying Fei next time." The other one quickly replied, "What's next, Fred?"

Yes, these two students are the Weasley twins, Ron's two brothers, George and Fred.

Fred spread out a map, which was a map drawn by the two brothers during their two years of exploration.

"According to Harry, the villa should be here," Fred gave the map to George. The two of them looked at the map in the moonlight. Fred stretched out his finger and pointed at the northeastern part of the Forbidden Forest. A small area.

"That is, if you go in that direction, someone has walked this road before, encountered a spider on the road, and then came back." Fred continued.

George looked confused: "What are you afraid of spiders? I'm not Ron."

When Fred heard this 1.9 sentence, he couldn't help laughing, and George also laughed. The twins couldn't help laughing when they thought about their brother's pitiful appearance when he saw the spider.

After a long time, Fred stretched out his arms and drew a huge circle: "They said that spider was this big."

"Are you kidding me?" George frowned.

"That's indeed what they said." Fred looked at George innocently.

"Why didn't Harry say that?"

"Harry didn't know we were coming secretly."

"Oh, this must be your fault. Why didn't you tell me the news in advance?"

"Hey, you obviously said you must come tonight, and I have tried to persuade you."

While the twins were arguing, they continued to move forward. One of them covered the back of the other, and they moved forward hand in hand. They were not at all as quarrelsome as they said.

Chapter 156 Obstruction

The Weasley twin brothers have always been the troublemakers at Hogwarts, and the pranks they create always make the professors furious.

But it is undeniable that both brothers are very talented in alchemy.

However, the emergence of Ying Fei made the talents of the two brothers not so eye-catching.

In fact, the twins still have a good impression of Ying Fei. Although they do not understand the secrets of ancient alchemy, they are amazed by the weapons designed by Ying Fei.

Under normal circumstances, Ying Fei's weapons would not be known to others, but Ying Fei's friends were an exception. For example, Harry and the others, although they did not deliberately know about it, they often visited the goblin villa and knew something about it.

It was through Harry and the others that the twins could see Ying Fei's true ability.

"This is so cool!"

When Fred and George heard about the Star Water Goddess Armor from Harry, they all marveled in unison.

It was from this time that the two brothers decided to sneak to the Goblin Villa in the middle of the night, secretly see Ying Fei's armors, meet Ying Fei by the way, and make friends with him.

After all, Yingfei rarely goes to school, and it is almost impossible to encounter him.

But now, they were already standing in the Forbidden Forest, and had already fooled Quirrell, and successfully attracted the five armors that Harry said were Ying Fei's men.

Even the threat of spiders could not stop the determination of the two brothers.

In any case, the two brothers have already arrived here, and there is no possibility of going back.

The two of them continued walking forward, passing through dense forests, bushes, steep slopes and piles of rocks. The surrounding woods were getting denser and denser, full of primitive features, which meant that fewer and fewer people were passing by.

"George, look!"

Fred pointed to the little spider crawling quickly on the ground and said to George: "The spider has appeared."

"It's just this big." George looked at it carefully, "Where's the super big spider we promised?"

Fred was also a little confused: "Maybe it's not what we saw..."

The two continued to walk forward. Along the way, they encountered more and more spiders, and they were getting bigger and bigger. The twins became more and more cautious. They had to carefully observe the movements of these spiders every step they took, which led them to move forward. The speed is like a turtle speed.

On the other side, Ken, who had been guarding near the spider lair, had discovered these two sudden heartbeats on the heartbeat detector.

"Captain, I have found the target."

Ken said while sending the coordinates directly to the link channel.

"Old rules, find a few big spiders and throw them in front of them, then take action." Price stared at the position and said simply.

Ken didn't say much. The reconnaissance type quickly shuttled through the forbidden forest with the power brought by the magic pattern, and soon entered the spider's lair.

"you again?!"

Aragog said angrily when he heard the familiar sound of metal clashing.

This is the third time this week that it has heard this damn sound. Every time this sound appears, one of its descendants will disappear. Although it will crawl back soon, the purpose of Aragog's anger is not Worrying about his own heirs, but feeling that his lair is open to others to come and go at will, and his heirs to be taken away by others at will, is too shameful.

"What do you think of me, Aragog?" Aragog yelled, "I'm warning you, I won't let you go easily this time!"

Ken didn't say anything. Aragog was like this the last few times he came here, and he was used to it.

The Alpha reconnaissance type swaggered into the spider lair and grabbed the spider leg of a big spider. This guy saw the armor approaching and was about to retreat when Ken punched him and grabbed the spider leg. Hanging upside down and dragged behind him, he walked outside.

Suddenly, the spider began to struggle, but how could it break away from the armor's tens of thousands of grips with its weak body?

"Ah——!! You guy!" Aragog became angry and roared. The spiders around him suddenly rushed up, using their long legs, sharp fangs, and spider silk to try to Leave the scouts in place and save their own kind.

Unfortunately, the spider legs couldn't even leave scratches on the outer armor, and the fangs made a harsh metallic friction sound. The strong spider silk was completely useless against the huge force of the armor.

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Ken controlled the armor and walked out with a faint smile. Just like the previous two times, the reconnaissance type walked out of the spider lair in a swagger, leaving Aragog helpless and furious in the cave.

The spider that had been dragged to the ground by Ken was now dizzy. Not only was Ken moving so fast and not taking care of it, but also the many attacks from its partners had hit it. In short, it was very miserable. .

Ken kept walking forward, passing many large rocks along the way. The scout type stepped over them directly, but the spider dragged behind him could only hit the rocks hard, causing extreme pain.

"Have you got the spider?" Price's voice sounded over the communication.

Ken looked back at the struggling spider behind him and said, "Done it."

Price heard the scream of the spider coming from the communication, raised his eyebrows and asked: "Is the spider okay? Please don't have any diplomatic disputes with Aragog. I don't think you are very willing to see this scene."

"Don't worry, it's willing to help me, right?" Ken said with a smile, while controlling the reconnaissance armor and patting the spider's big head with one hand, the guy immediately became honest.

Of course Price knew how Ken got the spiders. What he just said about Ying Fei being angry was just a joke. After all, he had followed Ying Fei into the spider lair. It didn’t matter what Ying Fei’s attitude towards these cold-blooded animals was. I’ve mentioned it a lot: If you obey, you can cooperate; if you don’t, you don’t have to live.

After getting the spider, Ken turned on the detection again, and his heartbeats were a little closer.

"These two students are walking a little slowly..." Price said after seeing the test screen sent back by Ken.

It doesn't look like he can get rid of Quirrell at all...it seems...

"Simon, try to see if you can lock the position."


At the other end, the Alpha sniper type standing on the top floor of the goblin villa raised the beam sniper rifle Alpha in his hand. The precision enemy tracking device on his head lowered, covering his original face, and entered the precise sniper state. At the same time, he raised the sniper scope. The vision inside is shared with the vision of other team members through a link.

According to the location given by Ken, Simon quickly found the Weasley brothers. In the sniper scope, they were walking with difficulty among the small spiders, for fear of disturbing the swarms of spiders on the ground.

"They are currently normal and not in danger.".

Chapter 157 Fierce Battle with Spiders

"Then it's our turn to create danger." Ken took over the words, slapped the spider next to him on the head, and then pointed in the direction of the twins: "Run in this direction until you scare away the two human children. Come back again, do you understand?"

The spider was so frightened that he nodded quickly, indicating that he understood what Ken said.

"Then go ahead." Ken said, clapped his hands.

After hearing Ken's order, the spider hurriedly ran forward, regardless of the injuries sustained along the way, and rushed forward.

This spider is about the size of a car, which is much larger than the spider that attacked Harry in the movie. It can be seen that it is also a direct descendant of Aragog.

The spiders ran very fast, and soon they reached a position less than ten meters in front of the twins. The spiders under George and Fred's feet were immediately frightened away, and they quickly escaped.

"Hey, what happened?" George asked in confusion, "Why are all these spiders running away?"

Fred looked behind George and said solemnly: "I think maybe their father is here..."

George noticed Fred's expression and slowly turned his head to look, only to see a huge spider lying behind him at some point. Its huge mouthparts were dripping with extremely corrosive venom, which was intimidating.

In the original work of 427, there was a spell specifically for spiders - "Smash Spider", but this spell was learned by Harry from Voldemort's diary, that is, from the young Tom Riddle, Weasley The twins clearly had no experience with the spell.

But they are not without the strength to fight.

Fred took out his wand first and cast a transformation spell on the dead vines on the ground, causing them to grow crazily and tying up the spiders.

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