"The magic power used within 100 meters is only a little bit, and the sound of the gun is also very small. It's just that the recoil is too low and I'm not used to it." Ying Fei analyzed, "This scope still needs to be equipped with a lens base to block the surrounding light, otherwise It’s easy to affect accuracy.”

While he was analyzing, the little white wolf following him suddenly picked up the alchemy bullet casing that fell on the ground and swallowed it in one gulp!

"Hey, you can't eat this thing!" Ying Fei quickly picked it up and looked at it with a worried look.

This is shaped by magic power. The little white wolf is just an ordinary animal. If external magic power enters the body, it is likely to cause consequences similar to poisoning.

However, Ying Fei held it and looked at it for a long time and found nothing wrong with it.

Could it be that it is a magical animal? Did I pick up a big leak today?

"It would be great if there was a way to see if there is magic power in its body." Ying Fei was about to look at the textbook to see if there were any relevant records, but suddenly remembered that when the system was upgraded, a new magic detection function was added!

"System, that magic detection, isn't it said that it can mark out all magic things? I met so many people with magic today, why didn't there be any prompts?" Ying Fei asked in his mind.

"In order to avoid disturbing the normal life of the host, the magic detection function only prompts people who are hostile to the host." the system replied.

Ying Fei thought about it and realized that this was indeed the case. If all the magic power reminded him, he would be bored to death after entering Hogwarts.

"Then can I test others on my own?" Ying Fei asked.


Ying Fei nodded: "System, detect this little wolf cub."

"Ding, this target contains low-level magic power. The magic power is the same as the host."

"Damn it," Ying Fei looked at the little white wolf in surprise, "So you are really a magical animal!"

The little white wolf lay in his arms, looking at his master with a cute expression on his face.

"Isn't it said that magical animals can understand people?" Ying Fei wondered, "Can you understand me?"

The little white wolf shook his head.

"Don't you understand?" Ying Fei blurted out, "That's wrong! Why are you shaking your head if you don't understand!"*

Chapter 11 Hogwarts Express

"So, you are actually a magical animal?" Ying Fei looked seriously at the little white wolf in his arms, but the wolf cub didn't want to pay attention to him and turned away.

Ying Fei continued to ask: "So, you have been treated as an ordinary wolf by the store before, so you are very unhappy, so you attack people when you see them, so that's why the store hung that sign?"

Listening to his master's imaginative speech, the wolf cub rolled his eyes.

"That's not right. If that's the case, I didn't recognize you as a magical animal at first, right?"

"Then why did you choose to follow me?"

"Look, Cassandra is so rich and her family is so wealthy. She might be able to buy you a lot of high-quality meat sticks. Why don't you go with him?"

The wolf cub made no response and yawned.

Seeing that he couldn't ask anything else, Ying Fei put it down and let it go. Anyway, the wolf has been obtained, why do you care about him?

Back at the villa, Yingfei bought two Desert Eagle pistols from the system mall, transformed them into alchemy firearms overnight, and then frantically made bullets, two hundred rounds each of non-kinetic and kinetic ones, and then stayed up late to add more bullets. All kinds of curses.

There are mainly three kinds of spells: floating spell, ultimate fluorescent flash, and cutting spell.

Among them, the Floating Curse is equipped with non-kinetic energy bullets, which can make people float uncontrollably when hit on them, which is a method of control; the Ultimate Fluorescent Flash is equipped with non-kinetic energy bullets, which can explode with strong light and blinding range when hit anywhere. Everyone inside; the Cutting Curse is equipped with kinetic energy bullets. Needless to say, this is currently Yingfei's most powerful killing method besides gunpowder.

After all the bullets were filled with magic spells, Ying Fei was empty, lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

A night of silence.

"Damn, what the hell!" Ying Fei suddenly woke up and saw the little wolf cub lying next to his pillow, its fluffy tail constantly swiping at his face.

Ying Fei grabbed the wolf by the tail and asked, "Are you hungry?"

The wolf cub nodded.

Seeing it nod, Ying Fei glanced at the wall clock on the bedroom wall, okay, five o'clock in the morning!

With no other choice, Ying Fei had to get up early to prepare food for the wolf cub.

At 10:30 in the morning, Ying Fei, wearing a black trench coat for missions, brought the wolf cub and a cart of luggage, arrived at the door of King's Cross Station, and saw a green silhouette in front of him already waiting here.

"You're so slow," Cassandra sarcastically said, "Maybe your Animagus is a turtle?"

"Oh, I forgot! A mediocre person like you can't become an Animagus!"

After saying that, Cassandra saw that Ying Fei had no reaction, raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "You don't know what an Animagus is, do you?"

"Of course I know." Ying Fei said angrily. Although he could tell that the young lady in front of him was specially waiting for him, the ridicule still made him a little unhappy.

Cassandra pursed her lips and smiled, obviously not caring about Ying Fei's little mood: "Let's go, my two pets!"


Yingfei reluctantly followed Cassandra, and the two walked side by side, attracting the attention of most people along the way, because the two children were not only pushing big trolleys, but they were also handsome men and beautiful women, especially the two of them. He has an aristocratic aura and can make others feel ashamed with every move he makes.

Soon arriving between the ninth platform and the tenth platform, Cassandra turned around and asked: "You first or me first?"

Ying Fei shrugged and stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation: "Ladies first."

Cassandra smiled proudly: "Then let my sister give you an example."

After saying that, she pushed her luggage and walked quickly towards the pillar that connected platform nine and three-quarters. Just when she was about to bump into it, a group of people suddenly appeared in front of the pillar, blocking Ying Fei's view.

Not surprised by this, Ying Fei said to the little wolf cub sitting on the luggage: "If you are nervous, you can hold me?"

The little white wolf rolled his eyes and looked ahead with a bored expression.

Ying Fei was used to the little white wolf's attitude. He pushed up his luggage and walked directly to the pillar.

After his vision went dark, it suddenly dawned on him that an antique-like train was parked on the tracks, with the words "Hogwarts Express" written on it, and the platform next to it was marked with a sign of nine and three-quarters.

"Hey, get in the car quickly!" Cassandra was already waiting at the entrance of the carriage. After putting their luggage, the two found an empty carriage and sat down.

Putting the little white wolf aside, Ying Fei sat down with a tired look on his face.

Cassandra stretched out her hand to pet the little white wolf. For some reason, the little white wolf did not move away this time and allowed Cassandra to stroke it.

After teasing for a while, Cassandra turned to look at Ying Fei and asked, "Have you given it a name?"

"Name?" Ying Fei looked confused, "Can't we just call him Wolf Cub?"

Cassandra frowned: "Why are you so perfunctory? Think about it seriously!"

Ying Fei saw her like this and deliberately teased her, so he said: "emmmm, I see its ears are erect, its limbs are thick, and its white hair and silver eyes, why not call it..."

"Just what's it called?"

Ying Fei chuckled: "How about just calling me Goudan?"*

Chapter 12 Ciri and Hermione Granger

"..." Cassandra was speechless for a while, "It seems that I overestimated your literary quality."

"Really?" Ying Fei relaxed instead, "Then you can come up with a name. I'm just tired and need to take a nap."

"Please, this is your pet, okay." Cassandra felt helpless at Ying Fei's attitude, but Ying Fei ignored it. He leaned on the seat and closed his eyes.

"Oh, the name is useless." Cassandra taunted her daily, then reached out to hold the little white wolf on her lap. While reaching out and stroking its soft hair, she was thinking about something and turning her head from time to time to look at the person sitting next to her. Ying Fei was sleeping with a strange expression.

About an hour later, the carriage door was suddenly opened, and a little girl with curly hair walked in and asked loudly: "Have you seen a toad?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Hermione Granger suddenly discovered Ying Fei who was sleeping, and Cassandra next to him, who was staring at her with an angry look on her face. She quickly apologized in a low voice, "There is a student who lost his toad." Yes, let me help him look for it."

"We didn't see it." Cassandra was angry at the sudden intrusion of the reckless man in front of her and choked her, "Maybe you should go to the toilet to look for it and tidy up your hair in the meantime."

"Um..." Hermione was a little embarrassed, "My name is Hermione Granger. I'm sorry about what happened just now. If you didn't see it, I went to the next carriage." Hermione I knew it was my fault, so I didn't argue much.

But the girl just now was good-looking, but had a bit of a bad temper. The boy next to her couldn't see clearly, but she looked very handsome. These two were sitting so close to each other, could they be lovers?

"Oh, my God, falling in love at such a young age will affect their future! If you have the chance, maybe you can reflect this to the professor." Miss Hermione thought, "I am still too kind. They will be grateful to me in the future. of."

Kassandra watched the carriage door being closed and slapped Ying Fei on the shoulder: "Get up, I know you're awake."

"How do you know?" Ying Fei turned his head and looked confused. In fact, he woke up the moment Hermione opened the door and came in. During Yingfei's six years of wandering, he would inevitably encounter situations where he would be chased after killing his target. Therefore, in order to stay vigilant, his sleep had always been light, and the slightest movement would be enough to wake him up.

Cassandra rolled her eyes and pointed to Ying Fei's left hand on her thigh: "Don't tell me you didn't mean it."

"Hehe, let me tell you, why do your hands feel so warm when you sleep." Ying Fei laughed and muddled through, and quickly changed the subject, "What did the girl who came in just now say to you?"

Although he pretended that it was not intentional, Ying Fei still felt a little guilty. If Cassandra exposed him in front of Hermione just now, wouldn't he be regarded as a gangster and die directly from society in the next seven years?

"The girl just said she wanted to find a toad for someone else." Cassandra didn't dwell on the question. "If you ask me, she should take care of herself first. She's so reckless and has no tutoring at all. "

Although the words were a bit exaggerated, they were true. A young lady from a noble family like Cassandra couldn't stand this kind of disrespectful behavior. Coupled with Hermione's unkempt hair, she disliked her even more.

For Cassandra, etiquette is respect for others and is a very important part of life. Organizing one's appearance is also a reflection of respect for others. To sum it up in one sentence, it is: elegance, timeless. .

"By the way, I've already thought of a name for the little wolf cub!" Cassandra said excitedly, holding the little wolf cub in her arms.

"Really? Tell me."

"How about calling it Ciri?" Cassandra looked at Ying Fei, her green eyes filled with anticipation.

Ying Fei originally wanted to complain. Isn't this name a bad name in this country? Just a little better than John and Mike. But as soon as he saw the look in the girl's eyes, what he wanted to say was blocked. He opened his mouth and said:

"It sounds really nice. You have a talent for naming names!"

"Of course, it doesn't matter who I am." Cassandra accepted his compliments with peace of mind, "I am the future star of Slytherin House!"

Does the name have anything to do with this?

Ying Fei was complaining in his mind when he heard Cassandra ask: "Which college do you want to go to?"

Without waiting for Yingfei to answer, Cassandra added: "I will definitely enter Slytherin House, and you'd better come with me."

"But I am a student from a Muggle family. Doesn't Slytherin not recruit Muggles?" Ying Fei was helpless.

After hearing this, Kassandra put down Ciri, who had been holding her hand, and asked him seriously: "Do you know the Targaryen family?"

"What family?" Ying Fei asked strangely, "Why do you suddenly talk about this."

"Ciri is a magical animal, you know." Cassandra continued without answering.

Ying Fei instinctively felt that this might be an important matter, and immediately said: "I only found out about it last night."

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