
Neville suddenly fell down and got stuck on the second statue, but it was of no use.

Just as Neville was about to fall to the ground, the little wizard present suddenly heard a strange voice:


A ray of white light was seen shooting straight at Neville from behind. After the hit, Neville's falling speed slowed down significantly, and finally he slowly landed on the ground.

Everyone turned around and saw Ying Fei holding a silver pistol and turning it twice in his hand before inserting it back into the holster next to his thigh.

Mrs. Huo Qi looked at Ying Fei in surprise and asked, "Is that the alchemy tool you made just now?"

The other little wizards also looked at him in surprise, waiting for his answer.

"Yes." Ying Fei did not hide anything, "I modified Muggle firearms so that they can fire spells."

"What a genius idea!" Mrs. Huo Qi didn't know what a gun was, but that didn't stop her from being amazed by Ying Fei's alchemy gun. "Thank you for saving Neville, ten points for Slytherin!"

After saying that, Mrs. Hooch turned around and picked up Neville, and said: "Now I am taking Mr. Longbottom to the campus hospital. Please don't move around. When I come back, I don't want to see brooms flying in the sky."

Chapter 28 The chess player

Seeing Mrs. Huo Qi leaving, Ying Fei unhooked the gun holster on his back, threw it aside, casually found a clean lawn to lie down on, and began to catch up on his sleep.

Kassandra came up and asked, "How did you make that alchemy item? What is its specific use?"

At this time, the little wizards next to him also wanted to know this question, but they were not familiar with Ying Fei and were embarrassed to ask. So they pretended to check the broom and chat with their friends, but in fact they were paying attention to what was going on here.

But Yingfei didn't want to say it. Firstly, he didn't sleep last night and was really sleepy. Secondly, because there were so many people here, he wanted to hide his clumsiness, otherwise Voldemort would probably notice him when the news got out.

"I'm very sleepy now. I'll talk to you later." Ying Fei replied with his eyes closed.

Cassandra smiled and said: "The sun is so bright, how can you sleep?"

"You don't have to worry about it." When Yingfei was performing tasks in the past, in order to replenish sleep, he forced himself to sleep in various harsh environments, such as sleeping against a cliff, sleeping next to a garbage dump, and lying on a tree trunk. He has experienced sleeping on the ground and sleeping in the snow. The scorching sun in front of him can only be regarded as childish, and for him, it can even be called comfortable.

Seeing that he was really tired, Kassandra stopped talking and lay down against Ying Fei, closing her eyes to rest.

Not far away, Malfoy was flying into the sky with Neville's memory ball. Harry also took the broom and chased after him. Hermione shouted on the ground to stop it. Everything was developing in an orderly manner according to the plot.

The two lying non-plot characters here lay leisurely for half the class, and did not get up until Professor McGonagall took Harry away and Mrs. Hooch came back.

After the flying lesson, Yingfei had lunch with Cassandra and Malfoy. At the dinner table, she heard about Harry being introduced as a Seeker by Professor McGonagall. Malfoy looked dissatisfied:

"The way he is, when he gets on the court, he'll be beaten right away."

"If you have time, you can go to the trophy room and take a look." Ying Fei patted Malfoy on the shoulder, "There is a reason why you can't defeat him."

"Harry's father, James Potter, was an excellent Seeker when he was in school." Seeing Malfoy's confused look, Cassandra explained from the side, "There is his trophy in the showroom."

Malfoy looked disdainful: "When I am in my second year, I will definitely join the Quidditch team, and then I will beat Potter!"

Ying Fei's heart moved, and a plan came into being quietly.

He nodded pretending to be perfunctory and asked, "Why do you hate Harry Potter so much?"

"When school started, I introduced myself to him, but the Weasley next to him dared to laugh at my name, and that damn Potter actually refused my friendship because of a Weasley! So I hate him." Malfoy said angrily.

Ying Fei asked doubtfully: "Then why didn't you target Weasley? Instead, you targeted Harry?"

Malfoy snorted coldly and said with an extremely arrogant attitude: "Weasley? Is Weasley worthy?"

"Only a celebrity like Harry Potter is worthy of being my opponent!"

Ying Fei nodded in his mind, but shook his head on his face and said, "Your idea is still too childish. Why don't you try to drive a wedge between the two of them, and then bring Harry to our side?"

"You are now focused on opposing Harry, and the methods you have tried have basically failed. You have even helped him obtain the position of Seeker. So you should change your mind, not to fight against him, but to find ways to control him. Let him do what you want."

"I hope you can think like a real Slytherin, and a kid like Harry Potter is obviously not qualified to be Slytherin's opponent. You have to step out of the game and become a chess player. Rather than being a chess piece at the mercy of others.”

Malfoy fell into deep thought after hearing this. As he listened to Ying Fei's words, he seemed to recall the teachings his father Lucius had given him at home.

After a long while, he raised his head and looked at Ying Fei sincerely: "I understand, thank you for your advice, boss."

Yingfei nodded and continued eating his lunch.

Although Ying Fei taught Malfoy to be a chess player, in fact Malfoy was still a chess piece, but from now on, Malfoy's chess player changed from an illusory destiny to Ying Fei.

By teaching him like this, Yingfei can easily occupy the position of both teacher and friend in Malfoy's heart. However, Malfoy's character is indecisive, so if he doesn't understand anything, he will ask Yingfei, and Malfoy asks The question will definitely be related to Harry the Savior.

In this way, Yingfei can influence Harry's actions through Malfoy and gain information about the savior. If Malfoy successfully draws Harry to his side, it will be equivalent to controlling the savior. At that time, Yingfei will be able to influence Yingfei. Faye and Harry only have Dumbledore who occupies a huge place in Harry's heart.

This was actually a temporary plan that Ying Fei came up with, and its purpose was just to grasp the information about the savior and determine Voldemort's location from the side. The rest is more foreshadowing for the future.

So far, it seems to be consistent with the plan.

A smile appeared on Yingfei's lips, the first step to resist becoming Dumbledore's pawn, starting with the savior.

Chapter 29 Cassandra, the Curse Genius

There was a history of magic class in the afternoon. Ying Fei went back to the dormitory after lunch and put all his equipment, except for the hidden sword and two pistols, back into the system space. Then he picked up the textbooks for the afternoon and fed Ciri, who had been kept in the dormitory.

When he first entered the dormitory door, Yingfei was shocked by the scene inside. He saw shocking scratches everywhere on the bed, table, chairs, and walls, especially Yingfei's bed and the cotton in the quilt. All were turned out.

The culprit who caused all this was licking his paws gracefully next to him, and showed no reaction to Ying Fei who walked in.

Yingfei finally knew this time why Malfoy was so nervous and asked where he had been. It was because Ciri was here to tear down the family.

In order to prevent the wolf cub from continuing to be dismantled, Ying Fei had no choice but to pick it up and take it to the Charms class.

After all, Ciri is still small, only as big as an adult orange cat, so it won't be difficult to hold it in your hands.

"You're here." Kassandra was already in the classroom. She reached out to take Ciri from Ying Fei's arms and said, "We are the first ones to come. I really don't know how late they will be for this class. Man, although Professor Binns usually has a good temper, he hates students who are not punctual."

After hearing this, Ying Fei glanced around the classroom. Slytherin and Hufflepuff were in this class together. At this time, the little badgers were almost there, while the little snake was only halfway there.

Ying Fei joked: "You have entered the state of a prefect so quickly?"

"You have to take responsibility, don't you?" Cassandra replied, "I am very responsible. Unlike some people who stay up all night."

Ying Fei smiled awkwardly and said, "I wanted this position as a prefect just for fun. The real responsibility depends on you."

"Humph." Cassandra gave him a look of disdain.

Soon, the ghost of Hogwarts - Professor Binns floated in.

The students also arrived, and a few Slytherins entered the classroom with the bell ringing, which made Professor Binns very unhappy.

Ying Fei caught a glimpse of Cassandra writing down the names of the little wizards in the textbook with an unkind look on her face. She was secretly glad that she had a good relationship with Cassandra, otherwise he would have been punished after the first day of Transfiguration class.

At noon, he heard from Malfoy and the others that Cassandra punished three fourth-year students who deducted points for Slytherin in class on the first day. They were punished by staying outside that night and were not allowed to enter the dormitory. , and if Filch finds out, he will be punished with an additional penalty.

Those students wanted to resist, but Cassandra struck out with a disarming move. Their wands were knocked away before they even had time to react. I heard that they just got the wand from Cassandra this morning. Take back.

After everyone arrived, Professor Binns started class.

The history of magic itself is not boring.

What was boring was just the way Professor Binns lectured.

He is probably too old.

It is said that when Hogwarts was first established and he was still alive, the classes were quite lively and interesting. Even most of the little snakes in Slytherin praised him for his quick thinking and clear mind.

But now he can only use his breathy and drawling voice to repeat what he has said from the script without emotion and incessantly. He rarely communicates with students.

Ying Fei even felt that Professor Binns's voice was magical. Even he, who had been a student for two lives and was admitted as a top student in his previous life and who never slept in class, would actually feel excited when listening to his lectures. A sleepy desire.

What surprised him even more was that Cassandra next to him actually listened with interest!

"How do you stay so energetic?" Ying Fei asked in a low voice.

Kassandra glanced at him and said, "I only learned spells at home. I didn't study much on courses like the history of magic. I was more interested."

After hearing this, Ying Fei asked curiously: "What's your level of spells? I heard Malfoy said you know the disarming spell?"

Cassandra got excited when talking about this. She said proudly: "My father told me that girls like me should protect themselves outside, so I started learning magic spells from the day when there was a magic riot. Basically I know all the spells in the spell book in school."

"The most powerful spell I currently have is called the weather spell, which I learned by myself while reading books at home." Cassandra said, "It can summon dark clouds in the sky and use thunder to attack the enemy."

After hearing this, Ying Fei opened his mouth and was speechless.

He always felt that Cassandra in reality was definitely not as powerful as in the game, but the Cassandra in front of him was almost a replica of the game!

First graders know how to do large-scale field magic like weather spells! When he was her age, Dumbledore was still playing in the mud in some corner of the castle!

Ying Fei was stunned for a long time and then said: "What else are you studying here for? You can graduate directly!"

"Huh?" Cassandra expressed confusion, "I'm just good at magic. I haven't studied any courses like potions, transfiguration, history of magic, etc. I think I still need a lot. A place to learn.”

Yingfei had nothing to say after hearing this.

Is this the world of genius?

Is this Slytherin's shining star?

One word, absolutely! .

Chapter 30 Severus Snape, Alchemy

The History of Magic class was over, and Ying Fei went to Snape's office as Cassandra said.

Snape's office is located underground. It is said to be an office, but it is actually his potions laboratory.

When Ying Fei stood at the door of Snape's office, he knocked first respectfully.

"Please come in." Snape's cold voice came from inside, and Ying Fei opened the door directly and walked in.

Snape's office couldn't be described as luxurious, but it couldn't be described as shabby either. It had a high-end-looking table with exquisite cauldrons on it, and storage cabinets embedded in the wall, all neatly arranged. With all kinds of magic potions and materials.

Snape was sitting behind the table at this time, holding various utensils, and seemed to be refining something.

"I heard that you invented an alchemical item yourself?" Snape started talking about today's flying lesson.

"Yes." Ying Fei replied.

Snape looked up at him and said, "Sit down."

Ying Fei then pulled up a chair and sat down in front of him.

"What is the effect of that thing you invented?" Snape asked while carrying out the work at hand.

Ying Fei answered seriously: "I modified this based on a Muggle firearm. It can fire bullets containing magic spells, and the activation cost only requires a small amount of magic power. The magic spell in the bullets can be used by It can be filled by someone else, or it can be filled by someone else.”

Yingfei decided to explain his alchemical firearms to Snape. In fact, it was because he had some doubts about alchemy and wanted to ask Snape. Snape must know the basic functions of alchemical firearms, otherwise Snape Pu couldn't answer Ying Fei's doubts.

After hearing Ying Fei's answer, Snape raised his head and looked at him in surprise: "Ancient alchemy?"

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