The sound of slight footsteps reached Ying Fei's ears, one step, two steps...

He counted his steps silently, guessing the distance between this person and him based on the sound and the number of steps.

Seven meters...six meters...five meters!

It's now!

Ying Fei turned around quickly, pulled out two silver revolvers from his thighs with both hands, took a slight aim, and pulled the trigger directly!

"Bang bang bang...!"

A total of twelve bullets were fired at the old man with white hair, white beard and white robe in front of him. In fact, when he saw clearly that he was an old man in front of him, he felt that he might have misunderstood something, but by then his bullets had already been fired, and when the third When a bullet was about to hit the old man, a blue shield appeared in front of the old man. This shield directly changed Ying Fei's mind and let him shoot all the bullets in the gun.

"Oh, kid, you don't have to be so nervous." The old man was unscathed, but there was a crack in the shield in front of him.

Ying Fei did not relax his vigilance. With a shake of his right hand, a hidden sword from "Assassin's Creed" stretched out from the cuff of the windbreaker. Then, Ying Fei kicked his legs and rushed towards this strange old man!

The old man's expression did not change, he was still smiling.

Ying Fei's eyes narrowed and he thrust his sword towards the crack in the old man's shield. However, the sword blade got stuck in the crack and could not move forward even an inch.

Is this shield so strong? Yingfei couldn't help but think. He has three times the strength of an adult. This sword was specifically thrust into the gap, but it still couldn't break through the defense!

"Your behavior is very dangerous, child." The old man still had the same expression, as if he was not worried about any harm Ying Fei would cause him, "But what I want to say is that I don't have much ill will towards you."

Ying Fei looked at the old man. The old man's eyes were clear and he couldn't see anything.

But being frozen like this is not the answer, Ying Fei thought, and took back the hidden sword: "Who are you? Where did you come from? Why are you close to me?"

"Oh, yes, I forgot to introduce myself." The old man said with a smile, "I am Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Yingfei was confused at the time.

? ? ?

Dumbledore? Hogwarts?

I have been living in the world of "Harry Potter"?

"So the energy in my body is actually magic power?" Ying Fei murmured to himself.

"Oh? Do you already understand the differences between you and ordinary people?" Dumbledore heard what he said, "It seems that you have experienced the magic riot. I am here to send you an admission notice Book."

With that said, Dumbledore took out a letter from his arms and handed it to him.

Yingfei took the letter, looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar Hogwarts school badge on the envelope, and fell into deep thought for a moment.

Now that I've received the notification, does that mean I'm a wizard?

But my current physique and fighting style have nothing to do with wizards!

Suddenly, the system's voice sounded in Yingfei's mind.

"I came into contact with an item containing a small amount of special energy. It is being analyzed... After the analysis is completed, the system will automatically upgrade. It is expected to take 24 hours."

The system suddenly started to upgrade, which caught Ying Fei off guard. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. He never knew that the system could be upgraded before.

Seeing that Ying Fei remained silent for a long time, Dumbledore said, "Now that what I want to do has been completed, I want to understand what I saw you do."

Hearing this awkward remark, Ying Fei had a guess in his mind, but still asked: "What do you mean?"

"About why you shot a Muggle." Dumbledore's expression had turned cold. The actions of the young man in front of him reminded him of the mysterious man who caused trouble more than ten years ago. He was already used to it at such a young age. Killing, even when he just approached the teenager, he was shot.

At this time, Dumbledore had become hostile to Ying Fei. If this boy was a person like Voldemort, he would not mind killing him here.

Ying Fei was shocked, not because of Dumbledore's hostility, but because Dumbledore saw the whole process of him sniping down the target, which meant that he had been here a long time ago and he was not aware of it.

Is this the strength of the greatest wizard of this century?

"Why shoot a Muggle?" Ying Fei repeated Dumbledore's question, and then gave the answer: "It's simple, because he deserves to die."

Dumbledore frowned, this was more like what an Avenger should say.

However, before Dumbledore could respond, Ying Fei continued: "Come with me, you will understand why I said that."

Ying Fei turned around and glanced at the manor. The people there were panicking because of the death of their master. At this time, the manor was brightly lit. Withdrawing his gaze, Ying Fei walked directly down the mountain, signaling Dumbledore to follow with his eyes.

On the way, Yingfei and Dumbledore didn't say a word. Dumbledore didn't trust him at this time, and Yingfei didn't think he could gain Dumbledore's trust because he had just shot Dumbledore. On the contrary, he was also wary of Dumbledore.

Judging from the original work, Dumbledore cannot be said to be a bad guy, but he is definitely not a good guy.

In order to defeat Voldemort, Dumbledore continued to use others, such as Harry Potter. Harry was actually just an ordinary boy, but it was Dumbledore's continuous "training" that made him what Dumbledore expected. , loyal to his Savior. Another example is Severus Snape. Dumbledore knew clearly about Snape's feelings for Harry's mother. Not only did he not save Lily, he also asked him to protect Harry, completely ignoring Snape's thoughts. And Hagrid, this poor mixed-race giant was once called the most trusted person by Dumbledore, but whenever something happened, Dumbledore would naturally keep him away and not let him understand what he was doing.

But even though Dumbledore took advantage of many people, no one could say he was wrong. Because everything he did was for justice and to defeat Voldemort.

In order to defeat Voldemort, Dumbledore will do whatever it takes.

Because of this, Ying Fei was wary of Dumbledore. He was afraid that Dumbledore would kill him directly, and then he would really have no way to deal with it.

After a while, the two of them arrived at the entrance of the villa.

Yingfei didn't stop at all and stepped directly into the gate of the villa. Dumbledore followed him silently.

The manor was really big. Ying Fei searched in the hall for a long time before he found the entrance to the basement. At this time, the two guests in the villa were calling the police upstairs, and the other maids had escaped from this disgusting place, so no one stopped Ying Fei.

Ying Fei took Dumbledore into the basement.

As I walked down the escalator, I was greeted by a stench. Ying Fei took Dumbledore deeper, and about two minutes later, the two arrived at their destination.

This is an underground corridor, and the walls on both sides have been decorated into cells. There is only one bed and a basin in the cell, and the floor is covered with all kinds of filth. In each cell was a naked girl with shackles. These girls had no reaction to the two people who came in, and still sat there blankly.

There was also a wooden barrel at the entrance of the dungeon. The barrel was filled with stinky food residues. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to say swill. There is one such bucket every fifty meters, and it must be food for those girls.

The corridor stretches forward with no end in sight. With Ying Fei's eyesight, there were about fifty cells that could be seen clearly.

"This is what I told you, the reason why he should die." Ying Fei said with his back to Dumbledore. *

Confirmation from Dumbledore

"You mean, these Muggle girls are all locked up here by that person?" Dumbledore said with shock in his tone. He had never thought that such a thing would happen. Although most people in the wizarding world do not regard Muggles as normal people, these Muggles are still alive!

Is there any benefit to locking up our compatriots here? The principal said he couldn't understand.

"It's not just as simple as being imprisoned." Ying Fei saw the principal's confusion, "Human beings can be much more evil than you think."

After saying that, Ying Fei walked to the first cell, stretched out his hidden sword with his right hand, struck the iron door lock with the sword, pushed the door open and walked in.

A more disgusting smell came out than standing outside. Standing outside the cell would be blocked by the wall. Only the iron door like railings could let out the smell, but it was different when standing inside the cell.

Especially in the cell that Ying Fei entered, there was not only excrement on the floor, but also some unknown white viscous liquid. It looked like Lance and his guests had been there two hours ago.

"Hey!" Ying Fei frowned and endured the smell while greeting the girl sitting beside the bed.

The girl raised her head blankly, her delicate face covered with white dirt, but Ying Fei recognized her at a glance. She was the housekeeper he had seen in the sniper scope in the afternoon.

At this time, Bailey had no reaction to Ying Fei's sudden appearance. She just stared at him blankly, completely different from the one she had seen in the sniper scope in the afternoon.

"It's really... harmful..." Ying Fei never expected to meet a familiar person here. Looking at the girl in front of him, his face suddenly became ferocious, and he tightened Then he punched the wall next to him.

"What happened to this man?" Dumbledore asked doubtfully.

Ying Fei stepped out of the cell: "It's hopeless. Her personality has collapsed."

"?" Dumbledore looked confused, "What does it mean to have a personality breakdown?"

Ying Fei was silent for a while, then turned around and returned the way he came. At the same time, he said softly: "It means that she is broken."

Dumbledore still didn't quite understand what he meant, so he caught up and said, "I think she looks like she's been under the Imperius Curse."

"Maybe it's more serious than this." Ying Fei said, "People who are under the Imperius Curse still have some consciousness, right?"

"Ah, you are right..." Dumbledore nodded, then frowned and asked, "How do you know the Imperius Curse?"

Ying Fei ignored him. At this time, he was angry inside.

He thought that after killing Lance Klein, the people in the manor would naturally take advantage of the chaos and escape, but he didn't expect that the girls in the basement no longer had the consciousness to escape.

When Ying Fei came down, he noticed a lot of fresh shoe prints on the ground, like a standard shoe. Judging from the size of the shoe prints, there were more than three people who came down. It was obvious that the maids in the manor Came down before escaping. If they want to run away, the maids who have escaped outside should be happy to help them, but judging from the current situation, they have no intention of leaving here.

Even the girl named Bailey, the door in front of her had been opened, but she had no intention of walking out.

Ying Fei came upstairs. According to the information previously found, there was a hall in this manor where Rensi sold girls. There were many rooms around the hall so that guests could enjoy themselves after buying the goods they wanted. Enjoy, the two people Lens brought today should be here at this time.

Sure enough, as soon as I arrived at the door of the hall, I heard conversations inside.

"I have notified Sheriff Charlie to deal with Lance's death, but this manor will be gone in the future."

"All those maids ran away. Sooner or later, what happened here will be known."

"Hey! If you hadn't summoned all the guards, not a single maid would be able to escape."

"Okay, who knows if there will be another assassination, calling the guards around is the best way."

"What about the goods in the basement?"

"Give Charlie some money, let's divide the goods, and then let Charlie erase the evidence of our presence. Tomorrow's headline will be that the famous entrepreneur Lance Klein was assassinated at his home... "

"Evidence that a girl was imprisoned was found in his home?"

"That's right!"

"Hahahaha, Bill, you are the smart one!"

Ying Fei lay outside the door and eavesdropped for a while, then kicked the door in!

"Who!?" The guards on the perimeter reacted immediately and took out their pistols. Before they could take aim, Ying Fei had already crossed ten meters in front of him, and the hidden sword on his right arm was inserted directly into his head.

"Ah!!!" The guard screamed. The guard next to him finally reacted and fired a shot at Ying Fei. However, Ying Fei had already predicted it and dodged the bullet. He took out the revolver with his left hand and fired. He shot the opponent with a bullet. The guard's head exploded and he fell to the ground.

Quickly pulling out his hidden sword, Ying Fei used the guard's body as a shield and rushed towards the other guard.

"I don't think you need to be so violent." At this time, Dumbledore walked in, took out his wand and waved it lightly, and everyone who was still alive in the hall fainted, including the one who was screaming just now. Two middle-aged men.

Ying Fei turned to look at Dumbledore, stopped, threw away the bodies in his hands, and shot two more shots on Bill and Jack.

This time, Dumbledore did not question him. Instead, he stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, saying, "You're right, kid. You should let go of your kindness when facing these people."

Ying Fei glanced around. The guards who had pointed their guns at him just now were all lying on the ground sleeping soundly. He asked, "What kind of curse is this? Fainted?"

"It seems that you do have some understanding of the wizarding world." Dumbledore did not answer his question, "I wrongly blamed you before. You are indeed a person with justice in your heart. My child, I feel sorry for my previous rudeness. Feel sorry."

Seeing Dumbledore apologize, Ying Fei felt a little more relaxed. After all, no one wants to be an enemy of such a powerful wizard, especially since Yingfei is now in an awkward period where he can only summon ice. Facing Dumbledore, he has no chance of winning. *

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