At this time, in the eyes of others, the two people had been holding each other for a while, at least for more than a minute.

Only Xiaotian, as the relay station between artificial intelligence and link, clearly knew that the two were having a link call.

However, the content of the call cannot be detected by Xiaotian without Yingfei's permission.

"The relationship between the husband and his girlfriend is really good!" John from behind looked at this scene, forgetting that he was still lying on the spider's back, and said with emotion on his face.

"I wish I could find such a beautiful girlfriend anytime..."

"You kid wants to eat shit." Ken on the side listened and taunted in a low voice without hesitation.

Hearing the commotion behind him, Price turned back and glared at them, and the two of them suddenly fell silent.

Kassandra let go of Ying Fei with a blushing face, carefully adjusted his collar, and then stood aside without saying a word.

"Ahem..." Yingfei coughed, glanced at Snape who looked impatient, then turned to Price and the others and said, "This is my Potions professor. In the next few days, , he will provide you with healing potions."

After all, he was a Muggle and couldn't be taken directly to Madam Pomfrey.

Price and Ken were fine and had no injuries, but John and Mike's injuries were a bit serious and couldn't be solved by a recovery spell. Some medical methods must be used.

But neither Yingfei nor Kassandra knew how to do it. Even if Kassandra could, Yingfei would not let Kassandra treat some unfamiliar men she was not very familiar with.

In this regard, Ying Fei is much more domineering than Cassandra.

Therefore, I can only ask the lovely Professor Snape...

Snape was successfully persuaded after much persuasion and agreed to treat the two men.

Price didn't know what Ying Fei was thinking. He walked up to Snape and said solemnly: "I leave my two brothers' injuries to you, Mr. Professor."

"Just call me Snape." Snape looked at the strong man in front of him who was a head taller than him. He was still not used to being called that.

Strictly speaking, Price may be older than Snape.

Snape was born in 1960 and is only thirty-one years old now. Price must be over thirty at least. It’s hard to say how old they are...

Next, Yingfei took this group of people into the secret room and asked Snape to treat them first.

Yingfei pulled the other three who could still move 141 into another room to talk.

"Xiaotian, establish a link for them." Yingfei first ordered Xiaotian.

"Okay, sir." Xiaotian said obediently.

Price and others twitched their mouths, feeling that the loli in front of them was not the same person as the cold-blooded loli they had seen yesterday.

Sure enough, people are treated differently...

Xiaotian completely ignored the three people's thoughts, but quickly reached out and knocked on the heads of the three big men.




All three strong men covered their heads and screamed in pain.

Xiaotian has a metal body, and since he didn't hold back any strength, he just hit his head with his fist. It's strange that it doesn't hurt.

So although Yingfei was a little speechless about this scene, he could still understand it.

After the three strong men recovered, Xiaotian turned on the link mode for these three people.

Blue light flashed in front of their eyes, and the three of them felt that their field of vision was much clearer, and a series of data were displayed in their field of vision. As special forces who had been exposed to combat, they quickly identified data such as wind speed, volume, and distance. .

"This is..." Price said in surprise.

Chapter 114 Past and Present

"Welcome to the link, this is your first contact with magic." Ying Fei said in his mind with a smile.

Hearing the voice coming from their brains and seeing the smile on Ying Fei's face, the three of them were amazed.

"This magic is called link. Of course, the various data that appear in your field of vision are controlled by Xiaotian and are not inherent in the magic. They can help you take the upper hand in the battle."

"But this is not important." Ying Fei snapped his fingers, "Xiaotian, instill in them the common sense of the wizarding world."

"Yes, sir."

After about a second, the eyes of the three people suddenly became distracted. This was because too much information was packed into their minds and they could not slow down for a while.

The common sense of wizards mentioned by Ying Fei includes the social system of the wizarding world, the relationship between wizards and Muggles, several major forces in the wizarding world, families in the wizarding world, famous figures in the wizarding world, the three views of ordinary wizards, and their views on Knowledge of basic matters in the wizarding world.

It seems like there are only a few words, but in fact it contains a lot of things. It may take a child born in the wizarding world six or seven years to roughly understand these things.

Therefore, these three strong men sat in their seats with distracted eyes for half an hour. Those who didn't know it thought Ying Fei had cast a soul-stealing curse on them.

Yingfei was quite patient and kept waiting for them to wake up.

Price was the first to wake up among the three, but after waking up, he was still a little confused and out of state.

This is normal. After all, the amount of knowledge is huge. When Xiaotian read Yingfei's memory, his computer was down for half a minute.

However, Price woke up first, which showed that his mental strength was higher than that of the two others. This was a good discovery for Yingfei.

This group of people will definitely use alchemical weapons in the future. Although alchemical weapons themselves do not require much magic power, they require very high mental power. If mental power is not high, they will not be able to effectively control alchemical weapons.

In the future, the weapons produced by Yingfei will only require more and more mental power.

Thinking of this, Ying Fei thought of the foul-mouthed wordless book he saw in the forbidden book area. If this guy really has a way to strengthen his soul, he would have to think carefully about it.

You can't create a powerful weapon but no one can control it, right?

After Price woke up, he did not speak, but continued to digest the knowledge in his mind. About five or six minutes later, Simon and Ken woke up one after another.

"We'll digest the information in our heads later." Ying Fei said calmly, "Now, let's talk about you."

When the three of them heard this, they all looked at Ying Fei solemnly, waiting for his speech.

"First of all, it's your past."

"Before you met Xiaotian, you worked for the institute and dealt with the little wizard who was about to become Obscurus for them. This is all the information I know."

After Ying Fei finished speaking, he leaned forward slightly and said:

"But I want to know more."

The three looked at each other and decided to let Price explain.

"Then let me start with the institute itself..."

"The Institute of Biological Genetics was actually jointly invested by the Chinese government and several large chaebols. The government held less than one-seventh of the shares. But it was precisely because of the government's participation that they were able to recruit people like us. Special forces, and have the elite weapons in my hands."

"I don't know the other chaebols very well, but I'm sure they are all top forces."

"The institute is mainly composed of three departments, namely the experimental group responsible for scientific research, the logistics group responsible for logistics and child care, and the emergency response team responsible for handling emergencies, which are us members of the task force."

"The management between the three departments is very strict, and each other has no understanding of the other's specific work. Now it seems that they did this just to conceal the truth."

"However, the members of the experimental group are all top talents recruited from the outside world. I occasionally meet them and talk to them, but I don't feel that they have abused the little wizard..."

When talking about this, Price was also a little confused.

"As for the logistics team, I don't know how they entered the institute. They are usually responsible for taking care of the little wizards, and we rarely see them."

"Also, every new little wizard is sent in by the logistics team, and we don't know about it."

Ken added from the sidelines.

Ying Fei was silent for a while and said, "Let's talk about your task force."

"The emergency response team currently has three task forces, namely 141, which is responsible for combat, 153, which is responsible for protecting the institute, and 117, which performs special tasks."

·····Ask for flowers··········

"When Leon's daughter was rescued by you some time ago, the two members of 117 were responsible for guarding her."

"There isn't much communication or contact between our three task forces, and we don't know each other's missions, but our 141st team has the smallest number of people, and our 153rd team has the largest number of people."

At this point, Presley paused and said: "We have performed many tasks, most of which were to deal with experimental subjects who were about to become Obscurus, and a few of them were to accept instructions from superiors and kill some members of the experimental team who chose to resign. , as well as silencing those who discover the secrets of the institute.”

"The explanation given to us by the institute is that if the special energy exists in the human body, if it is leaked out, it will definitely be used by someone with ulterior motives, so we can only choose to kill those who know about it to avoid future troubles."

... .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Now that I think about it, we are the ones who don't know the truth. Those we killed probably got a glimpse of the institute's real experimental methods."

After Price finished speaking, he felt relieved.

After recalling his past memories and comparing them with the facts he learned now, Price felt like a mindless fighting machine being ordered around by the research institute.

Ying Fei didn't have much reaction. He had expected the institute to keep such confidentiality.

Without the 141 team, the institute might have long been known to the public.

"Then, let's talk about your current situation." Ying Fei said calmly, "Now, you have officially come into contact with the wizarding world and become a member of the wizarding world, but after all, you are not real wizards and will not be Partial wizard acceptance.”

"The information given to you should contain a description of the relationship between wizards and Muggles."

The three Prices thought about the information in their minds. Wizards' discrimination against Muggles has reached such an extent that it is difficult not to notice.

"Well, let me share my views on the relationship between wizards and Muggles."

Yingfei said naturally:

"First of all, I believe that wizards and Muggles are both members of the human race. There is no such thing as discrimination. The behavior of most wizards is very incorrect."

Hearing these words, the three people opposite were obviously relieved. After all, they were Muggles. If even Yingfei discriminated against them, there was no need for them to work hard for Yingfei.

Chapter 115 Astronomical Numbers

"Secondly, there is a plan within the Muggle government to eliminate wizards. As a wizard, I certainly don't approve of this plan."

"In other words, I don't want Muggles to eliminate wizards, nor do I want wizards to discriminate against Muggles; I am neither on the side of Muggles, nor on the side of wizards. Since you follow me, you must be clear about our position. --neutral."

"Of course, when I say neutral, I don't mean to do nothing, but to do everything."

"Sometimes, we help wizards, such as knocking down the institute."

"Sometimes, we will also help Muggles, such as killing wizards who are causing evil in the Muggle world."

"So, the targets of your future missions are not just Muggles, of course wizards are also included."

After hearing this, Price asked doubtfully: "The wizards have powerful magic, can we defeat them?"

"Of course. After all, wizards are human beings, and bullets can kill people." Ying Fei said, "But your equipment must be more than ordinary firearms. I'm already thinking about making equipment for you."

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